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synced 2025-02-10 02:03:07 +01:00
495 lines
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495 lines
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#version 450
#extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable
#extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require
#ifdef FLOAT16
#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16 : require
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int16 : require
#include "types.comp"
#ifndef LOAD_VEC_A
#define LOAD_VEC_A 1
#ifndef LOAD_VEC_B
#define LOAD_VEC_B 1
layout(local_size_x_id = 0, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];};
layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer B {B_TYPE data_b[];};
layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];};
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
layout (binding = 3) readonly buffer IDS {int data_ids[];};
layout (push_constant) uniform parameter
uint M;
uint N;
uint K;
uint stride_a;
uint stride_b;
uint stride_d;
uint batch_stride_a;
uint batch_stride_b;
uint batch_stride_d;
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
uint nei0;
uint nei1;
uint nbi1;
uint ne11;
uint k_split;
uint ne02;
uint ne12;
uint broadcast2;
uint broadcast3;
} p;
layout (constant_id = 1) const uint BM = 64;
layout (constant_id = 2) const uint BN = 64;
layout (constant_id = 3) const uint BK = 16; // Assumed to be 32 if working with a quant
layout (constant_id = 4) const uint WM = 32;
layout (constant_id = 5) const uint WN = 32;
layout (constant_id = 6) const uint WMITER = 2;
layout (constant_id = 7) const uint TM = 4;
layout (constant_id = 8) const uint TN = 2;
layout (constant_id = 9) const uint WARP = 32;
shared FLOAT_TYPE buf_a[BM * (BK+1)];
shared FLOAT_TYPE buf_b[BN * (BK+1)];
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
shared u16vec2 row_ids[2048];
void main() {
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
const uint expert_idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z;
const uint batch_idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z;
const uint i13 = batch_idx / p.ne12;
const uint i12 = batch_idx % p.ne12;
const uint i03 = i13 / p.broadcast3;
const uint i02 = i12 / p.broadcast2;
const uint batch_idx_a = i03 * p.ne02 + i02;
const uint blocks_m = (p.M + BM - 1) / BM;
const uint ir = gl_WorkGroupID.x % blocks_m;
const uint ik = gl_WorkGroupID.x / blocks_m;
const uint ic = gl_WorkGroupID.y;
const uint warp_i = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / WARP;
const uint warp_r = warp_i % (BM / WM);
const uint warp_c = warp_i / (BM / WM);
const uint WNITER = (WM * WN) / (WARP * TM * TN * WMITER);
const uint WSUBM = WM / WMITER;
const uint WSUBN = WN / WNITER;
const uint tiw = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % WARP;
const uint tiwr = tiw % (WSUBM / TM);
const uint tiwc = tiw / (WSUBM / TM);
const uint loadr_a = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % (BK / LOAD_VEC_A);
const uint loadc_a = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / (BK / LOAD_VEC_A);
const uint loadr_b = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % (BK / LOAD_VEC_B);
const uint loadc_b = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / (BK / LOAD_VEC_B);
const uint loadstride_a = gl_WorkGroupSize.x * LOAD_VEC_A / BK;
const uint loadstride_b = gl_WorkGroupSize.x * LOAD_VEC_B / BK;
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
uint _ne1 = 0;
for (uint ii1 = 0; ii1 < p.nei1; ii1++) {
for (uint ii0 = 0; ii0 < p.nei0; ii0++) {
if (data_ids[ii1*p.nbi1 + ii0] == expert_idx) {
row_ids[_ne1] = u16vec2(ii0, ii1);
// Workgroup has no work
if (ic * BN >= _ne1) return;
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
const uint start_k = 0;
const uint end_k = p.K;
const uint start_k = ik * p.k_split;
const uint end_k = min(p.K, (ik + 1) * p.k_split);
uint pos_a = (
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
expert_idx * p.batch_stride_a +
batch_idx_a * p.batch_stride_a +
ir * BM * p.stride_a + start_k) / LOAD_VEC_A;
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
uint pos_b = 0;
uint pos_b = (batch_idx * p.batch_stride_b + ic * BN * p.stride_b + start_k) / LOAD_VEC_B;
float sums[WMITER * TM * WNITER * TN];
[[unroll]] for (uint i = 0; i < WMITER*TM*WNITER*TN; i++) {
sums[i] = 0.0f;
[[unroll]] for (uint block = start_k; block < end_k; block += BK) {
[[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < BM; l += loadstride_a) {
#if defined(DATA_A_F32) || defined(DATA_A_F16)
#if LOAD_VEC_A == 8
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].y);
buf_a[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].z);
buf_a[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].w);
buf_a[buf_idx + 4] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 5] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].y);
buf_a[buf_idx + 6] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].z);
buf_a[buf_idx + 7] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].w);
#elif LOAD_VEC_A == 4
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].y);
buf_a[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].z);
buf_a[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].w);
if (ir * BM + loadc_a + l < p.M && block + loadr_a < end_k) {
buf_a[(loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a + loadr_a]);
} else {
buf_a[(loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q4_0)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a;
const uint ib = idx / 16;
const uint iqs = idx & 0xF;
const float d = float(data_a[ib].d);
const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]);
const vec2 v = (vec2(vui & 0xF, vui >> 4) - 8.0f) * d;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q4_1)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a;
const uint ib = idx / 16;
const uint iqs = idx & 0xF;
const float d = float(data_a[ib].d);
const float m = float(data_a[ib].m);
const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]);
const vec2 v = vec2(vui & 0xF, vui >> 4) * d + m;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q5_0)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a;
const uint ib = idx / 16;
const uint iqs = idx & 0xF;
const float d = float(data_a[ib].d);
const uint uint_qh = uint(data_a[ib].qh[1]) << 16 | data_a[ib].qh[0];
const ivec2 qh = ivec2(((uint_qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10, (uint_qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10);
const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]);
const vec2 v = (vec2((vui & 0xF) | qh.x, (vui >> 4) | qh.y) - 16.0f) * d;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q5_1)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a;
const uint ib = idx / 16;
const uint iqs = idx & 0xF;
const float d = float(data_a[ib].d);
const float m = float(data_a[ib].m);
const uint uint_qh = data_a[ib].qh;
const ivec2 qh = ivec2(((uint_qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10, (uint_qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10);
const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]);
const vec2 v = vec2((vui & 0xF) | qh.x, (vui >> 4) | qh.y) * d + m;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q8_0)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
const uint ib = idx / 16;
const uint iqs = (idx & 0xF) * 2;
const float d = float(data_a[ib].d);
const vec2 v = vec2(int(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]), int(data_a[ib].qs[iqs + 1])) * d;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q2_K)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx
const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127
const uint qsi = (iqs / 64) * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..30
const uint scalesi = iqs / 8; // 0..15
const uint qsshift = ((iqs % 64) / 16) * 2; // 0,2,4,6
const uvec2 qs = uvec2(data_a[ib].qs[qsi], data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1]);
const uint scales = data_a[ib].scales[scalesi];
const vec2 d = vec2(data_a[ib].d);
const vec2 v = d.x * float(scales & 0xF) * vec2((qs >> qsshift) & 3) - d.y * float(scales >> 4);
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x);
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q3_K)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx
const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127
const uint n = iqs / 64; // 0,1
const uint qsi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..62
const uint hmi = (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..30
const uint j = (iqs % 64) / 4; // 0..3
const uint is = iqs / 8; // 0..15
const uint halfsplit = ((iqs % 64) / 16); // 0,1,2,3
const uint qsshift = halfsplit * 2; // 0,2,4,6
const uint m = 1 << (4 * n + halfsplit); // 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128
const int8_t us = int8_t(is < 4 ? (data_a[ib].scales[is-0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is+8] >> 0) & 3) << 4) :
is < 8 ? (data_a[ib].scales[is-0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is+4] >> 2) & 3) << 4) :
is < 12 ? (data_a[ib].scales[is-8] >> 4) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is+0] >> 4) & 3) << 4) :
(data_a[ib].scales[is-8] >> 4) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is-4] >> 6) & 3) << 4));
const float dl = float(data_a[ib].d) * float(us - 32);
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(dl * float(int8_t((data_a[ib].qs[qsi ] >> qsshift) & 3) - (((data_a[ib].hmask[hmi ] & m) != 0) ? 0 : 4)));
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(dl * float(int8_t((data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1] >> qsshift) & 3) - (((data_a[ib].hmask[hmi + 1] & m) != 0) ? 0 : 4)));
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q4_K)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx
const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127
const uint n = iqs / 32; // 0,1,2,3
const uint b = (iqs % 32) / 16; // 0,1
const uint is = 2 * n + b; // 0..7
const uint qsi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..126
const vec2 loadd = vec2(data_a[ib].d);
uint8_t sc;
uint8_t mbyte;
if (is < 4) {
sc = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is ] & 63);
mbyte = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 63);
} else {
sc = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is - 4] >> 6) << 4));
mbyte = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is ] >> 6) << 4));
const float d = loadd.x * sc;
const float m = loadd.y * mbyte;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi ] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) - m);
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) - m);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q5_K)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx
const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127
const uint n = iqs / 32; // 0,1,2,3
const uint b = (iqs % 32) / 16; // 0,1
const uint is = 2 * n + b; // 0..7
const uint qsi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..126
const uint qhi = (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..30
const uint8_t hm = uint8_t(1 << (iqs / 16));
const vec2 loadd = vec2(data_a[ib].d);
uint8_t sc;
uint8_t mbyte;
if (is < 4) {
sc = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is ] & 63);
mbyte = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 63);
} else {
sc = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is - 4] >> 6) << 4));
mbyte = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is ] >> 6) << 4));
const float d = loadd.x * sc;
const float m = loadd.y * mbyte;
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * (float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi ] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) + float((data_a[ib].qh[qhi ] & hm) != 0 ? 16 : 0)) - m);
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * (float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) + float((data_a[ib].qh[qhi + 1] & hm) != 0 ? 16 : 0)) - m);
#elif defined(DATA_A_Q6_K)
const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A;
const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx
const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127
const uint n = iqs / 64; // 0,1
const uint b = (iqs % 64) / 32; // 0,1
const uint is_b = (iqs % 16) / 8; // 0,1
const uint qhshift = ((iqs % 64) / 16) * 2; // 0,2,4,6
const uint is = 8 * n + qhshift + is_b; // 0..15
const uint qsi = n * 64 + (iqs % 32) * 2; // 0,2,4..126
const uint qhi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..62
const float dscale = float(data_a[ib].d) * float(data_a[ib].scales[is]);
buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(dscale * float(int8_t(((data_a[ib].ql[qsi ] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].qh[qhi ] >> qhshift) & 3) << 4)) - 32));
buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(dscale * float(int8_t(((data_a[ib].ql[qsi + 1] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].qh[qhi + 1] >> qhshift) & 3) << 4)) - 32));
[[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < BN; l += loadstride_b) {
#if LOAD_VEC_B == 8
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[ic * BN + loadc_b + l];
const uint idx = pos_b + row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + (row_idx.x % p.ne11) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b;
const uint idx = pos_b + (loadc_b + l) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b * LOAD_VEC_B;
buf_b[buf_idx + 0] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].x);
buf_b[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].y);
buf_b[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].z);
buf_b[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].w);
buf_b[buf_idx + 4] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].x);
buf_b[buf_idx + 5] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].y);
buf_b[buf_idx + 6] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].z);
buf_b[buf_idx + 7] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].w);
#elif LOAD_VEC_B == 4
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[ic * BN + loadc_b + l];
const uint idx = pos_b + row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + (row_idx.x % p.ne11) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b;
const uint idx = pos_b + (loadc_b + l) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b;
const uint buf_idx = (loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b * LOAD_VEC_B;
buf_b[buf_idx + 0] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].x);
buf_b[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].y);
buf_b[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].z);
buf_b[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].w);
#elif !MUL_MAT_ID
if (ic * BN + loadc_b + l < p.N && block + loadr_b < end_k) {
buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[pos_b + (loadc_b + l) * p.stride_b + loadr_b]);
} else {
buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f);
const uint row_i = ic * BN + loadc_b + l;
if (row_i < _ne1) {
const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[row_i];
buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[pos_b + row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_b + (row_idx.x % p.ne11) * p.stride_b + loadr_b]);
} else {
buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f);
pos_a += BK / LOAD_VEC_A;
pos_b += BK / LOAD_VEC_B;
for (uint i = 0; i < BK; i++) {
// Load from shared into cache
[[unroll]] for (uint wsir = 0; wsir < WMITER; wsir++) {
[[unroll]] for (uint j = 0; j < TM; j++) {
cache_a[wsir * TM + j] = buf_a[(warp_r * WM + wsir * WSUBM + tiwr * TM + j) * (BK+1) + i];
[[unroll]] for (uint wsic = 0; wsic < WNITER; wsic++) {
[[unroll]] for (uint j = 0; j < TN; j++) {
cache_b[wsic * TN + j] = buf_b[(warp_c * WN + wsic * WSUBN + tiwc * TN + j) * (BK+1) + i];
[[unroll]] for (uint wsic = 0; wsic < WNITER; wsic++) {
[[unroll]] for (uint wsir = 0; wsir < WMITER; wsir++) {
[[unroll]] for (uint cc = 0; cc < TN; cc++) {
[[unroll]] for (uint cr = 0; cr < TM; cr++) {
sums[(wsic * TN + cc) * (WMITER * TM) + wsir * TM + cr] += float(cache_a[wsir * TM + cr]) * float(cache_b[wsic * TN + cc]);
const uint dr = ir * BM + warp_r * WM;
const uint dc = ic * BN + warp_c * WN;
#ifndef MUL_MAT_ID
const uint offsets = batch_idx * p.batch_stride_d + ik * p.batch_stride_d * gl_NumWorkGroups.z;
[[unroll]] for (uint wsic = 0; wsic < WNITER; wsic++) {
[[unroll]] for (uint wsir = 0; wsir < WMITER; wsir++) {
const uint dr_warp = dr + wsir * WSUBM + tiwr * TM;
const uint dc_warp = dc + wsic * WSUBN + tiwc * TN;
[[unroll]] for (uint cc = 0; cc < TN; cc++) {
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
const uint row_i = dc_warp + cc;
if (row_i >= _ne1) break;
const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[row_i];
[[unroll]] for (uint cr = 0; cr < TM; cr++) {
#ifdef MUL_MAT_ID
data_d[row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_d + row_idx.x * p.stride_d + dr_warp + cr] = D_TYPE(sums[(wsic * TN + cc) * (WMITER * TM) + wsir * TM + cr]);
if (dr_warp + cr < p.M && dc_warp + cc < p.N) {
data_d[offsets + (dc_warp + cc) * p.stride_d + dr_warp + cr] = D_TYPE(sums[(wsic * TN + cc) * (WMITER * TM) + wsir * TM + cr]);