rem Get main script path from command line arguments
rem If the main script path was not specified, try the default paths
rem If the main script path was not found, tell the user how to specify it
echo The main script could not be found. Please provide the path to the main script as 1st argument to this script, or place the main script in one of the default locations:
exit /b 1
rem Default context, feel free to edit it
set"PROMPT_TEXT=Text transcript of a never ending dialog, where %USER_NAME% interacts with an AI assistant named %AI_NAME%. %AI_NAME% is helpful, kind, honest, friendly, good at writing and never fails to answer %USER_NAME%'s requests immediately and with details and precision. There are no annotations like (30 seconds passed...) or (to himself), just what %USER_NAME% and %AI_NAME% say aloud to each other. The dialog lasts for years, the entirety of it is shared below. It's 10000 pages long. The transcript only includes text, it does not include markup like HTML and Markdown."