import './styles.scss';
import { createApp, defineComponent, shallowRef, computed, h } from 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js';
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
import TextLineStream from 'textlinestream';
// math formula rendering
import 'katex/dist/katex.min.css';
import markdownItKatexGpt from './katex-gpt';
import markdownItKatexNormal from '@vscode/markdown-it-katex';
// code highlighting
import hljs from './highlight-config';
import daisyuiThemes from 'daisyui/src/theming/themes';
// ponyfill for missing ReadableStream asyncIterator on Safari
import { asyncIterator } from '@sec-ant/readable-stream/ponyfill/asyncIterator';
const isDev = import.meta.env.MODE === 'development';
// utility functions
const isString = (x) => !!x.toLowerCase;
const isBoolean = (x) => x === true || x === false;
const isNumeric = (n) => !isString(n) && !isNaN(n) && !isBoolean(n);
const escapeAttr = (str) => str.replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"');
const copyStr = (textToCopy) => {
// Navigator clipboard api needs a secure context (https)
if (navigator.clipboard && window.isSecureContext) {
} else {
// Use the 'out of viewport hidden text area' trick
const textArea = document.createElement('textarea');
textArea.value = textToCopy;
// Move textarea out of the viewport so it's not visible = 'absolute'; = '-999999px';
// constants
const BASE_URL = isDev
? (localStorage.getItem('base') || 'https://localhost:8080') // for debugging
: (new URL('.', document.baseURI).href).toString().replace(/\/$/, ''); // for production
console.log({ BASE_URL });
// Note: in order not to introduce breaking changes, please keep the same data type (number, string, etc) if you want to change the default value. Do not use null or undefined for default value.
apiKey: '',
systemMessage: 'You are a helpful assistant.',
showTokensPerSecond: false,
// make sure these default values are in sync with `common.h`
samplers: 'edkypmxt',
temperature: 0.8,
dynatemp_range: 0.0,
dynatemp_exponent: 1.0,
top_k: 40,
top_p: 0.95,
min_p: 0.05,
xtc_probability: 0.0,
xtc_threshold: 0.1,
typical_p: 1.0,
repeat_last_n: 64,
repeat_penalty: 1.0,
presence_penalty: 0.0,
frequency_penalty: 0.0,
dry_multiplier: 0.0,
dry_base: 1.75,
dry_allowed_length: 2,
dry_penalty_last_n: -1,
max_tokens: -1,
custom: '', // custom json-stringified object
const CONFIG_INFO = {
apiKey: 'Set the API Key if you are using --api-key option for the server.',
systemMessage: 'The starting message that defines how model should behave.',
samplers: 'The order at which samplers are applied, in simplified way. Default is "dkypmxt": dry->top_k->typ_p->top_p->min_p->xtc->temperature',
temperature: 'Controls the randomness of the generated text by affecting the probability distribution of the output tokens. Higher = more random, lower = more focused.',
dynatemp_range: 'Addon for the temperature sampler. The added value to the range of dynamic temperature, which adjusts probabilities by entropy of tokens.',
dynatemp_exponent: 'Addon for the temperature sampler. Smoothes out the probability redistribution based on the most probable token.',
top_k: 'Keeps only k top tokens.',
top_p: 'Limits tokens to those that together have a cumulative probability of at least p',
min_p: 'Limits tokens based on the minimum probability for a token to be considered, relative to the probability of the most likely token.',
xtc_probability: 'XTC sampler cuts out top tokens; this parameter controls the chance of cutting tokens at all. 0 disables XTC.',
xtc_threshold: 'XTC sampler cuts out top tokens; this parameter controls the token probability that is required to cut that token.',
typical_p: 'Sorts and limits tokens based on the difference between log-probability and entropy.',
repeat_last_n: 'Last n tokens to consider for penalizing repetition',
repeat_penalty: 'Controls the repetition of token sequences in the generated text',
presence_penalty: 'Limits tokens based on whether they appear in the output or not.',
frequency_penalty: 'Limits tokens based on how often they appear in the output.',
dry_multiplier: 'DRY sampling reduces repetition in generated text even across long contexts. This parameter sets the DRY sampling multiplier.',
dry_base: 'DRY sampling reduces repetition in generated text even across long contexts. This parameter sets the DRY sampling base value.',
dry_allowed_length: 'DRY sampling reduces repetition in generated text even across long contexts. This parameter sets the allowed length for DRY sampling.',
dry_penalty_last_n: 'DRY sampling reduces repetition in generated text even across long contexts. This parameter sets DRY penalty for the last n tokens.',
max_tokens: 'The maximum number of token per output.',
custom: '', // custom json-stringified object
// config keys having numeric value (i.e. temperature, top_k, top_p, etc)
const CONFIG_NUMERIC_KEYS = Object.entries(CONFIG_DEFAULT).filter(e => isNumeric(e[1])).map(e => e[0]);
// list of themes supported by daisyui
const THEMES = ['light', 'dark']
// make sure light & dark are always at the beginning
.concat(Object.keys(daisyuiThemes).filter(t => t !== 'light' && t !== 'dark'));
// markdown support
const VueMarkdown = defineComponent(
(props) => {
const md = shallowRef(new MarkdownIt({
breaks: true,
highlight: function (str, lang) { // Add highlight.js
if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
try {
return '