#!/bin/bash model_dir="/Users/cxt/model/llm/mobileVLM/MobileVLM-1.7B_processed" projector_name="mmproj-model-f16.gguf" llama_name="ggml-model-q4_k.gguf" img_dir="/Users/cxt/model/llm" img_name="demo.jpg" prompt="A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. USER: \nWho is the author of this book? \nAnswer the question using a single word or phrase. ASSISTANT:" # img_name="cat.jpeg" # prompt="A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. USER: \nWhat is in the image? ASSISTANT:" program_dir="build_64/bin" binName="llama-llava" n_threads=4 deviceDir="/data/local/tmp" saveDir="output" if [ ! -d ${saveDir} ]; then mkdir ${saveDir} fi function android_run() { # # copy resource into device # adb push ${model_dir}/${projector_name} ${deviceDir}/${projector_name} # adb push ${model_dir}/${llama_name} ${deviceDir}/${llama_name} adb push ${img_dir}/${img_name} ${deviceDir}/${img_name} # copy program into device adb push ${program_dir}/${binName} ${deviceDir}/${binName} adb shell "chmod 0777 ${deviceDir}/${binName}" # run adb shell "echo cd ${deviceDir} ${deviceDir}/${binName} \ -m ${deviceDir}/${llama_name} \ --mmproj ${deviceDir}/${projector_name} \ -t ${n_threads} \ --image ${deviceDir}/${img_name} \ -p \"${prompt}\" \ > ${deviceDir}/${modelName}_${projector_name}_${n_threads}_${img_name}.txt" adb shell "cd ${deviceDir}; pwd; ${deviceDir}/${binName} \ -m ${deviceDir}/${llama_name} \ --mmproj ${deviceDir}/${projector_name} \ -t ${n_threads} \ --image ${deviceDir}/${img_name} \ -p \"${prompt}\" \ >> ${deviceDir}/${modelName}_${projector_name}_${n_threads}_${img_name}.txt 2>&1" adb pull ${deviceDir}/${modelName}_${projector_name}_${n_threads}_${img_name}.txt ${saveDir} } android_run echo "android_run is Done!"