#ifdef NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG #endif #include "llama.h" #include "llama-grammar.h" #include <cassert> static const char * type_str(llama_gretype type) { switch (type) { case LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR"; case LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT"; case LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT"; case LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER"; case LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF"; case LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT"; case LLAMA_GRETYPE_END: return "LLAMA_GRETYPE_END"; default: return "?"; } } static void verify_parsing(const char *grammar_bytes, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>> expected, const std::vector<llama_grammar_element> &expected_rules) { uint32_t index = 0; llama_grammar_parser parsed_grammar; parsed_grammar.parse(grammar_bytes); std::map<uint32_t, std::string> symbol_names; for (auto it = parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.begin(); it != parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.end(); ++it) { symbol_names[it->second] = it->first; } auto print_all = [&]() { fprintf(stderr, " verify_parsing(R\"\"\"(%s)\"\"\", {\n", grammar_bytes); for (auto it = parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.begin(); it != parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.end(); ++it) { fprintf(stderr, " {\"%s\", %u},\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second); } fprintf(stderr, " }, {\n"); for (size_t i_rule = 0; i_rule < parsed_grammar.rules.size(); i_rule++) { fprintf(stderr, " // %s (index %zu)\n", symbol_names[i_rule].c_str(), i_rule); auto & rule = parsed_grammar.rules[i_rule]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rule.size(); i++) { std::string rule_str; fprintf(stderr, " {%s, ", type_str(rule[i].type)); if (rule[i].type == LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR || rule[i].type == LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT || rule[i].type == LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT || rule[i].type == LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER) { char c = rule[i].value; if (c == '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "'\\n'"); } else if (c == '\t') { fprintf(stderr, "'\\t'"); } else if (c == '\r') { fprintf(stderr, "'\\r'"); } else if (c == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "'\\0'"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "'%c'", c); } } else if (rule[i].type == LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF) { fprintf(stderr, "/* %s */ %u", symbol_names[rule[i].value].c_str(), rule[i].value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%u", rule[i].value); } fprintf(stderr, "},\n"); } } fprintf(stderr, " });\n"); }; if (getenv("TEST_GRAMMAR_PARSER_PRINT_ALL")) { print_all(); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return; } fprintf(stderr, "Testing grammar:%s\n", grammar_bytes); if (parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.size() != expected.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "Code to update expectation (set TEST_GRAMMAR_PARSER_PRINT_ALL=1 to print all):\n"); print_all(); assert(parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.size() == expected.size()); } for (auto it = parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.begin(); it != parsed_grammar.symbol_ids.end(); ++it) { std::string key = it->first; uint32_t value = it->second; std::pair<std::string, uint32_t> expected_pair = expected[index]; // pretty print error message before asserting if (expected_pair.first != key || expected_pair.second != value) { fprintf(stderr, "index: %u\n", index); fprintf(stderr, "expected_pair: %s, %u\n", expected_pair.first.c_str(), expected_pair.second); fprintf(stderr, "actual_pair: %s, %u\n", key.c_str(), value); fprintf(stderr, "expected_pair != actual_pair\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Code to update expectation (set TEST_GRAMMAR_PARSER_PRINT_ALL=1 to print all):\n"); print_all(); } assert(expected_pair.first == key && expected_pair.second == value); index++; } index = 0; for (auto rule : parsed_grammar.rules) { // compare rule to expected rule for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rule.size(); i++) { llama_grammar_element element = rule[i]; llama_grammar_element expected_element = expected_rules[index]; // pretty print error message before asserting if (expected_element.type != element.type || expected_element.value != element.value) { fprintf(stderr, "index: %u\n", index); fprintf(stderr, "expected_element: %s, %u\n", type_str(expected_element.type), expected_element.value); fprintf(stderr, "actual_element: %s, %u\n", type_str(element.type), element.value); fprintf(stderr, "expected_element != actual_element\n"); fprintf(stderr, "all elements:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Code to update expectation (set TEST_GRAMMAR_PARSER_PRINT_ALL=1 to print all):\n"); print_all(); } assert(expected_element.type == element.type && expected_element.value == element.value); index++; } } } static void verify_failure(const char * grammar_bytes) { fprintf(stderr, "Testing expected failure:%s\n", grammar_bytes); llama_grammar_parser result; result.parse(grammar_bytes); assert(result.rules.empty() && "should have failed"); } int main() { verify_failure(R"""( root ::= "a"{,}" )"""); verify_failure(R"""( root ::= "a"{,10}" )"""); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a" )""", { {"root", 0}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a" | [bdx-z] | [^1-3] )""", { {"root", 0}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'b'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, 'd'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, 'x'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, 'z'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT, '1'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, '3'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= a+ a ::= "a" )""", { {"a", 1}, {"root", 0}, {"root_2", 2}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* a */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_2 */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // a (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_2 (index 2) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* a */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_2 */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"+ )""", { {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= a? a ::= "a" )""", { {"a", 1}, {"root", 0}, {"root_2", 2}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_2 */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // a (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_2 (index 2) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* a */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"? )""", { {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= a* a ::= "a" )""", { {"a", 1}, {"root", 0}, {"root_2", 2}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_2 */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // a (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_2 (index 2) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* a */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_2 */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"* )""", { {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"{2} )""", { {"root", 0}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"{2,} )""", { {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"{ 4} )""", { {"root", 0}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= "a"{2,4} )""", { {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, {"root_2", 2}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_2 */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_2 (index 2) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= (expr "=" term "\n")+ expr ::= term ([-+*/] term)* term ::= [0-9]+ )""", { {"expr", 2}, {"expr_5", 5}, {"expr_6", 6}, {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, {"root_4", 4}, {"term", 3}, {"term_7", 7}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_4 */ 4}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '='}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '\n'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // expr (index 2) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr_6 */ 6}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // term (index 3) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '0'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, '9'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term_7 */ 7}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_4 (index 4) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_4 */ 4}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // expr_5 (index 5) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '-'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '+'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '*'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '/'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // expr_6 (index 6) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr_5 */ 5}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr_6 */ 6}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // term_7 (index 7) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '0'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, '9'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term_7 */ 7}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); verify_parsing(R"""( root ::= (expr "=" ws term "\n")+ expr ::= term ([-+*/] term)* term ::= ident | num | "(" ws expr ")" ws ident ::= [a-z] [a-z0-9_]* ws num ::= [0-9]+ ws ws ::= [ \t\n]* )""", { {"expr", 2}, {"expr_6", 6}, {"expr_7", 7}, {"ident", 8}, {"ident_10", 10}, {"num", 9}, {"num_11", 11}, {"root", 0}, {"root_1", 1}, {"root_5", 5}, {"term", 4}, {"ws", 3}, {"ws_12", 12}, }, { // root (index 0) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_5 */ 5}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_1 (index 1) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '='}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term */ 4}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '\n'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // expr (index 2) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term */ 4}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr_7 */ 7}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // ws (index 3) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws_12 */ 12}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // term (index 4) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ident */ 8}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* num */ 9}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '('}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr */ 2}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, ')'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // root_5 (index 5) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_1 */ 1}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* root_5 */ 5}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // expr_6 (index 6) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '-'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '+'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '*'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '/'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* term */ 4}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // expr_7 (index 7) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr_6 */ 6}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* expr_7 */ 7}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // ident (index 8) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, 'z'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ident_10 */ 10}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // num (index 9) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '0'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, '9'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* num_11 */ 11}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws */ 3}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // ident_10 (index 10) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, 'a'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, 'z'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '0'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, '9'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '_'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ident_10 */ 10}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // num_11 (index 11) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, '0'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, '9'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* num_11 */ 11}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, // ws_12 (index 12) {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR, ' '}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '\t'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT, '\n'}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, /* ws_12 */ 12}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}, {LLAMA_GRETYPE_END, 0}, }); return 0; }