function! Llm() let url = "" " Save the current cursor position let save_cursor = getpos('.') silent! %s/\n/\\n/g silent! %s/\t/\\t/g silent! %s/\\n$// " Get the content of the current buffer let buffer_content = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n") " Replace true newlines with "\n" let buffer_content = substitute(buffer_content, '\n', '\\n', 'g') " Trim leading/trailing whitespace let buffer_content = substitute(buffer_content, '^\s\+', '', '') let buffer_content = substitute(buffer_content, '\s\+$', '', '') " Create the JSON payload " can't escape backslash, \n gets replaced as \\n let json_payload = '{"prompt":"' . escape(buffer_content, '"/') . '","temp":0.72,"top_k":100,"top_p":0.73,"repeat_penalty":1.100000023841858,"n_predict":10,"stream":false}' let prompt_tmpfile = tempname() let response_tmpfile = tempname() call writefile([json_payload], prompt_tmpfile) " Define the curl command let curl_command = 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -o ' . shellescape(response_tmpfile) . ' -d @' . shellescape(prompt_tmpfile) . ' ' . url silent execute '!'.curl_command let response = join(readfile(response_tmpfile), '') let start_marker = '{"content":"' let end_marker = '","generation_settings' let content_start = stridx(response, start_marker) + len(start_marker) let content_end = stridx(response, end_marker, content_start) " Extract the content field from the response let content = strpart(response, content_start, content_end - content_start) " Insert the content at the cursor position call setline(line('.'), getline('.') . content) " Replace newline "\n" strings with actual newlines in the content silent! %s/\\n/\r/g " and tabs silent! %s/\\t/\t/g " and quote marks for C sources silent! %s/\\"/\"/g " Remove the temporary file call delete(prompt_tmpfile) call delete(response_tmpfile) endfunction command! Llm call Llm()