mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 02:03:07 +01:00
Prior to this commit, using a JSON Schema containing a string with `pattern` regular expression that uses top-level alternation (e.g. `"pattern": "^A|B|C|D$"`) would result in invalid JSON output from the constrained sampling grammar, because it ended up creating a grammar rule like this for the string: ``` thing ::= "\"" "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" "\"" space ``` Note that this rule will only match a starting quote for the "A" case, and will only match an ending quote for the "D" case, so this rule will always produce invalid JSON when used for sampling (that is, the JSON will always be lacking the starting quote, the ending quote, or both). This was fixed in a simple way by adding parentheses to the generated rule (for all string pattern rules, to keep it simple), such that the new generated rule looks like this (correct): ``` thing ::= "\"" ("A" | "B" | "C" | "D") "\"" space ```
836 lines
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836 lines
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// WARNING: This file was ported from json_schema_to_grammar.py, please fix bugs / add features there first.
const SPACE_RULE = '| " " | "\\n" [ \\t]{0,20}';
function _buildRepetition(itemRule, minItems, maxItems, opts={}) {
if (minItems === 0 && maxItems === 1) {
return `${itemRule}?`;
const separatorRule = opts.separatorRule ?? '';
const itemRuleIsLiteral = opts.itemRuleIsLiteral ?? false
if (separatorRule === '') {
if (minItems === 1 && maxItems === undefined) {
return `${itemRule}+`;
} else if (minItems === 0 && maxItems === undefined) {
return `${itemRule}*`;
} else {
return `${itemRule}{${minItems},${maxItems !== undefined ? maxItems : ''}}`;
const result = itemRule + ' ' + _buildRepetition(`(${separatorRule} ${itemRule})`, minItems > 0 ? minItems - 1 : 0, maxItems !== undefined ? maxItems - 1 : undefined);
return minItems === 0 ? `(${result})?` : result;
function _generateMinMaxInt(minValue, maxValue, out, decimalsLeft = 16, topLevel = true) {
const hasMin = minValue !== null;
const hasMax = maxValue !== null;
function digitRange(fromChar, toChar) {
if (fromChar === toChar) {
} else {
function moreDigits(minDigits, maxDigits) {
if (minDigits === maxDigits && minDigits === 1) {
if (maxDigits !== minDigits) {
if (maxDigits !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
function uniformRange(fromStr, toStr) {
let i = 0;
while (i < fromStr.length && fromStr[i] === toStr[i]) {
if (i > 0) {
out.push(fromStr.slice(0, i));
if (i < fromStr.length) {
if (i > 0) {
out.push(" ");
const subLen = fromStr.length - i - 1;
if (subLen > 0) {
const fromSub = fromStr.slice(i + 1);
const toSub = toStr.slice(i + 1);
const subZeros = "0".repeat(subLen);
const subNines = "9".repeat(subLen);
let toReached = false;
if (fromSub === subZeros) {
digitRange(fromStr[i], String.fromCharCode(toStr.charCodeAt(i) - 1));
out.push(" ");
moreDigits(subLen, subLen);
} else {
out.push("] ");
uniformRange(fromSub, subNines);
if (fromStr.charCodeAt(i) < toStr.charCodeAt(i) - 1) {
out.push(" | ");
if (toSub === subNines) {
digitRange(String.fromCharCode(fromStr.charCodeAt(i) + 1), toStr[i]);
toReached = true;
} else {
digitRange(String.fromCharCode(fromStr.charCodeAt(i) + 1), String.fromCharCode(toStr.charCodeAt(i) - 1));
out.push(" ");
moreDigits(subLen, subLen);
if (!toReached) {
out.push(" | ");
digitRange(toStr[i], toStr[i]);
out.push(" ");
uniformRange(subZeros, toSub);
} else {
if (hasMin && hasMax) {
if (minValue < 0 && maxValue < 0) {
out.push("\"-\" (");
_generateMinMaxInt(-maxValue, -minValue, out, decimalsLeft, true);
if (minValue < 0) {
out.push("\"-\" (");
_generateMinMaxInt(0, -minValue, out, decimalsLeft, true);
out.push(") | ");
minValue = 0;
let minS = minValue.toString();
const maxS = maxValue.toString();
const minDigits = minS.length;
const maxDigits = maxS.length;
for (let digits = minDigits; digits < maxDigits; digits++) {
uniformRange(minS, "9".repeat(digits));
minS = "1" + "0".repeat(digits);
out.push(" | ");
uniformRange(minS, maxS);
const lessDecimals = Math.max(decimalsLeft - 1, 1);
if (hasMin) {
if (minValue < 0) {
out.push("\"-\" (");
_generateMinMaxInt(null, -minValue, out, decimalsLeft, false);
out.push(") | [0] | [1-9] ");
moreDigits(0, decimalsLeft - 1);
} else if (minValue === 0) {
if (topLevel) {
out.push("[0] | [1-9] ");
moreDigits(0, lessDecimals);
} else {
moreDigits(1, decimalsLeft);
} else if (minValue <= 9) {
const c = minValue.toString();
const range_start = topLevel ? '1' : '0';
if (c > range_start) {
digitRange(range_start, String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) - 1));
out.push(" ");
moreDigits(1, lessDecimals);
out.push(" | ");
digitRange(c, "9");
out.push(" ");
moreDigits(0, lessDecimals);
} else {
const minS = minValue.toString();
const length = minS.length;
const c = minS[0];
if (c > "1") {
digitRange(topLevel ? "1" : "0", String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) - 1));
out.push(" ");
moreDigits(length, lessDecimals);
out.push(" | ");
digitRange(c, c);
out.push(" (");
_generateMinMaxInt(parseInt(minS.slice(1)), null, out, lessDecimals, false);
if (c < "9") {
out.push(" | ");
digitRange(String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 1), "9");
out.push(" ");
moreDigits(length - 1, lessDecimals);
if (hasMax) {
if (maxValue >= 0) {
if (topLevel) {
out.push("\"-\" [1-9] ");
moreDigits(0, lessDecimals);
out.push(" | ");
_generateMinMaxInt(0, maxValue, out, decimalsLeft, true);
} else {
out.push("\"-\" (");
_generateMinMaxInt(-maxValue, null, out, decimalsLeft, false);
throw new Error("At least one of minValue or maxValue must be set");
class BuiltinRule {
constructor(content, deps) {
this.content = content;
this.deps = deps || [];
boolean : new BuiltinRule('("true" | "false") space', []),
'decimal-part' : new BuiltinRule('[0-9]{1,16}', []),
'integral-part': new BuiltinRule('[0] | [1-9] [0-9]{0,15}', []),
number : new BuiltinRule('("-"? integral-part) ("." decimal-part)? ([eE] [-+]? integral-part)? space', ['integral-part', 'decimal-part']),
integer : new BuiltinRule('("-"? integral-part) space', ['integral-part']),
value : new BuiltinRule('object | array | string | number | boolean | null', ['object', 'array', 'string', 'number', 'boolean', 'null']),
object : new BuiltinRule('"{" space ( string ":" space value ("," space string ":" space value)* )? "}" space', ['string', 'value']),
array : new BuiltinRule('"[" space ( value ("," space value)* )? "]" space', ['value']),
uuid : new BuiltinRule('"\\"" [0-9a-fA-F]{8} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{12} "\\"" space', []),
char : new BuiltinRule(`[^"\\\\\\x7F\\x00-\\x1F] | [\\\\] (["\\\\bfnrt] | "u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4})`, []),
string : new BuiltinRule(`"\\"" char* "\\"" space`, ['char']),
null : new BuiltinRule('"null" space', []),
// TODO: support "uri", "email" string formats
'date' : new BuiltinRule('[0-9]{4} "-" ( "0" [1-9] | "1" [0-2] ) "-" ( \"0\" [1-9] | [1-2] [0-9] | "3" [0-1] )', []),
'time' : new BuiltinRule('([01] [0-9] | "2" [0-3]) ":" [0-5] [0-9] ":" [0-5] [0-9] ( "." [0-9]{3} )? ( "Z" | ( "+" | "-" ) ( [01] [0-9] | "2" [0-3] ) ":" [0-5] [0-9] )', []),
'date-time' : new BuiltinRule('date "T" time', ['date', 'time']),
'date-string' : new BuiltinRule('"\\"" date "\\"" space', ['date']),
'time-string' : new BuiltinRule('"\\"" time "\\"" space', ['time']),
'date-time-string': new BuiltinRule('"\\"" date-time "\\"" space', ['date-time']),
const INVALID_RULE_CHARS_RE = /[^\dA-Za-z-]+/g;
const GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE = /[\n\r"]/g;
const GRAMMAR_RANGE_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE = /[\n\r"\]\-\\]/g;
const GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPES = { '\r': '\\r', '\n': '\\n', '"': '\\"', '-': '\\-', ']': '\\]' };
const NON_LITERAL_SET = new Set('|.()[]{}*+?');
const ESCAPED_IN_REGEXPS_BUT_NOT_IN_LITERALS = new Set('^$.[]()|{}*+?');
export class SchemaConverter {
constructor(options) {
this._propOrder = options.prop_order || {};
this._allowFetch = options.allow_fetch || false;
this._dotall = options.dotall || false;
this._rules = {'space': SPACE_RULE};
this._refs = {};
this._refsBeingResolved = new Set();
_formatLiteral(literal) {
const escaped = literal.replace(
return `"${escaped}"`;
_formatRangeChar(literal) {
return JSON.stringify(literal).slice(1, -1).replace(
_addRule(name, rule) {
let escName = name.replace(INVALID_RULE_CHARS_RE, '-');
let key = escName;
if (escName in this._rules) {
if (this._rules[escName] === rule) {
return key;
let i = 0;
while ((`${escName}${i}` in this._rules) && (this._rules[`${escName}${i}`] !== rule)) {
i += 1;
key = `${escName}${i}`;
this._rules[key] = rule;
return key;
async resolveRefs(schema, url) {
const visit = async (n) => {
if (Array.isArray(n)) {
return Promise.all(n.map(visit));
} else if (typeof n === 'object' && n !== null) {
let ref = n.$ref;
let target;
if (ref !== undefined && !this._refs[ref]) {
if (ref.startsWith('https://')) {
if (!this._allowFetch) {
throw new Error('Fetching remote schemas is not allowed (use --allow-fetch for force)');
const fetch = (await import('node-fetch')).default;
const fragSplit = ref.split('#');
const baseUrl = fragSplit[0];
target = this._refs[baseUrl];
if (!target) {
target = await this.resolveRefs(await fetch(ref).then(res => res.json()), baseUrl);
this._refs[baseUrl] = target;
if (fragSplit.length === 1 || fragSplit[fragSplit.length - 1] === '') {
return target;
} else if (ref.startsWith('#/')) {
target = schema;
ref = `${url}${ref}`;
n.$ref = ref;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported ref ${ref}`);
const selectors = ref.split('#')[1].split('/').slice(1);
for (const sel of selectors) {
if (!target || !(sel in target)) {
throw new Error(`Error resolving ref ${ref}: ${sel} not in ${JSON.stringify(target)}`);
target = target[sel];
this._refs[ref] = target;
} else {
await Promise.all(Object.values(n).map(visit));
return n;
return visit(schema);
_generateUnionRule(name, altSchemas) {
return altSchemas
.map((altSchema, i) => this.visit(altSchema, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : 'alternative-'}${i}`))
.join(' | ');
_visitPattern(pattern, name) {
if (!pattern.startsWith('^') || !pattern.endsWith('$')) {
throw new Error('Pattern must start with "^" and end with "$"');
pattern = pattern.slice(1, -1);
const subRuleIds = {};
let i = 0;
const length = pattern.length;
const getDot = () => {
let rule;
if (this._dotall) {
rule = '[\\U00000000-\\U0010FFFF]';
} else {
// Accept any character... except \n and \r line break chars (\x0A and \xOD)
rule = '[^\\x0A\\x0D]';
return this._addRule('dot', rule);
const toRule = ([s, isLiteral]) => isLiteral ? "\"" + s + "\"" : s;
const transform = () => {
const start = i;
// For each component of this sequence, store its string representation and whether it's a literal.
// We only need a flat structure here to apply repetition operators to the last item, and
// to merge literals at the and (we're parsing grouped ( sequences ) recursively and don't treat '|' specially
// (GBNF's syntax is luckily very close to regular expressions!)
const seq = [];
const joinSeq = () => {
const ret = [];
for (const [isLiteral, g] of groupBy(seq, x => x[1])) {
if (isLiteral) {
ret.push([[...g].map(x => x[0]).join(''), true]);
} else {
if (ret.length === 1) {
return ret[0];
return [ret.map(x => toRule(x)).join(' '), false];
while (i < length) {
const c = pattern[i];
if (c === '.') {
seq.push([getDot(), false]);
i += 1;
} else if (c === '(') {
i += 1;
if (i < length) {
if (pattern[i] === '?') {
throw new Error(`Unsupported pattern syntax "${pattern[i]}" at index ${i} of /${pattern}/`);
seq.push([`(${toRule(transform())})`, false]);
} else if (c === ')') {
i += 1;
if (start <= 0 || pattern[start - 1] !== '(') {
throw new Error(`Unbalanced parentheses; start = ${start}, i = ${i}, pattern = ${pattern}`);
return joinSeq();
} else if (c === '[') {
let squareBrackets = c;
i += 1;
while (i < length && pattern[i] !== ']') {
if (pattern[i] === '\\') {
squareBrackets += pattern.slice(i, i + 2);
i += 2;
} else {
squareBrackets += pattern[i];
i += 1;
if (i >= length) {
throw new Error(`Unbalanced square brackets; start = ${start}, i = ${i}, pattern = ${pattern}`);
squareBrackets += ']';
i += 1;
seq.push([squareBrackets, false]);
} else if (c === '|') {
seq.push(['|', false]);
i += 1;
} else if (c === '*' || c === '+' || c === '?') {
seq[seq.length - 1] = [toRule(seq[seq.length - 1]) + c, false];
i += 1;
} else if (c === '{') {
let curlyBrackets = c;
i += 1;
while (i < length && pattern[i] !== '}') {
curlyBrackets += pattern[i];
i += 1;
if (i >= length) {
throw new Error(`Unbalanced curly brackets; start = ${start}, i = ${i}, pattern = ${pattern}`);
curlyBrackets += '}';
i += 1;
const nums = curlyBrackets.slice(1, -1).split(',').map(s => s.trim());
let minTimes, maxTimes;
if (nums.length === 1) {
minTimes = parseInt(nums[0], 10);
maxTimes = minTimes;
} else {
if (nums.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Invalid quantifier ${curlyBrackets}`);
minTimes = nums[0] ? parseInt(nums[0], 10) : 0;
maxTimes = nums[1] ? parseInt(nums[1], 10) : Infinity;
let [sub, subIsLiteral] = seq[seq.length - 1];
if (!subIsLiteral) {
let id = subRuleIds[sub];
if (id === undefined) {
id = this._addRule(`${name}-${Object.keys(subRuleIds).length + 1}`, sub);
subRuleIds[sub] = id;
sub = id;
seq[seq.length - 1] = [
_buildRepetition(subIsLiteral ? `"${sub}"` : sub, minTimes, maxTimes, {itemRuleIsLiteral: subIsLiteral}),
} else {
let literal = '';
while (i < length) {
if (pattern[i] === '\\' && i < length - 1) {
const next = pattern[i + 1];
i += 1;
literal += pattern[i];
i += 1;
} else {
literal += pattern.slice(i, i + 2);
i += 2;
} else if (pattern[i] === '"') {
literal += '\\"';
i += 1;
} else if (!NON_LITERAL_SET.has(pattern[i]) &&
(i === length - 1 || literal === '' || pattern[i + 1] === '.' || !NON_LITERAL_SET.has(pattern[i+1]))) {
literal += pattern[i];
i += 1;
} else {
if (literal !== '') {
seq.push([literal, true]);
return joinSeq();
return this._addRule(name, "\"\\\"\" (" + toRule(transform()) + ") \"\\\"\" space")
_notStrings(strings) {
class TrieNode {
constructor() {
this.children = {};
this.isEndOfString = false;
insert(str) {
let node = this;
for (const c of str) {
node = node.children[c] = node.children[c] || new TrieNode();
node.isEndOfString = true;
const trie = new TrieNode();
for (const s of strings) {
const charRuleName = this._addPrimitive('char', PRIMITIVE_RULES['char']);
const out = ['["] ( '];
const visit = (node) => {
const rejects = [];
let first = true;
for (const c of Object.keys(node.children).sort()) {
const child = node.children[c];
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
out.push(' | ');
if (Object.keys(child.children).length > 0) {
out.push(' (');
} else if (child.isEndOfString) {
out.push(` ${charRuleName}+`);
if (Object.keys(node.children).length > 0) {
if (!first) {
out.push(' | ');
out.push(`[^"${rejects.join('')}] ${charRuleName}*`);
out.push(` )${trie.isEndOfString ? '' : '?'} ["] space`);
return out.join('');
_resolveRef(ref) {
let refName = ref.split('/').pop();
if (!(refName in this._rules) && !this._refsBeingResolved.has(ref)) {
const resolved = this._refs[ref];
refName = this.visit(resolved, refName);
return refName;
_generateConstantRule(value) {
return this._formatLiteral(JSON.stringify(value));
visit(schema, name) {
const schemaType = schema.type;
const schemaFormat = schema.format;
const ruleName = name in RESERVED_NAMES ? name + '-' : name == '' ? 'root' : name;
const ref = schema.$ref;
if (ref !== undefined) {
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._resolveRef(ref));
} else if (schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf) {
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._generateUnionRule(name, schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf));
} else if (Array.isArray(schemaType)) {
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._generateUnionRule(name, schemaType.map(t => ({...schema, type: t}))));
} else if ('const' in schema) {
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._generateConstantRule(schema.const) + ' space');
} else if ('enum' in schema) {
const rule = '(' + schema.enum.map(v => this._generateConstantRule(v)).join(' | ') + ') space';
return this._addRule(ruleName, rule);
} else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'object') &&
('properties' in schema ||
('additionalProperties' in schema && schema.additionalProperties !== true))) {
const required = new Set(schema.required || []);
const properties = Object.entries(schema.properties ?? {});
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._buildObjectRule(properties, required, name, schema.additionalProperties));
} else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'object') && 'allOf' in schema) {
const required = new Set();
const properties = [];
const addComponent = (compSchema, isRequired) => {
const ref = compSchema.$ref;
if (ref !== undefined) {
compSchema = this._refs[ref];
if ('properties' in compSchema) {
for (const [propName, propSchema] of Object.entries(compSchema.properties)) {
properties.push([propName, propSchema]);
if (isRequired) {
for (const t of schema.allOf) {
if ('anyOf' in t) {
for (const tt of t.anyOf) {
addComponent(tt, false);
} else {
addComponent(t, true);
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._buildObjectRule(properties, required, name, null));
} else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'array') && ('items' in schema || 'prefixItems' in schema)) {
const items = schema.items ?? schema.prefixItems;
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
return this._addRule(
'"[" space ' +
items.map((item, i) => this.visit(item, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}tuple-${i}`)).join(' "," space ') +
' "]" space'
} else {
const itemRuleName = this.visit(items, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}item`);
const minItems = schema.minItems || 0;
const maxItems = schema.maxItems;
return this._addRule(ruleName, '"[" space ' + _buildRepetition(itemRuleName, minItems, maxItems, {separatorRule: '"," space'}) + ' "]" space');
} else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'string') && 'pattern' in schema) {
return this._visitPattern(schema.pattern, ruleName);
} else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'string') && /^uuid[1-5]?$/.test(schema.format || '')) {
return this._addPrimitive(
ruleName === 'root' ? 'root' : schemaFormat,
} else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'string') && `${schema.format}-string` in STRING_FORMAT_RULES) {
const primName = `${schema.format}-string`
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._addPrimitive(primName, STRING_FORMAT_RULES[primName]));
} else if (schemaType === 'string' && ('minLength' in schema || 'maxLength' in schema)) {
const charRuleName = this._addPrimitive('char', PRIMITIVE_RULES['char']);
const minLen = schema.minLength || 0;
const maxLen = schema.maxLength;
return this._addRule(ruleName, '"\\\"" ' + _buildRepetition(charRuleName, minLen, maxLen) + ' "\\\"" space');
} else if (schemaType === 'integer' && ('minimum' in schema || 'exclusiveMinimum' in schema || 'maximum' in schema || 'exclusiveMaximum' in schema)) {
let minValue = null;
let maxValue = null;
if ('minimum' in schema) {
minValue = schema.minimum;
} else if ('exclusiveMinimum' in schema) {
minValue = schema.exclusiveMinimum + 1;
if ('maximum' in schema) {
maxValue = schema.maximum;
} else if ('exclusiveMaximum' in schema) {
maxValue = schema.exclusiveMaximum - 1;
const out = ["("];
_generateMinMaxInt(minValue, maxValue, out);
out.push(") space");
return this._addRule(ruleName, out.join(''));
} else if ((schemaType === 'object') || (Object.keys(schema).length === 0)) {
return this._addRule(ruleName, this._addPrimitive('object', PRIMITIVE_RULES['object']));
} else {
if (!(schemaType in PRIMITIVE_RULES)) {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized schema: ${JSON.stringify(schema)}`);
// TODO: support minimum, maximum, exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum at least for zero
return this._addPrimitive(ruleName === 'root' ? 'root' : schemaType, PRIMITIVE_RULES[schemaType]);
_addPrimitive(name, rule) {
let n = this._addRule(name, rule.content);
for (const dep of rule.deps) {
const depRule = PRIMITIVE_RULES[dep] || STRING_FORMAT_RULES[dep];
if (!depRule) {
throw new Error(`Rule ${dep} not known`);
if (!(dep in this._rules)) {
this._addPrimitive(dep, depRule);
return n;
_buildObjectRule(properties, required, name, additionalProperties) {
const propOrder = this._propOrder;
// sort by position in prop_order (if specified) then by original order
const sortedProps = properties.map(([k]) => k).sort((a, b) => {
const orderA = propOrder[a] || Infinity;
const orderB = propOrder[b] || Infinity;
return orderA - orderB || properties.findIndex(([k]) => k === a) - properties.findIndex(([k]) => k === b);
const propKvRuleNames = {};
for (const [propName, propSchema] of properties) {
const propRuleName = this.visit(propSchema, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}${propName}`);
propKvRuleNames[propName] = this._addRule(
`${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}${propName}-kv`,
`${this._formatLiteral(JSON.stringify(propName))} space ":" space ${propRuleName}`
const requiredProps = sortedProps.filter(k => required.has(k));
const optionalProps = sortedProps.filter(k => !required.has(k));
if (additionalProperties) {
const subName = `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}additional`;
const valueRule =
additionalProperties != null && typeof additionalProperties === 'object' ? this.visit(additionalProperties, `${subName}-value`)
: this._addPrimitive('value', PRIMITIVE_RULES['value']);
const key_rule =
sortedProps.length === 0 ? this._addPrimitive('string', PRIMITIVE_RULES['string'])
: this._addRule(`${subName}-k`, this._notStrings(sortedProps));
propKvRuleNames['*'] = this._addRule(
`${key_rule} ":" space ${valueRule}`);
let rule = '"{" space ';
rule += requiredProps.map(k => propKvRuleNames[k]).join(' "," space ');
if (optionalProps.length > 0) {
rule += ' (';
if (requiredProps.length > 0) {
rule += ' "," space ( ';
const getRecursiveRefs = (ks, firstIsOptional) => {
const [k, ...rest] = ks;
const kvRuleName = propKvRuleNames[k];
let res;
const commaRef = `( "," space ${kvRuleName} )`;
if (firstIsOptional) {
res = commaRef + (k === '*' ? '*' : '?');
} else {
res = kvRuleName + (k === '*' ? ' ' + commaRef + '*' : '');
if (rest.length > 0) {
res += ' ' + this._addRule(
`${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}${k}-rest`,
getRecursiveRefs(rest, true)
return res;
rule += optionalProps.map((_, i) => getRecursiveRefs(optionalProps.slice(i), false)).join(' | ');
if (requiredProps.length > 0) {
rule += ' )';
rule += ' )?';
rule += ' "}" space';
return rule;
formatGrammar() {
let grammar = '';
for (const [name, rule] of Object.entries(this._rules).sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b))) {
grammar += `${name} ::= ${rule}\n`;
return grammar;
// Helper function to group elements by a key function
function* groupBy(iterable, keyFn) {
let lastKey = null;
let group = [];
for (const element of iterable) {
const key = keyFn(element);
if (lastKey !== null && key !== lastKey) {
yield [lastKey, group];
group = [];
lastKey = key;
if (group.length > 0) {
yield [lastKey, group];