2023-12-13 06:26:46 +01:00
import os
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
import html
import json
import random
import time
from pathlib import Path
import gradio as gr
from modules import chat , shared , ui_chat
from modules . logging_colors import logger
from modules . ui import create_refresh_button
from modules . utils import gradio
try :
from TTS . api import TTS
2023-11-21 03:33:29 +01:00
from TTS . utils . synthesizer import Synthesizer
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
except ModuleNotFoundError :
logger . error (
" Could not find the TTS module. Make sure to install the requirements for the coqui_tts extension. "
" \n "
2023-11-21 12:30:50 +01:00
" \n Linux / Mac: \n pip install -r extensions/coqui_tts/requirements.txt \n "
" \n Windows: \n pip install -r extensions \\ coqui_tts \\ requirements.txt \n "
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
" \n "
" If you used the one-click installer, paste the command above in the terminal window launched after running the \" cmd_ \" script. On Windows, that ' s \" cmd_windows.bat \" . "
2023-12-13 06:26:46 +01:00
os . environ [ " COQUI_TOS_AGREED " ] = " 1 "
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
params = {
" activate " : True ,
" autoplay " : True ,
" show_text " : False ,
2023-11-21 03:33:29 +01:00
" remove_trailing_dots " : False ,
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
" voice " : " female_01.wav " ,
" language " : " English " ,
" model_name " : " tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v2 " ,
" device " : " cuda "
this_dir = str ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent . resolve ( ) )
model = None
with open ( Path ( f " { this_dir } /languages.json " ) , encoding = ' utf8 ' ) as f :
languages = json . load ( f )
def get_available_voices ( ) :
return sorted ( [ voice . name for voice in Path ( f " { this_dir } /voices " ) . glob ( " *.wav " ) ] )
def preprocess ( raw_input ) :
raw_input = html . unescape ( raw_input )
# raw_input = raw_input.strip("\"")
return raw_input
2023-11-21 03:33:29 +01:00
def new_split_into_sentences ( self , text ) :
sentences = self . seg . segment ( text )
if params [ ' remove_trailing_dots ' ] :
sentences_without_dots = [ ]
for sentence in sentences :
if sentence . endswith ( ' . ' ) and not sentence . endswith ( ' ... ' ) :
sentence = sentence [ : - 1 ]
sentences_without_dots . append ( sentence )
return sentences_without_dots
else :
return sentences
Synthesizer . split_into_sentences = new_split_into_sentences
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
def load_model ( ) :
model = TTS ( params [ " model_name " ] ) . to ( params [ " device " ] )
return model
def remove_tts_from_history ( history ) :
for i , entry in enumerate ( history [ ' internal ' ] ) :
history [ ' visible ' ] [ i ] = [ history [ ' visible ' ] [ i ] [ 0 ] , entry [ 1 ] ]
return history
def toggle_text_in_history ( history ) :
for i , entry in enumerate ( history [ ' visible ' ] ) :
visible_reply = entry [ 1 ]
if visible_reply . startswith ( ' <audio ' ) :
if params [ ' show_text ' ] :
reply = history [ ' internal ' ] [ i ] [ 1 ]
history [ ' visible ' ] [ i ] = [ history [ ' visible ' ] [ i ] [ 0 ] , f " { visible_reply . split ( ' </audio> ' ) [ 0 ] } </audio> \n \n { reply } " ]
else :
history [ ' visible ' ] [ i ] = [ history [ ' visible ' ] [ i ] [ 0 ] , f " { visible_reply . split ( ' </audio> ' ) [ 0 ] } </audio> " ]
return history
def random_sentence ( ) :
with open ( Path ( " extensions/coqui_tts/harvard_sentences.txt " ) ) as f :
return random . choice ( list ( f ) )
def voice_preview ( string ) :
string = html . unescape ( string ) or random_sentence ( )
output_file = Path ( ' extensions/coqui_tts/outputs/voice_preview.wav ' )
model . tts_to_file (
text = string ,
file_path = output_file ,
speaker_wav = [ f " { this_dir } /voices/ { params [ ' voice ' ] } " ] ,
language = languages [ params [ " language " ] ]
return f ' <audio src= " file/ { output_file . as_posix ( ) } ? { int ( time . time ( ) ) } " controls autoplay></audio> '
def history_modifier ( history ) :
# Remove autoplay from the last reply
if len ( history [ ' internal ' ] ) > 0 :
history [ ' visible ' ] [ - 1 ] = [
history [ ' visible ' ] [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] ,
history [ ' visible ' ] [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] . replace ( ' controls autoplay> ' , ' controls> ' )
return history
def state_modifier ( state ) :
if not params [ ' activate ' ] :
return state
state [ ' stream ' ] = False
return state
def input_modifier ( string , state ) :
if not params [ ' activate ' ] :
return string
shared . processing_message = " *Is recording a voice message...* "
return string
def output_modifier ( string , state ) :
if not params [ ' activate ' ] :
return string
original_string = string
string = preprocess ( html . unescape ( string ) )
if string == ' ' :
string = ' *Empty reply, try regenerating* '
else :
output_file = Path ( f ' extensions/coqui_tts/outputs/ { state [ " character_menu " ] } _ { int ( time . time ( ) ) } .wav ' )
model . tts_to_file (
text = string ,
file_path = output_file ,
speaker_wav = [ f " { this_dir } /voices/ { params [ ' voice ' ] } " ] ,
language = languages [ params [ " language " ] ]
autoplay = ' autoplay ' if params [ ' autoplay ' ] else ' '
string = f ' <audio src= " file/ { output_file . as_posix ( ) } " controls { autoplay } ></audio> '
if params [ ' show_text ' ] :
string + = f ' \n \n { original_string } '
shared . processing_message = " *Is typing...* "
return string
def custom_css ( ) :
path_to_css = Path ( f " { this_dir } /style.css " )
return open ( path_to_css , ' r ' ) . read ( )
def setup ( ) :
global model
print ( " [XTTS] Loading XTTS... " )
model = load_model ( )
print ( " [XTTS] Done! " )
Path ( f " { this_dir } /outputs " ) . mkdir ( parents = True , exist_ok = True )
def ui ( ) :
with gr . Accordion ( " Coqui TTS (XTTSv2) " ) :
with gr . Row ( ) :
activate = gr . Checkbox ( value = params [ ' activate ' ] , label = ' Activate TTS ' )
autoplay = gr . Checkbox ( value = params [ ' autoplay ' ] , label = ' Play TTS automatically ' )
with gr . Row ( ) :
show_text = gr . Checkbox ( value = params [ ' show_text ' ] , label = ' Show message text under audio player ' )
2023-11-21 03:33:29 +01:00
remove_trailing_dots = gr . Checkbox ( value = params [ ' remove_trailing_dots ' ] , label = ' Remove trailing " . " from text segments before converting to audio ' )
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
with gr . Row ( ) :
with gr . Row ( ) :
voice = gr . Dropdown ( get_available_voices ( ) , label = " Voice wav " , value = params [ " voice " ] )
create_refresh_button ( voice , lambda : None , lambda : { ' choices ' : get_available_voices ( ) , ' value ' : params [ " voice " ] } , ' refresh-button ' )
language = gr . Dropdown ( languages . keys ( ) , label = " Language " , value = params [ " language " ] )
with gr . Row ( ) :
preview_text = gr . Text ( show_label = False , placeholder = " Preview text " , elem_id = " silero_preview_text " )
preview_play = gr . Button ( " Preview " )
preview_audio = gr . HTML ( visible = False )
with gr . Row ( ) :
convert = gr . Button ( ' Permanently replace audios with the message texts ' )
convert_cancel = gr . Button ( ' Cancel ' , visible = False )
convert_confirm = gr . Button ( ' Confirm (cannot be undone) ' , variant = " stop " , visible = False )
# Convert history with confirmation
convert_arr = [ convert_confirm , convert , convert_cancel ]
convert . click ( lambda : [ gr . update ( visible = True ) , gr . update ( visible = False ) , gr . update ( visible = True ) ] , None , convert_arr )
convert_confirm . click (
lambda : [ gr . update ( visible = False ) , gr . update ( visible = True ) , gr . update ( visible = False ) ] , None , convert_arr ) . then (
remove_tts_from_history , gradio ( ' history ' ) , gradio ( ' history ' ) ) . then (
chat . save_history , gradio ( ' history ' , ' unique_id ' , ' character_menu ' , ' mode ' ) , None ) . then (
chat . redraw_html , gradio ( ui_chat . reload_arr ) , gradio ( ' display ' ) )
convert_cancel . click ( lambda : [ gr . update ( visible = False ) , gr . update ( visible = True ) , gr . update ( visible = False ) ] , None , convert_arr )
# Toggle message text in history
show_text . change (
lambda x : params . update ( { " show_text " : x } ) , show_text , None ) . then (
toggle_text_in_history , gradio ( ' history ' ) , gradio ( ' history ' ) ) . then (
chat . save_history , gradio ( ' history ' , ' unique_id ' , ' character_menu ' , ' mode ' ) , None ) . then (
chat . redraw_html , gradio ( ui_chat . reload_arr ) , gradio ( ' display ' ) )
# Event functions to update the parameters in the backend
activate . change ( lambda x : params . update ( { " activate " : x } ) , activate , None )
autoplay . change ( lambda x : params . update ( { " autoplay " : x } ) , autoplay , None )
2023-11-21 03:33:29 +01:00
remove_trailing_dots . change ( lambda x : params . update ( { " remove_trailing_dots " : x } ) , remove_trailing_dots , None )
2023-11-21 02:37:52 +01:00
voice . change ( lambda x : params . update ( { " voice " : x } ) , voice , None )
language . change ( lambda x : params . update ( { " language " : x } ) , language , None )
# Play preview
preview_text . submit ( voice_preview , preview_text , preview_audio )
preview_play . click ( voice_preview , preview_text , preview_audio )