import functools import html import os import re import time from pathlib import Path import markdown from PIL import Image, ImageOps from modules import shared from modules.utils import get_available_chat_styles # This is to store the paths to the thumbnails of the profile pictures image_cache = {} with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / '../css/html_readable_style.css', 'r') as f: readable_css = with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / '../css/html_instruct_style.css', 'r') as f: instruct_css = # Custom chat styles chat_styles = {} for k in get_available_chat_styles(): chat_styles[k] = open(Path(f'css/chat_style-{k}.css'), 'r').read() # Handle styles that derive from other styles for k in chat_styles: lines = chat_styles[k].split('\n') input_string = lines[0] match ='chat_style-([a-z\-]*)\.css', input_string) if match: style = chat_styles[k] = chat_styles.get(style, '') + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(lines[1:]) def fix_newlines(string): string = string.replace('\n', '\n\n') string = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", string) string = string.strip() return string def replace_quotes(text): # Define a list of quote pairs (opening and closing), using HTML entities quote_pairs = [ ('"', '"'), # Double quotes ('“', '”'), # Unicode left and right double quotation marks ('‘', '’'), # Unicode left and right single quotation marks ('«', '»'), # French quotes ('„', '“'), # German quotes ('‘', '’'), # Alternative single quotes ('“', '”'), # Unicode quotes (numeric entities) ('“', '”'), # Unicode quotes (hex entities) ] # Create a regex pattern that matches any of the quote pairs, including newlines pattern = '|'.join(f'({re.escape(open_q)})(.*?)({re.escape(close_q)})' for open_q, close_q in quote_pairs) # Replace matched patterns with tags, keeping original quotes replaced_text = re.sub(pattern, lambda m: f'{}{}{}', text, flags=re.DOTALL) return replaced_text def replace_blockquote(m): return'\n', '\n> ').replace('\\begin{blockquote}', '').replace('\\end{blockquote}', '') def add_long_list_class(html): ''' Adds a long-list class to