import base64 import io import re from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr import as chat import modules.shared as shared import requests import torch from PIL import Image torch._C._jit_set_profiling_mode(False) # parameters which can be customized in settings.json of webui params = { 'enable_SD_api': False, 'address': '', 'save_img': False, 'SD_model': 'NeverEndingDream', # not really used right now 'prompt_prefix': '(Masterpiece:1.1), (solo:1.3), detailed, intricate, colorful', 'negative_prompt': '(worst quality, low quality:1.3)', 'side_length': 512, 'restore_faces': False } SD_models = ['NeverEndingDream'] # TODO: get with http://{address}}/sdapi/v1/sd-models and allow user to select streaming_state = shared.args.no_stream # remember if chat streaming was enabled picture_response = False # specifies if the next model response should appear as a picture pic_id = 0 def remove_surrounded_chars(string): # this expression matches to 'as few symbols as possible (0 upwards) between any asterisks' OR # 'as few symbols as possible (0 upwards) between an asterisk and the end of the string' return re.sub('\*[^\*]*?(\*|$)','',string) # I don't even need input_hijack for this as visible text will be commited to history as the unmodified string def input_modifier(string): """ This function is applied to your text inputs before they are fed into the model. """ global params, picture_response if not params['enable_SD_api']: return string commands = ['send', 'mail', 'me'] mediums = ['image', 'pic', 'picture', 'photo'] subjects = ['yourself', 'own'] lowstr = string.lower() # TODO: refactor out to separate handler and also replace detection with a regexp if any(command in lowstr for command in commands) and any(case in lowstr for case in mediums): # trigger the generation if a command signature and a medium signature is found picture_response = True shared.args.no_stream = True # Disable streaming cause otherwise the SD-generated picture would return as a dud shared.processing_message = "*Is sending a picture...*" string = "Please provide a detailed description of your surroundings, how you look and the situation you're in and what you are doing right now" if any(target in lowstr for target in subjects): # the focus of the image should be on the sending character string = "Please provide a detailed and vivid description of how you look and what you are wearing" return string # Get and save the Stable Diffusion-generated picture def get_SD_pictures(description): global params, pic_id payload = { "prompt": params['prompt_prefix'] + description, "seed": -1, "sampler_name": "DPM++ 2M Karras", "steps": 32, "cfg_scale": 7, "width": params['side_length'], "height": params['side_length'], "restore_faces": params['restore_faces'], "negative_prompt": params['negative_prompt'] } response ='{params["address"]}/sdapi/v1/txt2img', json=payload) r = response.json() visible_result = "" for img_str in r['images']: image =",",1)[0]))) if params['save_img']: output_file = Path(f'extensions/sd_api_pictures/outputs/{pic_id:06d}.png') pic_id += 1 # lower the resolution of received images for the chat, otherwise the log size gets out of control quickly with all the base64 values in visible history image.thumbnail((300, 300)) buffered = io.BytesIO(), format="JPEG") image_bytes = buffered.getvalue() img_str = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode() visible_result = visible_result + f'{description}\n' return visible_result # TODO: how do I make the UI history ignore the resulting pictures (I don't want HTML to appear in history) # and replace it with 'text' for the purposes of logging? def output_modifier(string): """ This function is applied to the model outputs. """ global pic_id, picture_response, streaming_state if not picture_response: return string string = remove_surrounded_chars(string) string = string.replace('"', '') string = string.replace('“', '') string = string.replace('\n', ' ') string = string.strip() if string == '': string = 'no viable description in reply, try regenerating' # I can't for the love of all that's holy get the name from shared.gradio['name1'], so for now it will be like this text = f'*Description: "{string}"*' image = get_SD_pictures(string) picture_response = False shared.processing_message = "*Is typing...*" shared.args.no_stream = streaming_state return image + "\n" + text def bot_prefix_modifier(string): """ This function is only applied in chat mode. It modifies the prefix text for the Bot and can be used to bias its behavior. """ return string def force_pic(): global picture_response picture_response = True def ui(): # Gradio elements with gr.Accordion("Stable Diffusion api integration", open=True): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): enable = gr.Checkbox(value=params['enable_SD_api'], label='Activate SD Api integration') save_img = gr.Checkbox(value=params['save_img'], label='Keep original received images in the outputs subdir') with gr.Column(): address = gr.Textbox(placeholder=params['address'], value=params['address'], label='Stable Diffusion host address') with gr.Row(): force_btn = gr.Button("Force the next response to be a picture") generate_now_btn = gr.Button("Generate an image response to the input") with gr.Accordion("Generation parameters", open=False): prompt_prefix = gr.Textbox(placeholder=params['prompt_prefix'], value=params['prompt_prefix'], label='Prompt Prefix (best used to describe the look of the character)') with gr.Row(): negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder=params['negative_prompt'], value=params['negative_prompt'], label='Negative Prompt') dimensions = gr.Slider(256,702,value=params['side_length'],step=64,label='Image dimensions') # model = gr.Dropdown(value=SD_models[0], choices=SD_models, label='Model') # Event functions to update the parameters in the backend enable.change(lambda x: params.update({"enable_SD_api": x}), enable, None) save_img.change(lambda x: params.update({"save_img": x}), save_img, None) address.change(lambda x: params.update({"address": x}), address, None) prompt_prefix.change(lambda x: params.update({"prompt_prefix": x}), prompt_prefix, None) negative_prompt.change(lambda x: params.update({"negative_prompt": x}), negative_prompt, None) dimensions.change(lambda x: params.update({"side_length": x}), dimensions, None) # model.change(lambda x: params.update({"SD_model": x}), model, None)'chat.cai_chatbot_wrapper'), shared.input_params, shared.gradio['display'], show_progress=shared.args.no_stream)