import asyncio from pathlib import Path import torch torch._C._jit_set_profiling_mode(False) params = { 'speaker': 'en_56', 'language': 'en', 'model_id': 'v3_en', 'sample_rate': 48000, 'device': 'cpu', } current_params = params.copy() wav_idx = 0 def load_model(): model, example_text = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-models', model='silero_tts', language=params['language'], speaker=params['model_id'])['device']) return model model = load_model() def remove_surrounded_chars(string): new_string = "" in_star = False for char in string: if char == '*': in_star = not in_star elif not in_star: new_string += char return new_string def input_modifier(string): """ This function is applied to your text inputs before they are fed into the model. """ return string def output_modifier(string): """ This function is applied to the model outputs. """ global wav_idx, model, current_params for i in params: if params[i] != current_params[i]: model = load_model() current_params = params.copy() break string = remove_surrounded_chars(string) string = string.replace('"', '') string = string.replace('“', '') string = string.replace('\n', ' ') string = string.strip() if string == '': string = 'empty reply, try regenerating' output_file = Path(f'extensions/silero_tts/outputs/{wav_idx:06d}.wav') audio = model.save_wav(text=string, speaker=params['speaker'], sample_rate=int(params['sample_rate']), audio_path=str(output_file)) string = f'' wav_idx += 1 return string def bot_prefix_modifier(string): """ This function is only applied in chat mode. It modifies the prefix text for the Bot and can be used to bias its behavior. """ return string