import ast import base64 import copy import io import json import re from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import yaml from PIL import Image import modules.extensions as extensions_module import modules.shared as shared from modules.extensions import apply_extensions from modules.html_generator import chat_html_wrapper, make_thumbnail from modules.text_generation import (encode, generate_reply, get_max_prompt_length) def generate_chat_prompt(user_input, state, **kwargs): impersonate = kwargs['impersonate'] if 'impersonate' in kwargs else False _continue = kwargs['_continue'] if '_continue' in kwargs else False also_return_rows = kwargs['also_return_rows'] if 'also_return_rows' in kwargs else False is_instruct = state['mode'] == 'instruct' rows = [f"{state['context'].strip()}\n"] min_rows = 3 # Finding the maximum prompt size chat_prompt_size = state['chat_prompt_size'] if shared.soft_prompt: chat_prompt_size -= shared.soft_prompt_tensor.shape[1] max_length = min(get_max_prompt_length(state), chat_prompt_size) if is_instruct: prefix1 = f"{state['name1']}\n" prefix2 = f"{state['name2']}\n" else: prefix1 = f"{state['name1']}: " prefix2 = f"{state['name2']}: " i = len(shared.history['internal']) - 1 while i >= 0 and len(encode(''.join(rows))[0]) < max_length: if _continue and i == len(shared.history['internal']) - 1: rows.insert(1, f"{prefix2}{shared.history['internal'][i][1]}") else: rows.insert(1, f"{prefix2}{shared.history['internal'][i][1].strip()}{state['end_of_turn']}\n") string = shared.history['internal'][i][0] if string not in ['', '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>']: this_prefix1 = prefix1.replace('<|round|>', f'{i}') # for ChatGLM rows.insert(1, f"{this_prefix1}{string.strip()}{state['end_of_turn']}\n") i -= 1 if impersonate: min_rows = 2 rows.append(f"{prefix1.strip() if not is_instruct else prefix1}") elif not _continue: # Adding the user message if len(user_input) > 0: this_prefix1 = prefix1.replace('<|round|>', f'{len(shared.history["internal"])}') # for ChatGLM rows.append(f"{this_prefix1}{user_input}{state['end_of_turn']}\n") # Adding the Character prefix rows.append(apply_extensions(f"{prefix2.strip() if not is_instruct else prefix2}", "bot_prefix")) while len(rows) > min_rows and len(encode(''.join(rows))[0]) >= max_length: rows.pop(1) prompt = ''.join(rows) if also_return_rows: return prompt, rows else: return prompt def get_stopping_strings(state): if state['mode'] == 'instruct': stopping_strings = [f"\n{state['name1']}", f"\n{state['name2']}"] else: stopping_strings = [f"\n{state['name1']}:", f"\n{state['name2']}:"] stopping_strings += ast.literal_eval(f"[{state['custom_stopping_strings']}]") return stopping_strings def extract_message_from_reply(reply, state): next_character_found = False stopping_strings = get_stopping_strings(state) if state['stop_at_newline']: lines = reply.split('\n') reply = lines[0].strip() if len(lines) > 1: next_character_found = True else: for string in stopping_strings: idx = reply.find(string) if idx != -1: reply = reply[:idx] next_character_found = True # If something like "\nYo" is generated just before "\nYou:" # is completed, trim it if not next_character_found: for string in stopping_strings: for j in range(len(string) - 1, 0, -1): if reply[-j:] == string[:j]: reply = reply[:-j] break else: continue break return reply, next_character_found def chatbot_wrapper(text, state, regenerate=False, _continue=False): if shared.model_name == 'None' or shared.model is None: print("No model is loaded! Select one in the Model tab.") yield shared.history['visible'] return # Defining some variables cumulative_reply = '' last_reply = [shared.history['internal'][-1][1], shared.history['visible'][-1][1]] if _continue else None just_started = True visible_text = custom_generate_chat_prompt = None eos_token = '\n' if state['stop_at_newline'] else None stopping_strings = get_stopping_strings(state) # Check if any extension wants to hijack this function call for extension, _ in extensions_module.iterator(): if hasattr(extension, 'input_hijack') and extension.input_hijack['state']: extension.input_hijack['state'] = False text, visible_text = extension.input_hijack['value'] if custom_generate_chat_prompt is None and hasattr(extension, 'custom_generate_chat_prompt'): custom_generate_chat_prompt = extension.custom_generate_chat_prompt if visible_text is None: visible_text = text if not _continue: text = apply_extensions(text, "input") # Generating the prompt kwargs = {'_continue': _continue} if custom_generate_chat_prompt is None: prompt = generate_chat_prompt(text, state, **kwargs) else: prompt = custom_generate_chat_prompt(text, state, **kwargs) # Yield *Is typing...* if not any((regenerate, _continue)): yield shared.history['visible'] + [[visible_text, shared.processing_message]] # Generate for i in range(state['chat_generation_attempts']): reply = None for reply in generate_reply(f"{prompt}{' ' if len(cumulative_reply) > 0 else ''}{cumulative_reply}", state, eos_token=eos_token, stopping_strings=stopping_strings): reply = cumulative_reply + reply # Extracting the reply reply, next_character_found = extract_message_from_reply(reply, state) visible_reply = re.sub("(||{{user}})", state['name1'], reply) visible_reply = apply_extensions(visible_reply, "output") # We need this global variable to handle the Stop event, # otherwise gradio gets confused if shared.stop_everything: return shared.history['visible'] if just_started: just_started = False if not _continue: shared.history['internal'].append(['', '']) shared.history['visible'].append(['', '']) if _continue: sep = list(map(lambda x: ' ' if len(x) > 0 and x[-1] != ' ' else '', last_reply)) shared.history['internal'][-1] = [text, f'{last_reply[0]}{sep[0]}{reply}'] shared.history['visible'][-1] = [visible_text, f'{last_reply[1]}{sep[1]}{visible_reply}'] else: shared.history['internal'][-1] = [text, reply] shared.history['visible'][-1] = [visible_text, visible_reply] if not shared.args.no_stream: yield shared.history['visible'] if next_character_found: break if reply is not None: cumulative_reply = reply yield shared.history['visible'] def impersonate_wrapper(text, state): if shared.model_name == 'None' or shared.model is None: print("No model is loaded! Select one in the Model tab.") yield '' return # Defining some variables cumulative_reply = '' eos_token = '\n' if state['stop_at_newline'] else None prompt = generate_chat_prompt(text, state, impersonate=True) stopping_strings = get_stopping_strings(state) # Yield *Is typing...* yield shared.processing_message for i in range(state['chat_generation_attempts']): reply = None for reply in generate_reply(f"{prompt}{' ' if len(cumulative_reply) > 0 else ''}{cumulative_reply}", state, eos_token=eos_token, stopping_strings=stopping_strings): reply = cumulative_reply + reply reply, next_character_found = extract_message_from_reply(reply, state) yield reply if next_character_found: break if reply is not None: cumulative_reply = reply yield reply def cai_chatbot_wrapper(text, state): for history in chatbot_wrapper(text, state): yield chat_html_wrapper(history, state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) def regenerate_wrapper(text, state): if (len(shared.history['visible']) == 1 and not shared.history['visible'][0][0]) or len(shared.history['internal']) == 0: yield chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) else: last_visible = shared.history['visible'].pop() last_internal = shared.history['internal'].pop() # Yield '*Is typing...*' yield chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'] + [[last_visible[0], shared.processing_message]], state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) for history in chatbot_wrapper(last_internal[0], state, regenerate=True): shared.history['visible'][-1] = [last_visible[0], history[-1][1]] yield chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) def continue_wrapper(text, state): if (len(shared.history['visible']) == 1 and not shared.history['visible'][0][0]) or len(shared.history['internal']) == 0: yield chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) else: # Yield ' ...' yield chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'][:-1] + [[shared.history['visible'][-1][0], shared.history['visible'][-1][1] + ' ...']], state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) for history in chatbot_wrapper(shared.history['internal'][-1][0], state, _continue=True): yield chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode']) def remove_last_message(name1, name2, mode): if len(shared.history['visible']) > 0 and shared.history['internal'][-1][0] != '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>': last = shared.history['visible'].pop() shared.history['internal'].pop() else: last = ['', ''] return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode), last[0] def send_last_reply_to_input(): if len(shared.history['internal']) > 0: return shared.history['internal'][-1][1] else: return '' def replace_last_reply(text, name1, name2, mode): if len(shared.history['visible']) > 0: shared.history['visible'][-1][1] = text shared.history['internal'][-1][1] = apply_extensions(text, "input") return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode) def send_dummy_message(text, name1, name2, mode): shared.history['visible'].append([text, '']) shared.history['internal'].append([apply_extensions(text, "input"), '']) return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode) def send_dummy_reply(text, name1, name2, mode): if len(shared.history['visible']) > 0 and not shared.history['visible'][-1][1] == '': shared.history['visible'].append(['', '']) shared.history['internal'].append(['', '']) shared.history['visible'][-1][1] = text shared.history['internal'][-1][1] = apply_extensions(text, "input") return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode) def clear_html(): return chat_html_wrapper([], "", "") def clear_chat_log(name1, name2, greeting, mode): shared.history['visible'] = [] shared.history['internal'] = [] if greeting != '': shared.history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', greeting]] shared.history['visible'] += [['', apply_extensions(greeting, "output")]] # Save cleared logs save_history(mode) return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode) def redraw_html(name1, name2, mode): return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode) def tokenize_dialogue(dialogue, name1, name2, mode): history = [] messages = [] dialogue = re.sub('', '', dialogue) dialogue = re.sub('', '', dialogue) dialogue = re.sub('(\n|^)[Aa]non:', '\\1You:', dialogue) dialogue = re.sub('(\n|^)\[CHARACTER\]:', f'\\g<1>{name2}:', dialogue) idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n)({re.escape(name1)}|{re.escape(name2)}):", dialogue)] if len(idx) == 0: return history for i in range(len(idx) - 1): messages.append(dialogue[idx[i]:idx[i + 1]].strip()) messages.append(dialogue[idx[-1]:].strip()) entry = ['', ''] for i in messages: if i.startswith(f'{name1}:'): entry[0] = i[len(f'{name1}:'):].strip() elif i.startswith(f'{name2}:'): entry[1] = i[len(f'{name2}:'):].strip() if not (len(entry[0]) == 0 and len(entry[1]) == 0): history.append(entry) entry = ['', ''] print("\033[1;32;1m\nDialogue tokenized to:\033[0;37;0m\n", end='') for row in history: for column in row: print("\n") for line in column.strip().split('\n'): print("| " + line + "\n") print("|\n") print("------------------------------") return history def save_history(mode, timestamp=False): # Instruct mode histories should not be saved as if # Alpaca or Vicuna were characters if mode == 'instruct': if not timestamp: return fname = f"Instruct_{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}.json" else: if timestamp: fname = f"{shared.character}_{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}.json" else: fname = f"{shared.character}_persistent.json" if not Path('logs').exists(): Path('logs').mkdir() with open(Path(f'logs/{fname}'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps({'data': shared.history['internal'], 'data_visible': shared.history['visible']}, indent=2)) return Path(f'logs/{fname}') def load_history(file, name1, name2): file = file.decode('utf-8') try: j = json.loads(file) if 'data' in j: shared.history['internal'] = j['data'] if 'data_visible' in j: shared.history['visible'] = j['data_visible'] else: shared.history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(shared.history['internal']) except: shared.history['internal'] = tokenize_dialogue(file, name1, name2) shared.history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(shared.history['internal']) def replace_character_names(text, name1, name2): text = text.replace('{{user}}', name1).replace('{{char}}', name2) return text.replace('', name1).replace('', name2) def build_pygmalion_style_context(data): context = "" if 'char_persona' in data and data['char_persona'] != '': context += f"{data['char_name']}'s Persona: {data['char_persona']}\n" if 'world_scenario' in data and data['world_scenario'] != '': context += f"Scenario: {data['world_scenario']}\n" context = f"{context.strip()}\n\n" return context def generate_pfp_cache(character): cache_folder = Path("cache") if not cache_folder.exists(): cache_folder.mkdir() for path in [Path(f"characters/{character}.{extension}") for extension in ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']]: if path.exists(): img = make_thumbnail('cache/pfp_character.png'), format='PNG') return img return None def load_character(character, name1, name2, mode): shared.character = character context = greeting = end_of_turn = "" greeting_field = 'greeting' picture = None # Deleting the profile picture cache, if any if Path("cache/pfp_character.png").exists(): Path("cache/pfp_character.png").unlink() if character != 'None': folder = 'characters' if not mode == 'instruct' else 'characters/instruction-following' picture = generate_pfp_cache(character) for extension in ["yml", "yaml", "json"]: filepath = Path(f'{folder}/{character}.{extension}') if filepath.exists(): break file_contents = open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() data = json.loads(file_contents) if extension == "json" else yaml.safe_load(file_contents) name2 = data['name'] if 'name' in data else data['char_name'] if 'your_name' in data and data['your_name'] != '': name1 = data['your_name'] for field in ['context', 'greeting', 'example_dialogue', 'char_persona', 'char_greeting', 'world_scenario']: if field in data: data[field] = replace_character_names(data[field], name1, name2) if 'context' in data: context = f"{data['context'].strip()}\n\n" elif "char_persona" in data: context = build_pygmalion_style_context(data) greeting_field = 'char_greeting' if 'example_dialogue' in data: context += f"{data['example_dialogue'].strip()}\n" if greeting_field in data: greeting = data[greeting_field] if 'end_of_turn' in data: end_of_turn = data['end_of_turn'] else: context = shared.settings['context'] name2 = shared.settings['name2'] greeting = shared.settings['greeting'] end_of_turn = shared.settings['end_of_turn'] if mode != 'instruct': shared.history['internal'] = [] shared.history['visible'] = [] if Path(f'logs/{shared.character}_persistent.json').exists(): load_history(open(Path(f'logs/{shared.character}_persistent.json'), 'rb').read(), name1, name2) else: # Insert greeting if it exists if greeting != "": shared.history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', greeting]] shared.history['visible'] += [['', apply_extensions(greeting, "output")]] # Create .json log files since they don't already exist save_history(mode) return name1, name2, picture, greeting, context, end_of_turn, chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode) def load_default_history(name1, name2): load_character("None", name1, name2, "chat") def upload_character(json_file, img, tavern=False): json_file = json_file if type(json_file) == str else json_file.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(json_file) outfile_name = data["char_name"] i = 1 while Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.json').exists(): outfile_name = f'{data["char_name"]}_{i:03d}' i += 1 if tavern: outfile_name = f'TavernAI-{outfile_name}' with open(Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json_file) if img is not None: img ='characters/{outfile_name}.png')) print(f'New character saved to "characters/{outfile_name}.json".') return outfile_name def upload_tavern_character(img, name1, name2): _img = _img.getexif() decoded_string = base64.b64decode(['chara']) _json = json.loads(decoded_string) _json = {"char_name": _json['name'], "char_persona": _json['description'], "char_greeting": _json["first_mes"], "example_dialogue": _json['mes_example'], "world_scenario": _json['scenario']} return upload_character(json.dumps(_json), img, tavern=True) def upload_your_profile_picture(img, name1, name2, mode): cache_folder = Path("cache") if not cache_folder.exists(): cache_folder.mkdir() if img is None: if Path("cache/pfp_me.png").exists(): Path("cache/pfp_me.png").unlink() else: img = make_thumbnail(img)'cache/pfp_me.png')) print('Profile picture saved to "cache/pfp_me.png"') return chat_html_wrapper(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, mode, reset_cache=True)