tags, keeping original quotes replaced_text = re.sub(pattern, lambda m: f'{m.group(1)}{m.group(2)}{m.group(3)}', text, flags=re.DOTALL) return replaced_text def replace_blockquote(m): return m.group().replace('\n', '\n> ').replace('\\begin{blockquote}', '').replace('\\end{blockquote}', '') @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def convert_to_markdown(string): # Quote to string = replace_quotes(string) # Blockquote string = re.sub(r'(^|[\n])>', r'\1>', string) pattern = re.compile(r'\\begin{blockquote}(.*?)\\end{blockquote}', re.DOTALL) string = pattern.sub(replace_blockquote, string) # Code string = string.replace('\\begin{code}', '```') string = string.replace('\\end{code}', '```') string = string.replace('\\begin{align*}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\end{align*}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\begin{align}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\end{align}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\begin{equation}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\end{equation}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\begin{equation*}', '$$') string = string.replace('\\end{equation*}', '$$') string = re.sub(r"(.)```", r"\1\n```", string) result = '' is_code = False for line in string.split('\n'): if line.lstrip(' ').startswith('```'): is_code = not is_code result += line if is_code or line.startswith('|'): # Don't add an extra \n for tables or code result += '\n' else: result += '\n\n' result = result.strip() if is_code: result += '\n```' # Unfinished code block # Unfinished list, like "\n1.". A |delete| string is added and then # removed to force aor
to be generated instead of a
. list_item_pattern = r'(\n\d+\.?|\n\s*[-*+]\s*([*_~]{1,3})?)$' if re.search(list_item_pattern, result): delete_str = '|delete|' if re.search(r'(\d+\.?)$', result) and not result.endswith('.'): result += '.' # Add the delete string after the list item result = re.sub(list_item_pattern, r'\g<1> ' + delete_str, result) # Convert to HTML using markdown html_output = markdown.markdown(result, extensions=['fenced_code', 'tables']) # Remove the delete string from the HTML output pos = html_output.rfind(delete_str) if pos > -1: html_output = html_output[:pos] + html_output[pos + len(delete_str):] else: html_output = markdown.markdown(result, extensions=['fenced_code', 'tables']) # Unescape code blocks pattern = re.compile(r'
', re.DOTALL) html_output = pattern.sub(lambda x: html.unescape(x.group()), html_output) return html_output def convert_to_markdown_wrapped(string, use_cache=True): ''' Used to avoid caching convert_to_markdown calls during streaming. ''' if use_cache: return convert_to_markdown(string) return convert_to_markdown.__wrapped__(string) def generate_basic_html(string): string = convert_to_markdown(string) string = f'{string}' return string def make_thumbnail(image): image = image.resize((350, round(image.size[1] / image.size[0] * 350)), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) if image.size[1] > 470: image = ImageOps.fit(image, (350, 470), Image.LANCZOS) return image def get_image_cache(path): cache_folder = Path(shared.args.disk_cache_dir) if not cache_folder.exists(): cache_folder.mkdir() mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime if (path in image_cache and mtime != image_cache[path][0]) or (path not in image_cache): img = make_thumbnail(Image.open(path)) old_p = Path(f'{cache_folder}/{path.name}_cache.png') p = Path(f'{cache_folder}/cache_{path.name}.png') if old_p.exists(): old_p.rename(p) output_file = p img.convert('RGBA').save(output_file, format='PNG') image_cache[path] = [mtime, output_file.as_posix()] return image_cache[path][1] def generate_instruct_html(history): output = f'" return output def generate_cai_chat_html(history, name1, name2, style, character, reset_cache=False): output = f'" return output def generate_chat_html(history, name1, name2, reset_cache=False): output = f'" return output def chat_html_wrapper(history, name1, name2, mode, style, character, reset_cache=False): if mode == 'instruct': return generate_instruct_html(history['visible']) elif style == 'wpp': return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2) else: return generate_cai_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, style, character, reset_cache)