mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 14:20:40 +01:00
- Remove instruction templates from prompt dropdowns (default/notebook) - Add 3 buttons to Parameters > Instruction template as a replacement - Increase the number of lines of 'negative prompt' field to 3, and add a scrollbar - When uploading a character, switch to the Character tab - When uploading chat history, switch to the Chat tab
127 lines
3.9 KiB
127 lines
3.9 KiB
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from modules import shared
from modules.logging_colors import logger
# Helper function to get multiple values from shared.gradio
def gradio(*keys):
if len(keys) == 1 and type(keys[0]) in [list, tuple]:
keys = keys[0]
return [shared.gradio[k] for k in keys]
def save_file(fname, contents):
if fname == '':
logger.error('File name is empty!')
root_folder = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
abs_path = Path(fname).resolve()
rel_path = abs_path.relative_to(root_folder)
if rel_path.parts[0] == '..':
logger.error(f'Invalid file path: {fname}')
with open(abs_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
logger.info(f'Saved {abs_path}.')
def delete_file(fname):
if fname == '':
logger.error('File name is empty!')
root_folder = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
abs_path = Path(fname).resolve()
rel_path = abs_path.relative_to(root_folder)
if rel_path.parts[0] == '..':
logger.error(f'Invalid file path: {fname}')
if abs_path.exists():
logger.info(f'Deleted {fname}.')
def current_time():
return f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')}"
def atoi(text):
return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
# Replace multiple string pairs in a string
def replace_all(text, dic):
for i, j in dic.items():
text = text.replace(i, j)
return text
def natural_keys(text):
return [atoi(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', text)]
def get_available_models():
model_list = []
for item in list(Path(f'{shared.args.model_dir}/').glob('*')):
if not item.name.endswith(('.txt', '-np', '.pt', '.json', '.yaml', '.py')) and 'llama-tokenizer' not in item.name:
model_list.append(re.sub('.pth$', '', item.name))
return sorted(model_list, key=natural_keys)
def get_available_presets():
return sorted(set((k.stem for k in Path('presets').glob('*.yaml'))), key=natural_keys)
def get_available_prompts():
prompts = []
files = set((k.stem for k in Path('prompts').glob('*.txt')))
prompts += sorted([k for k in files if re.match('^[0-9]', k)], key=natural_keys, reverse=True)
prompts += sorted([k for k in files if re.match('^[^0-9]', k)], key=natural_keys)
prompts += ['None']
return prompts
def get_available_characters():
paths = (x for x in Path('characters').iterdir() if x.suffix in ('.json', '.yaml', '.yml'))
return ['None'] + sorted(set((k.stem for k in paths)), key=natural_keys)
def get_available_instruction_templates():
path = "instruction-templates"
paths = []
if os.path.exists(path):
paths = (x for x in Path(path).iterdir() if x.suffix in ('.json', '.yaml', '.yml'))
return ['None'] + sorted(set((k.stem for k in paths)), key=natural_keys)
def get_available_extensions():
return sorted(set(map(lambda x: x.parts[1], Path('extensions').glob('*/script.py'))), key=natural_keys)
def get_available_loras():
return sorted([item.name for item in list(Path(shared.args.lora_dir).glob('*')) if not item.name.endswith(('.txt', '-np', '.pt', '.json'))], key=natural_keys)
def get_datasets(path: str, ext: str):
# include subdirectories for raw txt files to allow training from a subdirectory of txt files
if ext == "txt":
return ['None'] + sorted(set([k.stem for k in list(Path(path).glob('txt')) + list(Path(path).glob('*/')) if k.stem != 'put-trainer-datasets-here']), key=natural_keys)
return ['None'] + sorted(set([k.stem for k in Path(path).glob(f'*.{ext}') if k.stem != 'put-trainer-datasets-here']), key=natural_keys)
def get_available_chat_styles():
return sorted(set(('-'.join(k.stem.split('-')[1:]) for k in Path('css').glob('chat_style*.css'))), key=natural_keys)