mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 00:10:46 +01:00
Temporarily suppress the streaming during the audio response as it would interfere with the audio (making it stutter and play anew)
167 lines
8.1 KiB
167 lines
8.1 KiB
import re
import time
from pathlib import Path
import gradio as gr
import modules.chat as chat
import modules.shared as shared
import torch
params = {
'activate': True,
'speaker': 'en_56',
'language': 'en',
'model_id': 'v3_en',
'sample_rate': 48000,
'device': 'cpu',
'show_text': False,
'autoplay': True,
'voice_pitch': 'medium',
'voice_speed': 'medium',
current_params = params.copy()
voices_by_gender = ['en_99', 'en_45', 'en_18', 'en_117', 'en_49', 'en_51', 'en_68', 'en_0', 'en_26', 'en_56', 'en_74', 'en_5', 'en_38', 'en_53', 'en_21', 'en_37', 'en_107', 'en_10', 'en_82', 'en_16', 'en_41', 'en_12', 'en_67', 'en_61', 'en_14', 'en_11', 'en_39', 'en_52', 'en_24', 'en_97', 'en_28', 'en_72', 'en_94', 'en_36', 'en_4', 'en_43', 'en_88', 'en_25', 'en_65', 'en_6', 'en_44', 'en_75', 'en_91', 'en_60', 'en_109', 'en_85', 'en_101', 'en_108', 'en_50', 'en_96', 'en_64', 'en_92', 'en_76', 'en_33', 'en_116', 'en_48', 'en_98', 'en_86', 'en_62', 'en_54', 'en_95', 'en_55', 'en_111', 'en_3', 'en_83', 'en_8', 'en_47', 'en_59', 'en_1', 'en_2', 'en_7', 'en_9', 'en_13', 'en_15', 'en_17', 'en_19', 'en_20', 'en_22', 'en_23', 'en_27', 'en_29', 'en_30', 'en_31', 'en_32', 'en_34', 'en_35', 'en_40', 'en_42', 'en_46', 'en_57', 'en_58', 'en_63', 'en_66', 'en_69', 'en_70', 'en_71', 'en_73', 'en_77', 'en_78', 'en_79', 'en_80', 'en_81', 'en_84', 'en_87', 'en_89', 'en_90', 'en_93', 'en_100', 'en_102', 'en_103', 'en_104', 'en_105', 'en_106', 'en_110', 'en_112', 'en_113', 'en_114', 'en_115']
voice_pitches = ['x-low', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'x-high']
voice_speeds = ['x-slow', 'slow', 'medium', 'fast', 'x-fast']
streaming_state = shared.args.no_stream # remember if chat streaming was enabled
# Used for making text xml compatible, needed for voice pitch and speed control
table = str.maketrans({
"<": "<",
">": ">",
"&": "&",
"'": "'",
'"': """,
def xmlesc(txt):
return txt.translate(table)
def load_model():
model, example_text = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-models', model='silero_tts', language=params['language'], speaker=params['model_id'])
return model
model = load_model()
def remove_surrounded_chars(string):
# this expression matches to 'as few symbols as possible (0 upwards) between any asterisks' OR
# 'as few symbols as possible (0 upwards) between an asterisk and the end of the string'
return re.sub('\*[^\*]*?(\*|$)','',string)
def remove_tts_from_history(name1, name2):
for i, entry in enumerate(shared.history['internal']):
shared.history['visible'][i] = [shared.history['visible'][i][0], entry[1]]
return chat.generate_chat_output(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, shared.character)
def toggle_text_in_history(name1, name2):
for i, entry in enumerate(shared.history['visible']):
visible_reply = entry[1]
if visible_reply.startswith('<audio'):
if params['show_text']:
reply = shared.history['internal'][i][1]
shared.history['visible'][i] = [shared.history['visible'][i][0], f"{visible_reply.split('</audio>')[0]}</audio>\n\n{reply}"]
shared.history['visible'][i] = [shared.history['visible'][i][0], f"{visible_reply.split('</audio>')[0]}</audio>"]
return chat.generate_chat_output(shared.history['visible'], name1, name2, shared.character)
def input_modifier(string):
This function is applied to your text inputs before
they are fed into the model.
# Remove autoplay from the last reply
if (shared.args.chat or shared.args.cai_chat) and len(shared.history['internal']) > 0:
shared.history['visible'][-1] = [shared.history['visible'][-1][0], shared.history['visible'][-1][1].replace('controls autoplay>','controls>')]
shared.processing_message = "*Is recording a voice message...*"
shared.args.no_stream = True # Disable streaming cause otherwise the audio output will stutter and begin anew every time the message is being updated
return string
def output_modifier(string):
This function is applied to the model outputs.
global model, current_params, streaming_state
for i in params:
if params[i] != current_params[i]:
model = load_model()
current_params = params.copy()
if params['activate'] == False:
return string
original_string = string
string = remove_surrounded_chars(string)
string = string.replace('"', '')
string = string.replace('“', '')
string = string.replace('\n', ' ')
string = string.strip()
if string == '':
string = '*Empty reply, try regenerating*'
output_file = Path(f'extensions/silero_tts/outputs/{shared.character}_{int(time.time())}.wav')
prosody = '<prosody rate="{}" pitch="{}">'.format(params['voice_speed'], params['voice_pitch'])
silero_input = f'<speak>{prosody}{xmlesc(string)}</prosody></speak>'
model.save_wav(ssml_text=silero_input, speaker=params['speaker'], sample_rate=int(params['sample_rate']), audio_path=str(output_file))
autoplay = 'autoplay' if params['autoplay'] else ''
string = f'<audio src="file/{output_file.as_posix()}" controls {autoplay}></audio>'
if params['show_text']:
string += f'\n\n{original_string}'
shared.processing_message = "*Is typing...*"
shared.args.no_stream = streaming_state # restore the streaming option to the previous value
return string
def bot_prefix_modifier(string):
This function is only applied in chat mode. It modifies
the prefix text for the Bot and can be used to bias its
return string
def ui():
# Gradio elements
with gr.Accordion("Silero TTS"):
with gr.Row():
activate = gr.Checkbox(value=params['activate'], label='Activate TTS')
autoplay = gr.Checkbox(value=params['autoplay'], label='Play TTS automatically')
show_text = gr.Checkbox(value=params['show_text'], label='Show message text under audio player')
voice = gr.Dropdown(value=params['speaker'], choices=voices_by_gender, label='TTS voice')
with gr.Row():
v_pitch = gr.Dropdown(value=params['voice_pitch'], choices=voice_pitches, label='Voice pitch')
v_speed = gr.Dropdown(value=params['voice_speed'], choices=voice_speeds, label='Voice speed')
with gr.Row():
convert = gr.Button('Permanently replace audios with the message texts')
convert_cancel = gr.Button('Cancel', visible=False)
convert_confirm = gr.Button('Confirm (cannot be undone)', variant="stop", visible=False)
# Convert history with confirmation
convert_arr = [convert_confirm, convert, convert_cancel]
convert.click(lambda :[gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True)], None, convert_arr)
convert_confirm.click(lambda :[gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)], None, convert_arr)
convert_confirm.click(remove_tts_from_history, [shared.gradio['name1'], shared.gradio['name2']], shared.gradio['display'])
convert_confirm.click(lambda : chat.save_history(timestamp=False), [], [], show_progress=False)
convert_cancel.click(lambda :[gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)], None, convert_arr)
# Toggle message text in history
show_text.change(lambda x: params.update({"show_text": x}), show_text, None)
show_text.change(toggle_text_in_history, [shared.gradio['name1'], shared.gradio['name2']], shared.gradio['display'])
show_text.change(lambda : chat.save_history(timestamp=False), [], [], show_progress=False)
# Event functions to update the parameters in the backend
activate.change(lambda x: params.update({"activate": x}), activate, None)
autoplay.change(lambda x: params.update({"autoplay": x}), autoplay, None)
voice.change(lambda x: params.update({"speaker": x}), voice, None)
v_pitch.change(lambda x: params.update({"voice_pitch": x}), v_pitch, None)
v_speed.change(lambda x: params.update({"voice_speed": x}), v_speed, None) |