<<<<<<< HEAD # Maintainer: RealStickman ======= # Maintainer: exu >>>>>>> cda177a (Update maintainer name and email) pkgname=streamrip pkgver=2.0.5 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A scriptable stream downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, Deezer and SoundCloud.' arch=(any) url='https://github.com/nathom/streamrip' license=('GPL3') depends=(python python-aiodns python-aiofiles python-aiohttp python-aiolimiter # AUR python-appdirs python-click-help-colors python-deezer-py # AUR python-m3u8 # AUR python-mutagen python-pathvalidate # AUR python-pillow python-pycryptodomex python-pytest-asyncio python-pytest-mock python-rich python-simple-term-menu python-tomlkit) makedepends=(git python-build python-installer python-poetry) optdepends=('ffmpeg: Additional functionality') source=(git+https://github.com/nathom/streamrip.git#tag=v$pkgver) sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd streamrip printf "${pkgver//-/.}" } build() { cd streamrip python -m build -wn } package() { cd streamrip python -m installer -d "$pkgdir" dist/*.whl }