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2022-05-11 21:19:02 +02:00
# Project Structure
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**Table of Contents**
- [Basics](#basics)
- [Icon files](#icon-files)
- [Install Scripts](#install-scripts)
* [Meta Info files](#meta-info-files)
* [Overriding](#overriding)
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## Basics
The overall structure of this project.
|- __tests__/: Mixin spec test
|- icons/: Icons, illustrations
|- css/: Build result of SCSS Files
|- docs/: Development Documents
|- src/: Source files
|- src/leptonChrome.scss: Entry of SCSS for Browser UI
|- src/leptonContent.scss: Entry of SCSS for Web pages
|- .gitattributes: Exclude at `Download Zip`
|- .github: Issue/PR Template, Github Actions
|- .prettierignore: Exclude coding style
|- .prettierrc.json: Coding style
|- install.ps1: Install script write in powersehll
|- Install script write in bash
|- package.json: Build setup, package dependency
|- LEPTON: Meta infos (branch, version)
|- user.js: about:config settings
|- userChrome.css: Entry of css for Browser UI (Don't modify directly!!)
|- userContent.css: Entry of css for Web pages (Don't modify directly!!)
|- yarn.lock: Auto generated dependency (Don't modify directly!!)
## Icon files
Most of them are made in SVG.
Except for illustrations, there must be an `fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity"` property to dynamically determine color and transparency.
Icons are mainly [FirefoxUX/photon-icons](
or [microsoft/fluentui-system-icons](
Although not yet used, [tabler/tabler-icons]( and [feathericons/feather]( can also be referred to.
You can see more in the issue, [Unify icon design langauge #213](
## Install Scripts
### Meta Info files
It comes from [](
**`LEPTON` file format**
If this file exist in same directory as the `userChrome.css` file,
it is recognized as the "Lepton" installation directory.
Branch=master | photon-style | proton-style
Ver=<git tag> | <git hash> | [NULL]
**`lepton.ini` file Format**
In `lepton.ini`, various information is stored during the installation process.\
This file is recreated every time the installer is created.
[Profile Name]
Type=Local | Release | Git
Branch=master | photon-style | proton-style
Ver=<git tag> | <git hash> | [NULL]
Path=<Full PATH>
**Update Policy according to `Type`**
- Local(unknown): force latest commit update
- Release(<git tag>): force latest tag update
- Git<git hash>: latest commit update
## Overriding
Inspired by [arkenfox](
These files need to use a shell script and has some priorities.
CSS override settings(`userChrome-overrides.css`, `userContent-overrides.css`) are relatively simple.
- `./<CSS_OVERRIDES>` (Will be copied `<FIREFOX_PROFILE>/chrome/`)
`user-overrides.js` needs to use a shell script and has some priorities.
- `<FIREFOX_PROFILE>/user-overrides.js`
- `./user-overrides.js` (Will be copied `<FIREFOX_PROFILE>/chrome/`)
- `<FIREFOX_PROFILE>/chrome/user-overrides.js`