More notes on programs

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RealStickman 2023-01-13 15:13:14 +01:00
parent 71bc5342e9
commit 0ec0265f60

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@ -2,14 +2,18 @@
Configuration files for arch linux. Selection of software:
- i3-gaps (.config/i3)\*
- doom emacs (.doom.d)
- polybar (.config/polybar, scripts/polybar)\*
- dunst (.config/dunst, scripts)
- nemo (script/
- kvantum, qt5ct, qt6ct (.config/Kvantum, .config/qt5ct, .config/qt6ct)
- gtk 2/3 (.gtkrc-2.0, .config/gtk-3.0)
- neofetch (.config/neofetch)\*
- i3wm\*: .config/i3
- DoomEmacs: .doom.d
- polybar\*: .config/polybar, scripts/polybar
- dunst: .config/dunst, scripts
- Kvantum, qt5ct, qt6ct: .config/Kvantum, .config/qt5ct, .config/qt6ct
- gtk 2/3: .gtkrc-2.0, .config/gtk-3.0
- neofetch\*: .config/neofetch
- Thunar: .config/Thunar
- Templates: .config/Vorlagen
- rofi: .config/rofi
- xfce: .config/xfce4
- Betterlockscreen: .cache/betterlockscreen/current, .config/betterlockscreenrc
And some more