#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if $# -ne 1; then echo "Please provide the path to one video file" $(exit 1); echo "$?" fi echo "Getting black screen times" # reads the output of ffprobe into an array mapfile -t timings < <(ffprobe -f lavfi -i "movie=$1,blackdetect[out0]" -show_entries frame_tags=lavfi.black_start,lavfi.black_end -of default=nw=1 -v quiet -print_format flat) #timings=(frames.frame.0.tags.lavfi_black_start="0.389" frames.frame.1.tags.lavfi_black_end="0.431" frames.frame.255.tags.lavfi_black_start="11.025" frames.frame.256.tags.lavfi_black_end="11.067") seltimings=() for i in "${!timings[@]}"; do # cut timing to only output the time timing="$(echo ${timings[$i]} | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '"')" if [ $((${i}%2)) -eq 0 ]; then starttime=$timing #echo "Start time: $starttime" else endtime=$timing #echo "End time: $endtime" timediff="$(echo "(($endtime - $starttime))" | bc -l)" #echo "Difference: $timediff" # check for sections longer than 2 seconds if (( $(echo "$timediff > 2" | bc -l) )); then echo "Start time: $starttime" echo "End time: $endtime" echo "Difference: $timediff" seltimings+=($starttime) seltimings+=($endtime) fi fi done for i in "${seltimings[@]}"; do echo $i done # track split files created splitfiles=() # build command command="ffmpeg -i "$1" -c copy -map 0 -t ${seltimings[0]} "1.mkv"" splitfiles+=("1.mkv") echo "file 1.mkv" > "list.txt" tmp=$(( ${#seltimings[@]} - 2 )) length=$(( $tmp / 2 )) selector=1 n=0 while [[ $n -lt $length ]]; do n=$((n+1)) up=$(( $selector + 1 )) low=$selector command+=" -c copy -map 0 -ss ${seltimings[$low]} -t $(echo "${seltimings[$up]} - ${seltimings[$low]}" | bc -l) "$(( $n + 1 )).mkv"" splitfiles+=("$(( $n + 1 )).mkv") echo "file $(( $n + 1 )).mkv" >> "list.txt" selector=$(( $selector + 2 )) done lastsel=$(( ${#seltimings[@]} - 1 )) command+=" -c copy -map 0 -ss ${seltimings[$lastsel]} "$(( $n + 2 )).mkv"" splitfiles+=("$(( $n + 2 )).mkv") echo "file $(( $n + 2)).mkv" >> "list.txt" echo "Running command" echo "$command" | tee command.sh bash command.sh ffmpeg -f concat -i "list.txt" -c copy -map 0 "out-${1}" # cleanup rm command.sh rm list.txt for file in ${splitfiles[@]}; do rm "$file" done $(exit 0); echo "$?"