# Rules <!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-refresh-toc --> **Table of Contents** - [Basics](#basics) * [Issue](#issue) * [Version](#version) * [Branch](#branch) - [Edit](#edit) * [Modify only source file](#modify-only-source-file) * [Coding style](#coding-style) - [Commits](#commits) * [Commit](#commit) * [Commit Message](#commit-message) * [Pull request](#pull-request) <!-- markdown-toc end --> ## Basics This is a rough guideline. (Not forced) Feel free to make PR. ### Issue **Search:** - Search the project’s [issues](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/issues) to make sure it's not a known issue. **Versions:** - Make sure you’re on the latest version. - Try older versions. - Try switching up dependency versions. ### Version Milestone, The versioning scheme we use is [SemVer](https://semver.org/). (Maintainer decides, do not pull request.) We will release the feature as soon as it is complete, but the cycle should be 2-4 weeks. Rapid releases. It comes from [#109](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/issues/109#issuecomment-873313945). ### Branch Stable: Only bugfix, Documentation. - `master`: Common bugfix, documentation. - `photon-style`: Bugfix, documentation specified in `photon-style`. - `proton-sryle`: Bugfix, documentation specified in `proton-style`. Development: New Features. - `dev`: Common new features. - `photon-style-dev`: New features specified in `photon-style`. - `proton-style-dev`: New features specified in `proton-style`. ## Edit ### Modify only source file Do not modify files that are built directly or automatically generated. ### Coding style - **Indent:** 2 spaces for indentation rather than tabs. - **Columns:** Fit `80`~`100` columns as much as possible. (Auto formatting is using 120 to avoid the worst case) ## Commits ### Commit - **Meaningfully:**: It doesn't make meaningless commits. - **One per task:** It's difficult to distinguish when various tasks are mixed. - **Often:** Codes may corrupt during large changes. ### Commit Message For intuitive recognition, I [put a **prefix**](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/commits/master). - `Add:` Add feature or enhanced. - `Bump:` Update dependency packages. - `Fix:` Bug fix or change default values. - `Clean:` Refactoring. - `Doc:` Update docs. ### Pull request - **Branch:** Check the [Branch](#branch) section and PR to the correct branch. - **Issue:** We recommend that you open the issue first to discuss the changes with the owner of this repository. - **Build:** Please check if it was built before PR.