# Powershell scripting Use PowerShell ISE to develop PowerShell scripts ## Comparison operators | operator | description | | -------- | ----------- | | -eq | equals | | -ne | not equals | | -gt | greather than | | -ge | greater or equals to | | -lt | less than | | -le | less or equals to | ## Remoting ### Allow recieving remote commands Run as Administrator IMPORTANT: Network must not be set to public ``` Enable-PSRemoting ``` ### Add to trusted list Clients have to be added to the trusted list if there are no other authentication methods used. Multiple clients can be added when separated by commas. *Note: The command below overwrites every other value set in "trustedhosts".* ``` Set-Item WSMan:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value '(ip address/hostname)' ``` Example: ``` Set-Item WSMan:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value ',win10-2-lin,,win10-3-lin' ``` ### Run command on multiple remote pcs ``` Invoke-Command -ComputerName (pc1), (pc2) -ScriptBlock {(command)} ``` ``` Invoke-Command -ComputerName (pc1), (pc2) -ScriptBlock {(command1) (command2)} ``` Example for issuing multiple commands after each other: ">>" is added automatically on newline ``` Invoke-Command -ComputerName win10-2-lin, win10-3-lin -ScriptBlock {cd c:\Users\admin >> New-Item "test.txt" -ItemType File} ``` ### Run script on multiple remote pcs ``` Invoke-Command -ComputerName (pc1), (pc2) -FilePath 'path\to\script' ```