#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # function to keep sudo from timing out function func_dont_timeout { while true; do sudo -v sleep 60 done } # check if user is root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then sudo -v fi # keep sudo active in background func_dont_timeout & # get script directory scriptloc="$BASH_SOURCE" setupdir=$(dirname "$scriptloc") #setupdir=$(pwd) #change to home directory #cd "$HOME" # check if multilib repo is enabled if ! pacman -Sl multilib &>/dev/null; then echo "Please enable the multilib repository first" exit 1 fi # fix install problems echo Updating keyring sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring echo Updating repos and packages sudo pacman -Syu echo Select packages to install cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Select Desktop environment/Window manager:" 22 76 16) options=(100 "[WM] sway" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices; do case $choice in 100) printf '%s\n' 'sway' 'swaylock' 'swayidle' 'swaybg' 'xorg-xwayland' >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; esac done cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Select browsers:" 22 76 16) options=(0 "Firefox" on # any option can be set to default to "on" 10 "Chromium" off 20 "Torbrowser" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices; do case $choice in 0) echo "firefox" >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 10) echo "chromium" >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 20) echo "torbrowser-launcher" >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; esac done cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Select other programs:" 22 76 16) options=(0 "VirtManager" off # any option can be set to default to "on" 1 "VMWare Workstation" off 10 "Steam" off 11 "Lutris" off 12 "Citra" off 20 "Krita" off 21 "Gimp" off 31 "YT-dlp" on 32 "Megatools" off 40 "Handbrake" off 41 "Audacity" off 42 "k3b" off 60 "Discord" on 61 "Element" off 62 "Telegram" off 70 "TestSSL" off 80 "Onedriver" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices; do case $choice in 0) printf '%s\n' 'qemu' 'virt-manager' 'ebtables' 'dnsmasq' >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 1) echo "vmware-workstation" >> "$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" ;; 10) printf '%s\n' 'steam' 'steam-native-runtime' >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 11) echo "lutris" >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 12) echo "citra-qt-git" >>"$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" ;; 20) echo "krita" >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 21) echo "gimp" >> "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 31) printf '%s\n' 'yt-dlp' 'yt-dlp-drop-in' >>"$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" ;; 32) echo "megatools-bin" >>"$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" ;; 40) echo "handbrake" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 41) echo "audacity" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 42) printf '%s\n' 'k3b' 'cdparanoia' 'cdrdao' 'cdrtools' 'dvd+rw-tools' 'emovix' 'transcode' 'vcdimager' >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 60) echo "discord" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 61) echo "element-desktop" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 62) echo "telegram-desktop" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 70) echo "testssl.sh" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; 80) echo "onedriver" >>"$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" esac done in_acpufreq=0 cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Performance and Battery life" 22 76 16) options=(0 "auto-cpufreq" off 1 "corectrl" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices do case $choice in 0) in_acpufreq=1 echo "auto-cpufreq-git" >> "$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" # TODO Handle rest of installation ;; 1) echo "corectrl" >> "$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" ;; esac done in_doomemacs=0 in_podman=0 cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Devtools" 22 76 16) options=(0 "doom-emacs" off 10 "Podman" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices; do case $choice in 0) in_doomemacs=1 # TODO sort pacman and AUR packages # pychecker not in AUR anymore printf '%s\n' 'git' 'emacs' 'ripgrep' 'fd' 'pandoc' 'shellcheck' 'python-pipenv' 'python-isort' 'python-pytest' 'python-rednose' 'pychecker' 'texlive-core' 'pyright' 'python-grip' 'prettier' 'shfmt' >>"$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" # TODO handle rest of installation ;; 10) in_podman=1 ;; esac done cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Report installed packages?" 22 76 16) options=(0 "pkgstats" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices; do case $choice in 0) echo "pkgstats" >>"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ;; esac done : ' # Packages installed on different systems in_arco_pc=0 in_arco_hp=0 cmd=(dialog --separate-output --checklist "Install system specific packages?" 22 76 16) options=(1 "Arco PC" off 2 "Arco HP" off) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear for choice in $choices; do case $choice in 1) in_arco_pc=1 ;; 2) in_arco_hp=1 ;; esac done ' if [ -f "$setupdir/notfoundpackages.txt" ]; then rm "$setupdir/notfoundpackages.txt" fi # NOTE on unattended pacman installing # Option 1: Will assume the default choice #--noconfirm # Option 2: Will always choose "yes", locale override needed to work all the time (might fail for other locales) #yes | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 pacman ... # # excpect & send #uninstalling unused packages echo Uninstalling unused packages #sudo pacman -Rns - <"$setupdir/packages/uninstall.txt" while read package; do sudo pacman -Rns --noconfirm "$package" done <"$setupdir/packages/uninstall.txt" echo Uninstalled unused packages #pacman programs echo Installing default pacman programs #sudo pacman -S --needed - <"$setupdir/packages/officialpkgs.txt" while read package; do sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm "$package" || echo "$package" >>"$setupdir/notfoundpackages.txt" done <"$setupdir/packages/officialpkgs.txt" echo Installed official programs #install wine echo Installing wine #sudo pacman -S --needed - <"$setupdir/packages/winepkgs.txt" while read package; do sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm "$package" || echo "$package" >>"$setupdir/notfoundpackages.txt" done <"$setupdir/packages/winepkgs.txt" echo Installed wine # install paru-bin if [[ ! $(pacman -Q paru) ]]; then echo "Installing paru from the AUR" git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru-bin.git cd paru-bin yes | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 makepkg -si cd .. fi # AUR echo Installing default AUR programs paru -S --needed - <"$setupdir/packages/aurpkgs.txt" # TODO for btrfsmaintenance, use btrfsmaintenance (1) # TODO for jellyfin-media-player, use jellyfin-media-player (1) # TODO for java-environment, use jdk-openjdk (1) # TODO for cargo, use rust (1) # TODO for ttf-iosevka, use ttf-iosevka (1) # TODO for ttf-ms-fonts, use ttf-ms-fonts (1) # TODO for ttf-vista-fonts, use ttf-vista-fonts (1) # TODO for wps-office, use wps-office (1) # TODO for ffmpeg-normalize, use ffmpeg-normalize (1) # TODO for nohang, use nohang (1) echo Installed AUR programs # theming echo Installing themes and icons paru -S --needed - <"$setupdir/packages/theme-packages.txt" echo Installed themes and icons ################### #selected programs# ################### echo Installing selected programs # install selected packages if [ -f "$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" ]; then echo Installing from official repository # NOTE || true to continue if no packages have been selected sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm - <"$setupdir/selectedpkgs.txt" || true fi # install selected aur packages if [ -f "$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" ]; then echo Installing from AUR # NOTE || true to continue if no packages have been selected paru -S --needed - <"$setupdir/aurselectedpkgs.txt" || true fi #performance and battery life if [ $in_acpufreq -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installing auto-cpufreq" paru -S --needed auto-cpufreq-git sudo auto-cpufreq --install sudo systemctl start auto-cpufreq sudo systemctl enable auto-cpufreq fi #devtools if [ $in_doomemacs -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installing doom-emacs" paru -S --needed git emacs ripgrep fd pandoc shellcheck python-pipenv python-isort python-pytest python-rednose pychecker texlive-core python-black clang pip install grip npm i bash-language-server git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install export PATH="$PATH":$HOME/.emacs.d/bin fi if [ $in_podman -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installing podman" sudo pacman -S --needed podman podman-dnsname fuse-overlayfs buildah aardvark-dns sudo touch /etc/subuid /etc/subgid sudo usermod --add-subuids 100000-165536 --add-subgids 100000-165536 "$USER" sudo groupadd -f podman sudo usermod -aG podman "$USER" fi # other system configs # arco pc if [ $in_arco_pc -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installing arco pc packages" paru -S --needed - <"$setupdir/packages/lupusregina-packages.txt" fi # arco hp if [ $in_arco_hp -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installing arch hp packages" paru -S --needed - <"$setupdir/packages/arch-hp-packages.txt" fi # install nix #curl -sSf -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix | sh -s -- install ############################## ##### Configuration ##### ############################## echo Configuring packages #change shell chsh -s /usr/bin/fish "$USER" # setup autotrash autotrash -td 5 --install #enable vnstat sudo systemctl enable --now vnstat systemctl --user enable autotrash.timer # enable lockscreen for systemd #sudo systemctl enable betterlockscreen@$USER # enable firewall echo "Enabling Firewall" sudo systemctl enable --now firewalld # || true because firewalld doesn't work without a reboot sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --remove-service=ssh || true # enable gdm sudo systemctl enable gdm # regenerate locale # Fixes rofi not launching #sudo locale-gen : ' if [[ $(pacman -Q | grep sway) ]]; then sudo systemctl enable --now seatd.service sudo gpasswd -a "$USER" seat 1>/dev/null fi ' # update fonts cache fc-cache -f echo Setting config bash ~/configs/arch-config/install.sh if [[ $(pacman -Q pkgstats 2>/dev/null >/dev/null) ]]; then pkgstats fi echo Finished everything exit 0