fish_default_key_bindings # change greeting set fish_greeting "Good Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it! Hu ha!" # Info: # set fish_color_normal blue set fish_color_command blue set fish_color_quote bryellow set fish_color_redirection set fish_color_end brred set fish_color_error red set fish_color_param brblue set fish_color_comment white set fish_color_selection brcyan set fish_color_search_match magenta set fish_color_operator blue set fish_color_escape green set fish_color_autosuggestion brwhite set fish_color_host_remote brwhite set fish_color_cancel brred # used in prompt set fish_color_user --bold red set fish_color_separator --bold yellow set fish_color_host cyan set fish_color_cwd yellow # environment variables # SSH Agent set SSH_AUTH_SOCK "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent.socket" #set SSH_AUTH_SOCK /run/user/1000/ssh-agent.socket export SSH_AUTH_SOCK # Defined in /home/marc/.config/fish/functions/ @ line 2 # slightly modified from defaults function fish_prompt set -l last_pipestatus $pipestatus set -lx __fish_last_status $status # Export for __fish_print_pipestatus. set -l normal (set_color normal) # Color the prompt differently when we're root set -l color_cwd $fish_color_cwd set -l suffix '>' #if functions -q fish_is_root_user; and fish_is_root_user # if set -q fish_color_cwd_root # set color_cwd $fish_color_cwd_root # end # set suffix '#' #end # If we're running via SSH, change the host color. set -l color_host $fish_color_host #if set -q SSH_TTY # set color_host $fish_color_host_remote #end # Write pipestatus # If the status was carried over (e.g. after `set`), don't bold it. set -l bold_flag --bold set -q __fish_prompt_status_generation; or set -g __fish_prompt_status_generation $status_generation if test $__fish_prompt_status_generation = $status_generation set bold_flag end set __fish_prompt_status_generation $status_generation set -l prompt_status (__fish_print_pipestatus "[" "]" "|" (set_color $fish_color_status) (set_color $bold_flag $fish_color_status) $last_pipestatus) echo -n -s (set_color $fish_color_user) "$USER" $normal (set_color $fish_color_separator) @ $normal (set_color $color_host) (prompt_hostname) $normal ' ' (set_color $color_cwd) (prompt_pwd) $normal (fish_vcs_prompt) $normal " "$prompt_status $suffix " " #echo -n -s (set_color --bold red) "$USER" $normal (set_color --bold yellow) @ $normal (set_color cyan) (prompt_hostname) $normal ' ' (set_color yellow) (prompt_pwd) $normal (fish_vcs_prompt) $normal " "$prompt_status $suffix " " end # text editor #set EDITOR "/usr/bin/emacs --no-window-system" #set VISUAL "/usr/bin/emacs --no-window-system" set EDITOR /usr/bin/nvim set VISUAL /usr/bin/nvim # add paths set fish_user_paths /usr/bin/vendor_perl/ $fish_user_paths # global perl tools set fish_user_paths "$HOME/.config/emacs/bin/" $fish_user_paths # new path set fish_user_paths "$HOME/scripts/in_path" $fish_user_paths set fish_user_paths "$HOME/.local/bin" $fish_user_paths set fish_user_paths "$HOME/node_modules/.bin/" $fish_user_paths # edit with emacs alias emacs="/usr/bin/emacs --no-window-system" # alias cat alias cat="$HOME/scripts/pieces/" #update config alias upconf='~/scripts/' #notification alias notify='notify-send "Terminal" "Your command finished!" --icon=dialog-information' # ssh aliases to never bother with terminfo again # needs python on the server alias sshkp='kitty +kitten ssh use-python' alias sshk='kitty +kitten ssh' # alias for powershell alias powershell='pwsh' #list alias ls='ls --color=auto' # kill all wine and proton processes alias killwine='ls -l /proc/*/exe 2>/dev/null | grep -P \'wine(64)?-preloader|wineserver|proton[^mail|\-bridge]\' | perl -pe \'s;^.*/proc/(\d+)/exe.*$;$1;g;\' | xargs -n 1 kill' ## Colorize the grep command output for ease of use (good for log files)## alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' # continue download alias wget="wget -c" # Aliases for software managment alias pacman='pacman --color auto' # Update pip packages alias pip-update="$HOME/scripts/pieces/" #grub update alias update-grub="sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" #check vulnerabilities microcode alias microcode='grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*' #get fastest mirrors in your neighborhood alias mirror="sudo reflector -f 30 -l 30 --number 10 --verbose --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" # yt-dlp alias yta-best="yt-dlp -f bestaudio --extract-audio " alias ytv-best="yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio " alias ytv-metadata="yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio --add-metadata --parse-metadata \"%(title)s:%(meta_title)s\" --parse-metadata \"%(uploader)s:%(meta_artist)s\" --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --embed-thumbnail --embed-subs --sub-langs \"en.*\" --merge-output-format mkv " #Cleanup orphaned packages alias cleanup='sudo pacman -Rns (pacman -Qtdq)' # Clean cached packages alias cleancache='paru -Sc' # activate venv called "venv" alias activate='source venv/bin/' # lsblk to list more info alias lsblkf="lsblk -o NAME,LABEL,RM,SIZE,RO,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINTS,MODEL,UUID" # use color for ip command alias ip="ip -c"