#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ffmpeg wrapper from os import sched_get_priority_max import ffmpy # argument parsing import argparse # executing some commands import subprocess """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="") # Input file parser.add_argument("-i", "--input-file", required=True, type=str, help="Input file") args = parser.parse_args() inputfile = args.input_file """ """ ffmpeg -y -i FalKKonE\ -\ 01\ Aria\ \(From\ \"Berserk:\ The\ Golden\ Age\ Arc\"\).flac -pass 1 -filter:a loudnorm=print_format=json -f flac /dev/null ffmpeg -i FalKKonE\ -\ 01\ Aria\ \(From\ \"Berserk:\ The\ Golden\ Age\ Arc\"\).flac -pass 2 -filter:a loudnorm=I=-30.0:linear=true:measured_I=-4.52:measured_LRA=1.90:measured_thresh=-14.64 -c:a libopus -b:a 320k test441.opus ffmpeg -i $FILE -c:v libx264 -b:v 4000k -pass 2 -filter:a loudnorm=linear=true:measured_I=$input_i:measured_LRA=$input_lra:measured_tp=$input_tp:measured_thresh=$input_thresh -c:a aac -b:a 256k $FILE.mkv """ # FIXME inputfile = ( '/home/marc/Downloads/FalKKonE - 01 Aria (From "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc").flac' ) inputfile = "/home/marc/Downloads/test441.opus" def get_format(inputfile): # get codec format # https://stackoverflow.com/a/29610897 # this shows the codecs of all audio streams present in the file, which shouldn't matter unless you have more than one stream ff = ffmpy.FFprobe( inputs={inputfile: None}, global_options=( "-v", "quiet", "-select_streams a", "-show_entries stream=codec_name", "-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", ), ) # print(ff.cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(ff.cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # NOTE read output from previous command # rstrip: remove trailing newline # decode: convert from binary string to normal string format: str = ( proc.stdout.read() # pyright: ignore[reportOptionalMemberAccess] .rstrip() .decode("utf8") ) # print(format) return format def loudness_info(inputfile) -> dict[str, str]: # get format from file # inputformat = get_format(inputfile) # NOTE format is actually unnecessary here ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg( inputs={inputfile: None}, outputs={"/dev/null": "-pass 1 -filter:a loudnorm=print_format=json -f null"}, global_options=("-y"), ) # print(ff.cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen( ff.cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) # NOTE get loudness info from subprocess # rstrip: remove trailing newline # decode: convert from binary string to utf8 # splitlines: list of lines (only 12 last ones, length of the output json) # join: reassembles the list of lines and separates with "\n" loudness_json: str = "\n".join( proc.stdout.read().rstrip().decode("utf8").splitlines()[-12:] ) # decode json to dict loudness: dict[str, str] = json.loads(loudness_json) # print(loudness_json) return loudness def convert(): # ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg() pass if __name__ == "__main__": loudness = loudness_info(inputfile=inputfile)