
1361 lines
44 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

namespace Grav\Plugin;
use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
use DateTime;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache;
use Exception;
use Grav\Common\Data\ValidationException;
use Grav\Common\Debugger;
use Grav\Common\Filesystem\Folder;
use Grav\Common\Grav;
use Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface;
use Grav\Common\Page\Pages;
use Grav\Common\Page\Types;
use Grav\Common\Plugin;
use Grav\Common\Twig\Twig;
use Grav\Common\Utils;
use Grav\Common\Uri;
use Grav\Common\Yaml;
use Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormInterface;
use Grav\Framework\Psr7\Response;
use Grav\Framework\Route\Route;
use Grav\Plugin\Form\BasicCaptcha;
use Grav\Plugin\Form\Form;
use Grav\Plugin\Form\Forms;
use Grav\Plugin\Form\TwigExtension;
use Grav\Common\HTTP\Client;
use Monolog\Logger;
use ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha;
use ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\CurlPost;
use RecursiveArrayIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\JsonFile;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\YamlFile;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\File;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
use RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Extension\CoreExtension;
use Twig\Extension\EscaperExtension;
use Twig\TwigFunction;
use function count;
use function function_exists;
use function is_array;
use function is_string;
use function sprintf;
* Class FormPlugin
* @package Grav\Plugin
class FormPlugin extends Plugin
/** @var array */
public $features = [
'blueprints' => 1000
/** @var Form */
protected $form;
/** @var array[]|FormInterface[] */
protected $forms = [];
/** @var FormInterface[] */
protected $active_forms = [];
/** @var array */
protected $json_response = [];
* @return bool
public static function checkRequirements(): bool
return version_compare(GRAV_VERSION, '1.7', '>');
* @return array
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
if (!static::checkRequirements()) {
return [];
return [
'onPluginsInitialized' => ['onPluginsInitialized', 0],
'onTwigExtensions' => ['onTwigExtensions', 0],
'onTwigTemplatePaths' => ['onTwigTemplatePaths', 0]
* @return ClassLoader
public function autoload()
return require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
* Initialize forms from cache if possible
* @return void
public function onPluginsInitialized(): void
// Backwards compatibility for plugins that use forms.
class_alias(Form::class, 'Grav\Plugin\Form');
$this->grav['forms'] = function () {
$forms = new Forms();
$event = new Event(['forms' => $forms]);
$this->grav->fireEvent('onFormRegisterTypes', $event);
return $forms;
if ($this->isAdmin()) {
'onPageInitialized' => ['onPageInitialized', 0],
'onGetPageTemplates' => ['onGetPageTemplates', 0],
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
// Mini Keep-Alive Logic
$task = $uri->param('task');
if ($task === 'keep-alive') {
$response = new Response(200);
'onPageProcessed' => ['onPageProcessed', 0],
'onPagesInitialized' => ['onPagesInitialized', 0],
'onPageInitialized' => ['onPageInitialized', 0],
'onTwigInitialized' => ['onTwigInitialized', 0],
'onTwigPageVariables' => ['onTwigVariables', 0],
'onTwigSiteVariables' => ['onTwigVariables', 0],
'onFormValidationProcessed' => ['onFormValidationProcessed', 0],
* @param Event $event
* @return void
public function onGetPageTemplates(Event $event): void
/** @var Types $types */
$types = $event->types;
* Process forms after page header processing, but before caching
* @param Event $event
* @return void
public function onPageProcessed(Event $event): void
/** @var PageInterface $page */
$page = $event['page'];
$forms = $page->getForms();
if (!$forms) {
// Force never_cache_twig if modular form (recursively up)
$current = $page;
while ($current && $current->modularTwig()) {
$header = $current->header();
$header->never_cache_twig = true;
$current = $current->parent();
$parent = $current && $current !== $page ? $current : null;
// If the form was in the modular page, we need to add the form into the parent page as well.
if ($parent) {
// Store the page forms in the forms instance
foreach ($forms as $name => $form) {
if ($parent) {
$this->addFormDefinition($parent, $name, $form);
$this->addFormDefinition($page, $name, $form);
* Initialize all the forms
* @return void
public function onPagesInitialized(): void
* Catches form processing if user posts the form.
* @return void
public function onPageInitialized(): void
$submitted = false;
$this->json_response = [];
/** @var PageInterface $page */
$page = $this->grav['page'];
// DEPRECATED: This should no longer ever happen
if (!$this->forms) {
$this->onPageProcessed(new Event(['page' => $page]));
// Enable form events if there's a POST
if ($this->shouldProcessForm()) {
'onFormProcessed' => ['onFormProcessed', 0],
'onFormValidationError' => ['onFormValidationError', 0],
'onFormFieldTypes' => ['onFormFieldTypes', 0],
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
/** @var Forms $forms */
$forms = $this->grav['forms'];
$form = $forms->getActiveForm();
if ($form instanceof Form) {
// Post the form
$isJson = $uri->extension() === 'json';
$task = (string)($uri->post('task') ?? $uri->param('task'));
if ($isJson) {
if ($task === 'store-state') {
$this->json_response = $form->storeState();
} elseif ($task === 'clear-state') {
$this->json_response = $form->clearState();
} elseif ($task === 'file-remove' || $uri->post('__form-file-remover__')) {
$this->json_response = $form->filesSessionRemove();
} elseif ($task === 'file-upload' || $uri->post('__form-file-uploader__')) {
$this->json_response = $form->uploadFiles();
if (empty($this->json_response)) {
if ($task === 'clear-state') {
$redirect = $form->getBlueprint()->get('form/clear_redirect_url') ?? $page->route();
$this->grav->redirect($redirect, 303);
} else {
$submitted = true;
// Return JSON if we're not in form template.
if ($this->json_response && $page->template() !== 'form') {
$status = $this->json_response['status'] ?? null;
$response = new Response(
$status !== 'error' ? 200 : 400,
['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],
json_encode($this->json_response, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)
// Clear flash objects for previously uploaded files
// whenever the user switches page / reloads
// ignoring any JSON / extension call
if (!$submitted && null === $uri->extension()) {
// Discard any previously uploaded files session.
// and if there were any uploaded file, remove them from the filesystem
if ($flash = $this->grav['session']->getFlashObject('files-upload')) {
$flash = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($flash));
foreach ($flash as $key => $value) {
if ($key !== 'tmp_name') {
} else {
// There is no active form to be posted.
// Check all the forms for the current page; we are looking for forms with remember state turned on with random unique id.
/** @var Forms $forms */
$forms = $this->grav['forms'];
$lang = $this->grav['language']->getLanguage();
/** @var Route $route */
$route = $this->grav['route'];
$pageForms = $this->forms[$lang][$route->getRoute()] ?? [];
* @var string $name
* @var array|FormInterface $form
foreach ($pageForms as $name => $form) {
if (is_array($form)) {
$form = $this->createForm($page, $name, $form);
if (!$form instanceof FormInterface) {
if ($form->get('remember_redirect')) {
// Found one; we need to check if unique id is set.
$formParam = $form->get('uniqueid_param', 'fid');
$uniqueId = $route->getGravParam($formParam);
if ($uniqueId && preg_match('/[a-z\d]+/', $uniqueId)) {
// URL contains unique id, initialize the current form.
// Append unique id to the URL and redirect.
$route = $route->withGravParam($formParam, $form->getUniqueId());
// TODO: Do we want to add support for multiple forms with remembered state?
* Add simple `forms()` Twig function
* @return void
public function onTwigInitialized(): void
new TwigFunction('forms', [$this, 'getForm'])
if (Environment::VERSION_ID > 20000) {
// Twig 2/3
function ($twig, $string, $charset) {
return Yaml::dump($string);
} else {
// Twig 1.x
function ($twig, $string, $charset) {
return Yaml::dump($string);
* @return void
public function onTwigExtensions(): void
$this->grav['twig']->twig->addExtension(new TwigExtension());
* Add current directory to twig lookup paths.
* @return void
public function onTwigTemplatePaths(): void
$this->grav['twig']->twig_paths[] = __DIR__ . '/templates';
* Make form accessible from twig.
* @param Event|null $event
* @return void
public function onTwigVariables(Event $event = null): void
if ($event && isset($event['page'])) {
$page = $event['page'];
} else {
$page = $this->grav['page'];
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
if (!isset($twig->twig_vars['form'])) {
$twig->twig_vars['form'] = $this->form($page);
if ($this->config->get('plugins.form.built_in_css')) {
$twig->twig_vars['form_max_filesize'] = Form::getMaxFilesize();
$twig->twig_vars['form_json_response'] = $this->json_response;
* Handle form processing instructions.
* @param Event $event
* @return void
* @throws Exception
* @throws TransportExceptionInterface
public function onFormProcessed(Event $event): void
/** @var Form $form */
$form = $event['form'];
$action = $event['action'];
$params = $event['params'];
switch ($action) {
case 'captcha':
$captcha_config = $this->config->get('plugins.form.recaptcha');
$secret = $params['recaptcha_secret'] ?? $params['recatpcha_secret'] ?? $captcha_config['secret_key'];
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
$action = $form->value('action');
$hostname = $uri->host();
$ip = Uri::ip();
$recaptcha = new ReCaptcha($secret);
if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
$recaptcha = new ReCaptcha($secret, new CurlPost());
// get captcha version
$captcha_version = $captcha_config['version'] ?? 2;
// Add version 3 specific options
if ($captcha_version == 3) {
$token = $form->value('token');
$resp = $recaptcha
->verify($token, $ip);
} else {
$token = $form->value('g-recaptcha-response', true);
$resp = $recaptcha
->verify($token, $ip);
if (!$resp->isSuccess()) {
$errors = $resp->getErrorCodes();
$message = $this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.ERROR_VALIDATING_CAPTCHA');
$fields = $form->value()->blueprints()->get('form/fields');
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$type = $field['type'] ?? 'text';
$field_message = $field['recaptcha_not_validated'] ?? null;
if ($type === 'captcha' && $field_message) {
$message = $field_message;
$this->grav->fireEvent('onFormValidationError', new Event([
'form' => $form,
'message' => $message
$this->grav['log']->addWarning('Form reCAPTCHA Errors: [' . $uri->route() . '] ' . json_encode($errors));
case 'basic-captcha':
$captcha = new BasicCaptcha();
$captcha_value = trim($form->value('basic-captcha'));
if (!$captcha->validateCaptcha($captcha_value)) {
$message = $params['message'] ?? $this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.ERROR_BASIC_CAPTCHA');
$form->setData('basic-captcha', '');
$this->grav->fireEvent('onFormValidationError', new Event([
'form' => $form,
'message' => $message
case 'turnstile':
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
$turnstile_config = $this->config->get('plugins.form.turnstile');
$secret = $turnstile_config['secret_key'] ?? null;
$token = $form->getValue('cf-turnstile-response') ?? null;
$ip = Uri::ip();
$client = Client::getClient();
$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
'body' => [
'secret' => $secret,
'response' => $token,
'remoteip' => $ip
$content = $response->toArray();
if (!$content['success']) {
$message = $params['message'] ?? $this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.ERROR_BASIC_CAPTCHA');
$this->grav->fireEvent('onFormValidationError', new Event([
'form' => $form,
'message' => $message
$this->grav['log']->addWarning('Form Turnstile invalid: [' . $uri->route() . '] ' . json_encode($content));
case 'timestamp':
$label = $params['label'] ?? 'Timestamp';
$format = $params['format'] ?? 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$blueprint = $form->value()->blueprints();
$blueprint->set('form/fields/timestamp', ['name' => 'timestamp', 'label' => $label, 'type' => 'hidden']);
$now = new DateTime('now');
$date_string = $now->format($format);
$form->setData('timestamp', $date_string);
case 'ip':
$label = $params['label'] ?? 'User IP';
$blueprint = $form->value()->blueprints();
$blueprint->set('form/fields/ip', ['name' => 'ip', 'label' => $label, 'type' => 'hidden']);
$form->setData('ip', Uri::ip());
case 'message':
$translated_string = $this->grav['language']->translate($params);
$vars = array(
'form' => $form
/** @var Twig $twig */
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
$processed_string = $twig->processString($translated_string, $vars);
$form->message = $processed_string;
case 'redirect':
$this->grav['session']->setFlashObject('form', $form);
$url = ((string)$params);
$vars = array(
'form' => $form
/** @var Twig $twig */
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
$url = $twig->processString($url, $vars);
$message = $form->message;
if ($message) {
$this->grav['messages']->add($form->message, 'success');
case 'reset':
if (Utils::isPositive($params)) {
$message = $form->message;
$form->message = $message;
case 'display':
$route = (string)$params;
if (!$route || $route[0] !== '/') {
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
$route = rtrim($uri->route(), '/') . '/' . ($route ?: '');
/** @var Twig $twig */
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
$twig->twig_vars['form'] = $form;
/** @var Pages $pages */
$pages = $this->grav['pages'];
$page = $pages->dispatch($route, true);
if (!$page) {
throw new RuntimeException('Display page not found. Please check the page exists.', 400);
$this->grav['page'] = $page;
case 'remember':
foreach ($params as $remember_field) {
$field_cookie = 'forms-' . $form['name'] . '-' . $remember_field;
setcookie($field_cookie, $form->value($remember_field), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 60);
case 'upload':
if ($params !== false) {
case 'save':
$prefix = $params['fileprefix'] ?? '';
$format = $params['dateformat'] ?? 'Ymd-His-u';
$raw_format = (bool)($params['dateraw'] ?? false);
$postfix = $params['filepostfix'] ?? '';
$ext = !empty($params['extension']) ? '.' . trim($params['extension'], '.') : '.txt';
$filename = $params['filename'] ?? '';
$folder = !empty($params['folder']) ? $params['folder'] : $form->getName();
$operation = $params['operation'] ?? 'create';
if (!$filename) {
if ($operation === 'add') {
throw new RuntimeException('Form save: \'operation: add\' is only supported with a static filename');
$filename = $prefix . $this->udate($format, $raw_format) . $postfix . $ext;
// Handle bad filenames.
if (!Utils::checkFilename($filename)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Form save: File with extension not allowed: %s', $filename));
/** @var Twig $twig */
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
$vars = [
'form' => $form
// Process with Twig
$filename = $twig->processString($filename, $vars);
$locator = $this->grav['locator'];
$path = $locator->findResource('user-data://', true);
$dir = $path . DS . $folder;
$fullFileName = $dir . DS . $filename;
if (!empty($params['raw']) || !empty($params['template'])) {
// Save data as it comes from the form.
if ($operation === 'add') {
throw new RuntimeException('Form save: \'operation: add\' is not supported for raw files');
switch ($ext) {
case '.yaml':
$file = YamlFile::instance($fullFileName);
case '.json':
$file = JsonFile::instance($fullFileName);
throw new RuntimeException('Form save: Unsupported RAW file format, please use either yaml or json');
$content = $form->getData();
$data = [
'_data_type' => 'form',
'template' => !empty($params['template']) ? $params['template'] : null,
'name' => $form->getName(),
'timestamp' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'content' => $content ? $content->toArray() : []
$file = File::instance($fullFileName);
if ($operation === 'create') {
$body = $twig->processString($params['body'] ?? '{% include "forms/data.txt.twig" %}', $vars);
} elseif ($operation === 'add') {
if (!empty($params['body'])) {
// use body similar to 'create' action and append to file as a log
$body = $twig->processString($params['body'], $vars);
// create folder if it doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
// append data to existing file
file_put_contents($fullFileName, $body, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
} else {
// serialize YAML out to file for easier parsing as data sets
$vars = $vars['form']->value()->toArray();
foreach ($form->fields as $field) {
if (!empty($field['process']['ignore'])) {
if (file_exists($fullFileName)) {
$data = Yaml::parse($file->content());
if (count($data) > 0) {
array_unshift($data, $vars);
} else {
$data[] = $vars;
} else {
$data[] = $vars;
case 'call':
$callable = $params;
if (is_array($callable) && !method_exists($callable[0], $callable[1])) {
throw new RuntimeException('Form cannot be processed (method does not exist)');
if (is_string($callable) && !function_exists($callable)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Form cannot be processed (function does not exist)');
* Custom field logic can go in here
* @param Event $event
* @return void
public function onFormValidationProcessed(Event $event): void
// special check for honeypot field
foreach ($event['form']->fields() as $field) {
if ($field['type'] === 'honeypot' && !empty($event['form']->value($field['name']))) {
throw new ValidationException('Are you a bot?');
* Handle form validation error
* @param Event $event An event object
* @return void
* @throws Exception
public function onFormValidationError(Event $event): void
/** @var FormInterface $form */
$form = $event['form'];
if (isset($event['message'])) {
$form->status = 'error';
$form->message = $event['message'];
$form->messages = $event['messages'];
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
$route = $uri->route();
/** @var Twig $twig */
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
$twig->twig_vars['form'] = $form;
/** @var Pages $pages */
$pages = $this->grav['pages'];
$page = $pages->find($route, true);
if ($page) {
$this->grav['page'] = $page;
* Add a form definition to the forms plugin
* @param PageInterface $page
* @return void
public function addFormDefinition(PageInterface $page, string $name, array $form): void
$route = ($page->home() ? '/' : $page->route()) ?? '/';
$lang = $this->grav['language']->getLanguage();
if (!isset($this->forms[$lang][$route][$name])) {
$form['_page_routable'] = !$page->isModule();
$this->forms[$lang][$route][$name] = $form;
* Add a form to the forms plugin
* @param string|null $route
* @param FormInterface|null $form
* @return void
public function addForm(?string $route, ?FormInterface $form): void
if (null === $form) {
$lang = $this->grav['language']->getLanguage();
$name = $form->getName();
if (!isset($this->forms[$lang][$route][$name])) {
$form['_page_routable'] = true;
$this->forms[$lang][$route][$name] = $form;
* function to get a specific form
* @param string|array|null $data Optional form name or ['name' => $name, 'route' => $route]
* @return FormInterface|null
public function getForm($data = null): ?FormInterface
/** @var Pages $pages */
$pages = $this->grav['pages'];
$lang = $this->grav['language']->getLanguage();
// Handle parameters.
if (is_array($data)) {
$name = (string)($data['name'] ?? '');
$route = (string)($data['route'] ?? '');
} elseif (is_string($data)) {
$name = $data;
$route = '';
} else {
$name = '';
$route = '';
// Return always the same form instance.
$form = $this->active_forms[$route][$name] ?? null;
if ($form) {
return $form;
$unnamed = $name === '';
$routed = $route !== '';
// Get the page.
if ($routed) {
// Use fixed route for the form.
$route_provided = true;
$page = $pages->find($route, true);
} else {
// Search form from the current page first.
$route_provided = false;
/** @var PageInterface|null $page */
$page = $this->grav['page'] ?? null;
if ($page) {
$route = $page->route();
} else {
// Get page route with a fallback using current URI if page is not yet initialized.
$route = $this->getCurrentPageRoute();
$page = $pages->find($route);
// Attempt to find the form from the page.
if ('' !== $route) {
$forms = $this->forms[$lang][$route] ?? [];
if (!$unnamed) {
// Get form by the name.
$form = $forms[$name] ?? null;
} else {
// Get the first form.
$form = reset($forms) ?: null;
$name = key($forms);
// Search the form from the other pages.
if (null === $form) {
// First check if we requested a specific form which didn't exist.
if ($route_provided || $unnamed) {
$this->grav['debugger']->addMessage(sprintf('Form %s not found in page %s', $name ?? 'unnamed', $route), 'warning');
return null;
// Attempt to find any form with given name.
$forms = $this->findFormByName($name);
$first = reset($forms);
if (!$first) {
return null;
// Check for naming conflicts.
if (count($forms) > 1) {
$this->grav['debugger']->addMessage(sprintf('Fetching form by its name, but there are multiple pages with the same form name %s', $name), 'warning');
[$route, $name, $form] = $first;
$page = $pages->find($route);
// Form can be saved as an array or an object. If it's an array, we need to create object from it.
if (is_array($form)) {
// Form was cached as an array, try to create the object.
if (null === $page) {
$this->grav['debugger']->addMessage(sprintf('Form %s cannot be created as page %s does not exist', $name, $route), 'warning');
return null;
$form = $this->createForm($page, $name, $form);
// Register form to the active forms to get the same instance back next time.
$this->active_forms[$route][$name] = $form;
if ($unnamed) {
$this->active_forms[$route][''] = $form;
// Also make aliases if route was not provided to the method.
if (!$routed) {
$this->active_forms[''][$name] = $form;
if ($unnamed) {
$this->active_forms[''][''] = $form;
return $form;
* Get list of form field types specified in this plugin. Only special types needs to be listed.
* @return array
public function getFormFieldTypes(): array
return [
'avatar' => [
'input@' => false,
'media_field' => true
'captcha' => [
'input@' => false
'columns' => [
'input@' => false
'column' => [
'input@' => false
'conditional' => [
'input@' => false
'display' => [
'input@' => false
'fieldset' => [
'input@' => false
'file' => [
'array' => true,
'media_field' => true,
'validate' => [
'type' => 'ignore'
'formname' => [
'input@' => false
'honeypot' => [
'input@' => false
'ignore' => [
'input@' => false
'key' => [
'input@' => false
'section' => [
'input@' => false
'spacer' => [
'input@' => false
'tabs' => [
'input@' => false
'tab' => [
'input@' => false
'uniqueid' => [
'input@' => false
'value' => [
'input@' => false
* Process a form
* Currently available processing tasks:
* - fillWithCurrentDateTime
* @param FormInterface $form
* @return void
protected function process($form)
foreach ($form->fields as $field) {
if (!empty($field['process']['fillWithCurrentDateTime'])) {
$form->setData($field['name'], gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()));
* Get current page's route
* @return string
protected function getCurrentPageRoute()
$path = $this->grav['uri']->route();
return $path ?: '/';
* Return all forms matching the given name.
* @param string $name
* @return array
protected function findFormByName(string $name): array
$list = [];
$lang = $this->grav['language']->getLanguage();
$lang_forms = $this->forms[$lang] ?? [];
foreach ($lang_forms as $route => $forms) {
foreach ($forms as $key => $form) {
if ($name === $key && !empty($form['_page_routable'])) {
$list[] = [$route, $key, $form];
return $list;
* Determine if the page has a form submission that should be processed
* @return bool
protected function shouldProcessForm(): bool
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
$status = (bool)$uri->post('form-nonce');
if ($status && $form = $this->form()) {
// Make sure form is something we recognize.
if (!$form instanceof Form) {
return false;
if (isset($form->xhr_submit) && $form->xhr_submit) {
$form->set('template', $form->template ?? 'form-xhr');
// Set page template if passed by form
if (isset($form->template)) {
if (isset($form->refresh_prevention)) {
$refresh_prevention = (bool)$form->refresh_prevention;
} else {
$refresh_prevention = $this->config->get('plugins.form.refresh_prevention', false);
$unique_form_id = $form->getUniqueId();
if ($refresh_prevention && $unique_form_id) {
if ($this->grav['session']->unique_form_id !== $unique_form_id) {
$isJson = $uri->extension() === 'json';
// AJAX tasks aren't submitting
if (!$isJson || !($uri->post('__form-file-uploader__') || $uri->post('__form-file-remover__'))) {
$this->grav['session']->unique_form_id = $unique_form_id;
} else {
$status = false;
$form->message = $this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.FORM_ALREADY_SUBMITTED');
$form->status = 'error';
return $status;
* Get the current form, should already be processed but can get it directly from the page if necessary
* @param PageInterface|null $page
* @return FormInterface|null
protected function form(PageInterface $page = null)
/** @var Forms $forms */
$forms = $this->grav['forms'];
$form = $forms->getActiveForm();
if (null === $form) {
// try to get the page if possible
if (null === $page) {
$page = $this->grav['page'];
// Try to find the posted form if available.
$form_name = $this->grav['uri']->post('__form-name__', GRAV_SANITIZE_STRING) ?? '';
$unique_id = $this->grav['uri']->post('__unique_form_id__', GRAV_SANITIZE_STRING) ?? '';
if (!$form_name) {
$form_name = $page ? $page->slug() : null;
$form = $form_name ? $this->getForm($form_name) : null;
if ($form && '' === $unique_id) {
// Reset form to change the cached unique id and to fire onFormInitialized event.
// last attempt using current page's form
if (!$form && $page) {
$form = $this->createForm($page);
if ($form) {
// Only set posted unique id if the form name matches to the one that was posted.
if ($unique_id && $form_name === $form->getFormName()) {
return $form;
* @param PageInterface $page
* @param string|null $name
* @param array|null $form
* @return FormInterface|null
protected function createForm(PageInterface $page, string $name = null, array $form = null): ?FormInterface
/** @var Forms $forms */
$forms = $this->grav['forms'];
return $forms->createPageForm($page, $name, $form);
* Load cached forms and merge with any currently found forms
* @return void
protected function loadCachedForms(): void
// Get and set the cache of forms if it exists
try {
/** @var Cache $cache */
$cache = $this->grav['cache'];
$forms = $cache->fetch($this->getFormCacheId());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->grav['debugger']->addMessage(sprintf('Unserializing cached forms failed: %s', $e->getMessage()), 'error');
$forms = null;
if (!is_array($forms)) {
// Only update the forms if it's not empty
if ($forms) {
$this->forms = Utils::arrayMergeRecursiveUnique($this->forms, $forms);
if ($this->config()['debug']) {
$this->grav['log']->addDebug(sprintf("<<<< Loaded cached forms: %s\n%s", $this->getFormCacheId(), $this->arrayToString($this->forms)));
* Save the current state of the forms
* @return void
protected function saveCachedForms(): void
/** @var Cache $cache */
$cache = $this->grav['cache'];
$cache_id = $this->getFormCacheId();
$forms = $cache->fetch($cache_id);
if ($forms) {
$this->forms = Utils::arrayMergeRecursiveUnique($this->forms, $forms);
$cache->save($cache_id, $this->forms);
if ($this->config()['debug']) {
$this->grav['log']->addDebug(sprintf(">>>> Saved cached forms: %s\n%s", $this->getFormCacheId(), $this->arrayToString($this->forms)));
* Get the current page cache based id for the forms cache
* @return string
protected function getFormCacheId(): string
/** @var \Grav\Common\Cache $cache */
$cache = $this->grav['cache'];
/** @var Pages $pages */
$pages= $this->grav['pages'];
// $cache_id = $cache->getKey() . '-form-plugin';
$cache_id = $pages->getPagesCacheId() . '-form-plugin';
return $cache_id;
* Create unix timestamp for storing the data into the filesystem.
* @param string $format
* @param bool $raw
* @return string
protected function udate($format = 'u', $raw = false)
if ($raw) {
return date($format);
$utimestamp = microtime(true);
$timestamp = floor($utimestamp);
$milliseconds = round(($utimestamp - $timestamp) * 1000000);
return date(preg_replace('`(?<!\\\\)u`', sprintf('%06d', $milliseconds), $format), $timestamp);
protected function processBasicCaptchaImage(Uri $uri)
if ($uri->path() === '/forms-basic-captcha-image.jpg') {
$captcha = new BasicCaptcha();
$code = $captcha->getCaptchaCode();
$image = $captcha->createCaptchaImage($code);
protected function arrayToString($array, $level = 2) {
$result = $this->limitArrayLevels($array, $level);
return json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
protected function limitArrayLevels($array, $levelsToKeep, $currentLevel = 0) {
if ($currentLevel >= $levelsToKeep) {
return '-';
$result = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->limitArrayLevels($value, $levelsToKeep, $currentLevel + 1);
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;