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# Azure Active Directory Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client
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This package provides [Azure Active Directory]( OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's [OAuth 2.0 Client](
## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Authorization Code Flow](#authorization-code-flow)
- [Advanced flow](#advanced-flow)
- [Using custom parameters](#using-custom-parameters)
- [**NEW** - Logging out](#logging-out)
- [Making API Requests](#making-api-requests)
- [Variables](#variables)
- [Resource Owner](#resource-owner)
- [Microsoft Graph](#microsoft-graph)
- [**NEW** - Protecting your API - *experimental*](#protecting-your-api---experimental)
- [Azure Active Directory B2C - *experimental*](#azure-active-directory-b2c---experimental)
- [Multipurpose refresh tokens - *experimental*](#multipurpose-refresh-tokens---experimental)
- [Known users](#known-users)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Credits](#credits)
- [Support](#support)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
To install, use composer:
composer require thenetworg/oauth2-azure
## Usage
Usage is the same as The League's OAuth client, using `\TheNetworg\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Azure` as the provider.
### Authorization Code Flow
$provider = new TheNetworg\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Azure([
'clientId' => '{azure-client-id}',
'clientSecret' => '{azure-client-secret}',
'redirectUri' => ''
if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
// If we don't have an authorization code then get one
$authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl();
$_SESSION['oauth2state'] = $provider->getState();
header('Location: '.$authUrl);
// Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack
} elseif (empty($_GET['state']) || ($_GET['state'] !== $_SESSION['oauth2state'])) {
exit('Invalid state');
} else {
// Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant)
$token = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
'code' => $_GET['code'],
'resource' => '',
// Optional: Now you have a token you can look up a users profile data
try {
// We got an access token, let's now get the user's details
$me = $provider->get("me", $token);
// Use these details to create a new profile
printf('Hello %s!', $me['givenName']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Failed to get user details
exit('Oh dear...');
// Use this to interact with an API on the users behalf
echo $token->getToken();
#### Advanced flow
The [Authorization Code Grant Flow]( is a little bit different for Azure Active Directory. Instead of scopes, you specify the resource which you would like to access - there is a param `$provider->authWithResource` which will automatically populate the `resource` param of request with the value of either `$provider->resource` or `$provider->urlAPI`. This feature is mostly intended for v2.0 endpoint of Azure AD (see more [here](
#### Using custom parameters
With [oauth2-client]( of version 1.3.0 and higher, it is now possible to specify custom parameters for the authorization URL, so you can now make use of options like `prompt`, `login_hint` and similar. See the following example of obtaining an authorization URL which will force the user to reauthenticate:
$authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl([
'prompt' => 'login'
You can find additional parameters [here](
### Logging out
If you need to quickly generate a logout URL for the user, you can do following:
// Assuming you have provider properly initialized.
$post_logout_redirect_uri = ''; // The logout destination after the user is logged out from their account.
$logoutUrl = $provider->getLogoutUrl($post_logout_redirect_uri);
header('Location: '.$logoutUrl); // Redirect the user to the generated URL
## Making API Requests
This library also provides easy interface to make it easier to interact with [Azure Graph API]( and [Microsoft Graph](, the following methods are available on `provider` object (it also handles automatic token refresh flow should it be needed during making the request):
- `get($ref, $accessToken, $headers = [])`
- `post($ref, $body, $accessToken, $headers = [])`
- `put($ref, $body, $accessToken, $headers = [])`
- `delete($ref, $body, $accessToken, $headers = [])`
- `patch($ref, $body, $accessToken, $headers = [])`
- `getObjects($tenant, $ref, $accessToken, $headers = [])` This is used for example for listing large amount of data - where you need to list all users for example - it automatically follows `odata.nextLink` until the end.
- `$tenant` tenant has to be provided since the `odata.nextLink` doesn't contain it.
- `request($method, $ref, $accessToken, $options = [])` See [#36]( for use case.
*Please note that if you need to create a custom request, the method getAuthenticatedRequest and getResponse can still be used.*
### Variables
- `$ref` The URL reference without the leading `/`, for example `myOrganization/groups`
- `$body` The contents of the request, make has to be either string (so make sure to use `json_encode` to encode the request)s or stream (see [Guzzle HTTP](
- `$accessToken` The access token object obtained by using `getAccessToken` method
- `$headers` Ability to set custom headers for the request (see [Guzzle HTTP](
## Resource Owner
With version 1.1.0 and onward, the Resource Owner information is parsed from the JWT passed in `access_token` by Azure Active Directory. It exposes few attributes and one function.
$resourceOwner = $provider->getResourceOwner($token);
echo 'Hello, '.$resourceOwner->getFirstName().'!';
The exposed attributes and function are:
- `getId()` - Gets user's object id - unique for each user
- `getFirstName()` - Gets user's first name
- `getLastName()` - Gets user's family name/surname
- `getTenantId()` - Gets id of tenant which the user is member of
- `getUpn()` - Gets user's User Principal Name, which can be also used as user's e-mail address
- `claim($name)` - Gets any other claim (specified as `$name`) from the JWT, full list can be found [here](
## Microsoft Graph
Calling [Microsoft Graph]( is very simple with this library. After provider initialization simply change the API URL followingly (replace `v1.0` with your desired version):
$provider->urlAPI = "";
$provider->resource = "";
After that, when requesting access token, refresh token or so, provide the `resource` with value `` in order to be able to make calls to the Graph (see more about `resource` [here](#advanced-flow)).
## Protecting your API - *experimental*
With version 1.2.0 you can now use this library to protect your API with Azure Active Directory authentication very easily. The Provider now also exposes `validateAccessToken(string $token)` which lets you pass an access token inside which you for example received in the `Authorization` header of the request on your API. You can use the function followingly (in vanilla PHP):
// Assuming you have already initialized the $provider
// Obtain the accessToken - in this case, we are getting it from Authorization header
$headers = getallheaders();
// Assuming you got the value of Authorization header as "Bearer [the_access_token]" we parse it
$authorization = explode(' ', $headers['Authorization']);
$accessToken = $authorization[1];
try {
$claims = $provider->validateAccessToken($accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Something happened, handle the error
// The access token is valid, you can now proceed with your code. You can also access the $claims as defined in JWT - for example roles, group memberships etc.
You may also need to access some other resource from the API like the Microsoft Graph to get some additional information. In order to do that, there is `urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer` grant available ([RFC]( An example (assuming you have the code above working and you have the required permissions configured correctly in the Azure AD application):
$graphAccessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('jwt_bearer', [
'resource' => '',
'assertion' => $accessToken,
'requested_token_use' => 'on_behalf_of'
$me = $provider->get('', $graphAccessToken);
Just to make it easier so you don't have to remember entire name for `grant_type` (`urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer`), you just use short `jwt_bearer` instead.
## Azure Active Directory B2C - *experimental*
You can also now very simply make use of [Azure Active Directory B2C]( Before authentication, change the endpoints using `pathAuthorize`, `pathToken` and `scope` and additionally specify your [login policy]( **Please note that the B2C support is still experimental and wasn't fully tested.**
$provider->pathAuthorize = "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
$provider->pathToken = "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
$provider->scope = ["idtoken"];
// Specify custom policy in our authorization URL
$authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl([
'p' => 'b2c_1_siup'
## Multipurpose refresh tokens - *experimental*
In cause that you need to access multiple resources (like your API and Microsoft Graph), you can use multipurpose [refresh tokens]( Once obtaining a token for first resource, you can simply request another token for different resource like so:
$accessToken2 = $provider->getAccessToken('refresh_token', [
'refresh_token' => $accessToken1->getRefreshToken(),
'resource' => 'http://urlOfYourSecondResource'
At the moment, there is one issue: When you make a call to your API and the token has expired, it will have the value of `$provider->urlAPI` which is obviously wrong for `$accessToken2`. The solution is very simple - set the `$provider->urlAPI` to the resource which you want to call. This issue will be addressed in future release. **Please note that this is experimental and wasn't fully tested.**
## Known users
If you are using this library and would like to be listed here, please let us know!
- [TheNetworg/DreamSpark-SSO](
## Contributing
We accept contributions via [Pull Requests on Github](
## Credits
- [Jan Hajek]( ([](
- [Vittorio Bertocci]( (Microsoft)
- Thanks for the splendid support while implementing #16
- [All Contributors](
## Support
If you find a bug or encounter any issue or have a problem/question with this library please create a [new issue](
## License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.