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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Amqp\Transport;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\TransportException;
* An AMQP connection.
* @author Samuel Roze <>
* @final
class Connection
private const ARGUMENTS_AS_INTEGER = [
* @see
private const AVAILABLE_OPTIONS = [
private $connectionOptions;
private $exchangeOptions;
private $queuesOptions;
private $amqpFactory;
private $autoSetupExchange;
private $autoSetupDelayExchange;
* @var \AMQPChannel|null
private $amqpChannel;
* @var \AMQPExchange|null
private $amqpExchange;
* @var \AMQPQueue[]|null
private $amqpQueues = [];
* @var \AMQPExchange|null
private $amqpDelayExchange;
* @var int
private $lastActivityTime = 0;
public function __construct(array $connectionOptions, array $exchangeOptions, array $queuesOptions, ?AmqpFactory $amqpFactory = null)
if (!\extension_loaded('amqp')) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use the "%s" as the "amqp" extension is not installed.', __CLASS__));
$this->connectionOptions = array_replace_recursive([
'delay' => [
'exchange_name' => 'delays',
'queue_name_pattern' => 'delay_%exchange_name%_%routing_key%_%delay%',
], $connectionOptions);
$this->autoSetupExchange = $this->autoSetupDelayExchange = $connectionOptions['auto_setup'] ?? true;
$this->exchangeOptions = $exchangeOptions;
$this->queuesOptions = $queuesOptions;
$this->amqpFactory = $amqpFactory ?? new AmqpFactory();
* Creates a connection based on the DSN and options.
* Available options:
* * host: Hostname of the AMQP service
* * port: Port of the AMQP service
* * vhost: Virtual Host to use with the AMQP service
* * user|login: Username to use to connect the AMQP service
* * password: Password to use to connect to the AMQP service
* * read_timeout: Timeout in for income activity. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
* * write_timeout: Timeout in for outcome activity. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
* * connect_timeout: Connection timeout. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
* * confirm_timeout: Timeout in seconds for confirmation, if none specified transport will not wait for message confirmation. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
* * queues[name]: An array of queues, keyed by the name
* * binding_keys: The binding keys (if any) to bind to this queue
* * binding_arguments: Arguments to be used while binding the queue.
* * flags: Queue flags (Default: AMQP_DURABLE)
* * arguments: Extra arguments
* * exchange:
* * name: Name of the exchange
* * type: Type of exchange (Default: fanout)
* * default_publish_routing_key: Routing key to use when publishing, if none is specified on the message
* * flags: Exchange flags (Default: AMQP_DURABLE)
* * arguments: Extra arguments
* * delay:
* * queue_name_pattern: Pattern to use to create the queues (Default: "delay_%exchange_name%_%routing_key%_%delay%")
* * exchange_name: Name of the exchange to be used for the delayed/retried messages (Default: "delays")
* * auto_setup: Enable or not the auto-setup of queues and exchanges (Default: true)
* * Connection tuning options (see for details):
* * channel_max: Specifies highest channel number that the server permits. 0 means standard extension limit
* (see PHP_AMQP_MAX_CHANNELS constant)
* * frame_max: The largest frame size that the server proposes for the connection, including frame header
* and end-byte. 0 means standard extension limit (depends on librabbimq default frame size limit)
* * heartbeat: The delay, in seconds, of the connection heartbeat that the server wants.
* 0 means the server does not want a heartbeat. Note, librabbitmq has limited heartbeat support,
* which means heartbeats checked only during blocking calls.
* TLS support (see for details):
* * cacert: Path to the CA cert file in PEM format.
* * cert: Path to the client certificate in PEM format.
* * key: Path to the client key in PEM format.
* * verify: Enable or disable peer verification. If peer verification is enabled then the common name in the
* server certificate must match the server name. Peer verification is enabled by default.
public static function fromDsn(string $dsn, array $options = [], ?AmqpFactory $amqpFactory = null): self
if (false === $params = parse_url($dsn)) {
// this is a valid URI that parse_url cannot handle when you want to pass all parameters as options
if (!\in_array($dsn, ['amqp://', 'amqps://'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The given AMQP DSN is invalid.');
$params = [];
$useAmqps = 0 === strpos($dsn, 'amqps://');
$pathParts = isset($params['path']) ? explode('/', trim($params['path'], '/')) : [];
$exchangeName = $pathParts[1] ?? 'messages';
parse_str($params['query'] ?? '', $parsedQuery);
$port = $useAmqps ? 5671 : 5672;
$amqpOptions = array_replace_recursive([
'host' => $params['host'] ?? 'localhost',
'port' => $params['port'] ?? $port,
'vhost' => isset($pathParts[0]) ? urldecode($pathParts[0]) : '/',
'exchange' => [
'name' => $exchangeName,
], $options, $parsedQuery);
if (isset($params['user'])) {
$amqpOptions['login'] = rawurldecode($params['user']);
if (isset($params['pass'])) {
$amqpOptions['password'] = rawurldecode($params['pass']);
if (!isset($amqpOptions['queues'])) {
$amqpOptions['queues'][$exchangeName] = [];
$exchangeOptions = $amqpOptions['exchange'];
$queuesOptions = $amqpOptions['queues'];
unset($amqpOptions['queues'], $amqpOptions['exchange']);
if (isset($amqpOptions['auto_setup'])) {
$amqpOptions['auto_setup'] = filter_var($amqpOptions['auto_setup'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$queuesOptions = array_map(function ($queueOptions) {
if (!\is_array($queueOptions)) {
$queueOptions = [];
if (\is_array($queueOptions['arguments'] ?? false)) {
$queueOptions['arguments'] = self::normalizeQueueArguments($queueOptions['arguments']);
return $queueOptions;
}, $queuesOptions);
if (!$useAmqps) {
unset($amqpOptions['cacert'], $amqpOptions['cert'], $amqpOptions['key'], $amqpOptions['verify']);
if ($useAmqps && !self::hasCaCertConfigured($amqpOptions)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No CA certificate has been provided. Set "amqp.cacert" in your php.ini or pass the "cacert" parameter in the DSN to use SSL. Alternatively, you can use amqp:// to use without SSL.');
return new self($amqpOptions, $exchangeOptions, $queuesOptions, $amqpFactory);
private static function validateOptions(array $options): void
if (0 < \count($invalidOptions = array_diff(array_keys($options), self::AVAILABLE_OPTIONS))) {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/messenger', '5.1', 'Invalid option(s) "%s" passed to the AMQP Messenger transport. Passing invalid options is deprecated.', implode('", "', $invalidOptions));
if (isset($options['prefetch_count'])) {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/messenger', '5.3', 'The "prefetch_count" option passed to the AMQP Messenger transport has no effect and should not be used.');
if (\is_array($options['queues'] ?? false)) {
foreach ($options['queues'] as $queue) {
if (!\is_array($queue)) {
if (0 < \count($invalidQueueOptions = array_diff(array_keys($queue), self::AVAILABLE_QUEUE_OPTIONS))) {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/messenger', '5.1', 'Invalid queue option(s) "%s" passed to the AMQP Messenger transport. Passing invalid queue options is deprecated.', implode('", "', $invalidQueueOptions));
if (\is_array($options['exchange'] ?? false)
&& 0 < \count($invalidExchangeOptions = array_diff(array_keys($options['exchange']), self::AVAILABLE_EXCHANGE_OPTIONS))) {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/messenger', '5.1', 'Invalid exchange option(s) "%s" passed to the AMQP Messenger transport. Passing invalid exchange options is deprecated.', implode('", "', $invalidExchangeOptions));
private static function normalizeQueueArguments(array $arguments): array
foreach (self::ARGUMENTS_AS_INTEGER as $key) {
if (!\array_key_exists($key, $arguments)) {
if (!is_numeric($arguments[$key])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Integer expected for queue argument "%s", "%s" given.', $key, get_debug_type($arguments[$key])));
$arguments[$key] = (int) $arguments[$key];
return $arguments;
private static function hasCaCertConfigured(array $amqpOptions): bool
return (isset($amqpOptions['cacert']) && '' !== $amqpOptions['cacert']) || '' !== \ini_get('amqp.cacert');
* @throws \AMQPException
public function publish(string $body, array $headers = [], int $delayInMs = 0, ?AmqpStamp $amqpStamp = null): void
if ($this->autoSetupExchange) {
$this->setupExchangeAndQueues(); // also setup normal exchange for delayed messages so delay queue can DLX messages to it
if (0 !== $delayInMs) {
$this->publishWithDelay($body, $headers, $delayInMs, $amqpStamp);
* Returns an approximate count of the messages in defined queues.
public function countMessagesInQueues(): int
return array_sum(array_map(function ($queueName) {
return $this->queue($queueName)->declareQueue();
}, $this->getQueueNames()));
* @throws \AMQPException
private function publishWithDelay(string $body, array $headers, int $delay, ?AmqpStamp $amqpStamp = null)
$routingKey = $this->getRoutingKeyForMessage($amqpStamp);
$isRetryAttempt = $amqpStamp ? $amqpStamp->isRetryAttempt() : false;
$this->setupDelay($delay, $routingKey, $isRetryAttempt);
$this->getRoutingKeyForDelay($delay, $routingKey, $isRetryAttempt),
private function publishOnExchange(\AMQPExchange $exchange, string $body, ?string $routingKey = null, array $headers = [], ?AmqpStamp $amqpStamp = null)
$attributes = $amqpStamp ? $amqpStamp->getAttributes() : [];
$attributes['headers'] = array_merge($attributes['headers'] ?? [], $headers);
$attributes['delivery_mode'] = $attributes['delivery_mode'] ?? 2;
$attributes['timestamp'] = $attributes['timestamp'] ?? time();
$this->lastActivityTime = time();
$amqpStamp ? $amqpStamp->getFlags() : \AMQP_NOPARAM,
if ('' !== ($this->connectionOptions['confirm_timeout'] ?? '')) {
$this->channel()->waitForConfirm((float) $this->connectionOptions['confirm_timeout']);
private function setupDelay(int $delay, ?string $routingKey, bool $isRetryAttempt)
if ($this->autoSetupDelayExchange) {
$queue = $this->createDelayQueue($delay, $routingKey, $isRetryAttempt);
$queue->declareQueue(); // the delay queue always need to be declared because the name is dynamic and cannot be declared in advance
$queue->bind($this->connectionOptions['delay']['exchange_name'], $this->getRoutingKeyForDelay($delay, $routingKey, $isRetryAttempt));
private function getDelayExchange(): \AMQPExchange
if (null === $this->amqpDelayExchange) {
$this->amqpDelayExchange = $this->amqpFactory->createExchange($this->channel());
return $this->amqpDelayExchange;
* Creates a delay queue that will delay for a certain amount of time.
* This works by setting message TTL for the delay and pointing
* the dead letter exchange to the original exchange. The result
* is that after the TTL, the message is sent to the dead-letter-exchange,
* which is the original exchange, resulting on it being put back into
* the original queue.
private function createDelayQueue(int $delay, ?string $routingKey, bool $isRetryAttempt): \AMQPQueue
$queue = $this->amqpFactory->createQueue($this->channel());
$queue->setName($this->getRoutingKeyForDelay($delay, $routingKey, $isRetryAttempt));
'x-message-ttl' => $delay,
// delete the delay queue 10 seconds after the message expires
// publishing another message redeclares the queue which renews the lease
'x-expires' => $delay + 10000,
// message should be broadcast to all consumers during delay, but to only one queue during retry
// empty name is default direct exchange
'x-dead-letter-exchange' => $isRetryAttempt ? '' : $this->exchangeOptions['name'],
// after being released from to DLX, make sure the original routing key will be used
// we must use an empty string instead of null for the argument to be picked up
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' => $routingKey ?? '',
return $queue;
private function getRoutingKeyForDelay(int $delay, ?string $finalRoutingKey, bool $isRetryAttempt): string
$action = $isRetryAttempt ? '_retry' : '_delay';
return str_replace(
['%delay%', '%exchange_name%', '%routing_key%'],
[$delay, $this->exchangeOptions['name'], $finalRoutingKey ?? ''],
* Gets a message from the specified queue.
* @throws \AMQPException
public function get(string $queueName): ?\AMQPEnvelope
if ($this->autoSetupExchange) {
if (false !== $message = $this->queue($queueName)->get()) {
return $message;
return null;
public function ack(\AMQPEnvelope $message, string $queueName): bool
return $this->queue($queueName)->ack($message->getDeliveryTag()) ?? true;
public function nack(\AMQPEnvelope $message, string $queueName, int $flags = \AMQP_NOPARAM): bool
return $this->queue($queueName)->nack($message->getDeliveryTag(), $flags) ?? true;
public function setup(): void
private function setupExchangeAndQueues(): void
foreach ($this->queuesOptions as $queueName => $queueConfig) {
foreach ($queueConfig['binding_keys'] ?? [null] as $bindingKey) {
$this->queue($queueName)->bind($this->exchangeOptions['name'], $bindingKey, $queueConfig['binding_arguments'] ?? []);
$this->autoSetupExchange = false;
private function setupDelayExchange(): void
$this->autoSetupDelayExchange = false;
* @return string[]
public function getQueueNames(): array
return array_keys($this->queuesOptions);
public function channel(): \AMQPChannel
if (null === $this->amqpChannel) {
$connection = $this->amqpFactory->createConnection($this->connectionOptions);
$connectMethod = 'true' === ($this->connectionOptions['persistent'] ?? 'false') ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';
try {
} catch (\AMQPConnectionException $e) {
throw new \AMQPException('Could not connect to the AMQP server. Please verify the provided DSN.', 0, $e);
$this->amqpChannel = $this->amqpFactory->createChannel($connection);
if ('' !== ($this->connectionOptions['confirm_timeout'] ?? '')) {
static function (): bool {
return false;
static function () {
throw new TransportException('Message publication failed due to a negative acknowledgment (nack) from the broker.');
$this->lastActivityTime = time();
} elseif (0 < ($this->connectionOptions['heartbeat'] ?? 0) && time() > $this->lastActivityTime + 2 * $this->connectionOptions['heartbeat']) {
$disconnectMethod = 'true' === ($this->connectionOptions['persistent'] ?? 'false') ? 'pdisconnect' : 'disconnect';
return $this->amqpChannel;
public function queue(string $queueName): \AMQPQueue
if (!isset($this->amqpQueues[$queueName])) {
$queueConfig = $this->queuesOptions[$queueName] ?? [];
$amqpQueue = $this->amqpFactory->createQueue($this->channel());
$amqpQueue->setFlags($queueConfig['flags'] ?? \AMQP_DURABLE);
if (isset($queueConfig['arguments'])) {
$this->amqpQueues[$queueName] = $amqpQueue;
return $this->amqpQueues[$queueName];
public function exchange(): \AMQPExchange
if (null === $this->amqpExchange) {
$this->amqpExchange = $this->amqpFactory->createExchange($this->channel());
$this->amqpExchange->setType($this->exchangeOptions['type'] ?? \AMQP_EX_TYPE_FANOUT);
$this->amqpExchange->setFlags($this->exchangeOptions['flags'] ?? \AMQP_DURABLE);
if (isset($this->exchangeOptions['arguments'])) {
return $this->amqpExchange;
private function clearWhenDisconnected(): void
if (!$this->channel()->isConnected()) {
$this->amqpChannel = null;
$this->amqpQueues = [];
$this->amqpExchange = null;
$this->amqpDelayExchange = null;
private function getDefaultPublishRoutingKey(): ?string
return $this->exchangeOptions['default_publish_routing_key'] ?? null;
public function purgeQueues()
foreach ($this->getQueueNames() as $queueName) {
private function getRoutingKeyForMessage(?AmqpStamp $amqpStamp): ?string
return (null !== $amqpStamp ? $amqpStamp->getRoutingKey() : null) ?? $this->getDefaultPublishRoutingKey();
if (!class_exists(\Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt\Connection::class, false)) {
class_alias(Connection::class, \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt\Connection::class);