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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\TransportException;
* A Redis connection.
* @author Alexander Schranz <alexander@sulu.io>
* @author Antoine Bluchet <soyuka@gmail.com>
* @author Robin Chalas <robin.chalas@gmail.com>
* @internal
* @final
class Connection
private const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = [
'stream' => 'messages',
'group' => 'symfony',
'consumer' => 'consumer',
'auto_setup' => true,
'delete_after_ack' => false,
'delete_after_reject' => true,
'stream_max_entries' => 0, // any value higher than 0 defines an approximate maximum number of stream entries
'dbindex' => 0,
'tls' => false,
'redeliver_timeout' => 3600, // Timeout before redeliver messages still in pending state (seconds)
'claim_interval' => 60000, // Interval by which pending/abandoned messages should be checked
'lazy' => false,
'auth' => null,
'serializer' => \Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP,
private $connection;
private $stream;
private $queue;
private $group;
private $consumer;
private $autoSetup;
private $maxEntries;
private $redeliverTimeout;
private $nextClaim = 0.0;
private $claimInterval;
private $deleteAfterAck;
private $deleteAfterReject;
private $couldHavePendingMessages = true;
* @param \Redis|\RedisCluster|null $redis
public function __construct(array $configuration, array $connectionCredentials = [], array $redisOptions = [], $redis = null)
if (version_compare(phpversion('redis'), '4.3.0', '<')) {
throw new LogicException('The redis transport requires php-redis 4.3.0 or higher.');
$host = $connectionCredentials['host'] ?? '';
$port = $connectionCredentials['port'] ?? 6379;
$serializer = $redisOptions['serializer'] ?? \Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP;
$dbIndex = $configuration['dbindex'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['dbindex'];
$auth = $connectionCredentials['auth'] ?? null;
if ('' === $auth) {
$auth = null;
$lazy = $configuration['lazy'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['lazy'];
if (\is_array($host) || $redis instanceof \RedisCluster) {
$hosts = \is_string($host) ? [$host.':'.$port] : $host; // Always ensure we have an array
$initializer = static function ($redis) use ($hosts, $auth, $serializer) {
return self::initializeRedisCluster($redis, $hosts, $auth, $serializer);
$redis = $lazy ? new RedisClusterProxy($redis, $initializer) : $initializer($redis);
} else {
$redis = $redis ?? new \Redis();
$initializer = static function ($redis) use ($host, $port, $auth, $serializer, $dbIndex) {
return self::initializeRedis($redis, $host, $port, $auth, $serializer, $dbIndex);
$redis = $lazy ? new RedisProxy($redis, $initializer) : $initializer($redis);
$this->connection = $redis;
foreach (['stream', 'group', 'consumer'] as $key) {
if (isset($configuration[$key]) && '' === $configuration[$key]) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" should be configured, got an empty string.', $key));
$this->stream = $configuration['stream'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['stream'];
$this->group = $configuration['group'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['group'];
$this->consumer = $configuration['consumer'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['consumer'];
$this->queue = $this->stream.'__queue';
$this->autoSetup = $configuration['auto_setup'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['auto_setup'];
$this->maxEntries = $configuration['stream_max_entries'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['stream_max_entries'];
$this->deleteAfterAck = $configuration['delete_after_ack'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['delete_after_ack'];
$this->deleteAfterReject = $configuration['delete_after_reject'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['delete_after_reject'];
$this->redeliverTimeout = ($configuration['redeliver_timeout'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['redeliver_timeout']) * 1000;
$this->claimInterval = ($configuration['claim_interval'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['claim_interval']) / 1000;
* @param string|string[]|null $auth
private static function initializeRedis(\Redis $redis, string $host, int $port, $auth, int $serializer, int $dbIndex): \Redis
$redis->connect($host, $port);
$redis->setOption(\Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $serializer);
if (null !== $auth && !$redis->auth($auth)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Redis connection failed: '.$redis->getLastError());
if ($dbIndex && !$redis->select($dbIndex)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Redis connection failed: '.$redis->getLastError());
return $redis;
* @param string|string[]|null $auth
private static function initializeRedisCluster(?\RedisCluster $redis, array $hosts, $auth, int $serializer): \RedisCluster
if (null === $redis) {
$redis = new \RedisCluster(null, $hosts, 0.0, 0.0, false, $auth);
$redis->setOption(\Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $serializer);
return $redis;
* @param \Redis|\RedisCluster|null $redis
public static function fromDsn(string $dsn, array $redisOptions = [], $redis = null): self
if (false === strpos($dsn, ',')) {
$parsedUrl = self::parseDsn($dsn, $redisOptions);
} else {
$dsns = explode(',', $dsn);
$parsedUrls = array_map(function ($dsn) use (&$redisOptions) {
return self::parseDsn($dsn, $redisOptions);
}, $dsns);
// Merge all the URLs, the last one overrides the previous ones
$parsedUrl = array_merge(...$parsedUrls);
// Regroup all the hosts in an array interpretable by RedisCluster
$parsedUrl['host'] = array_map(function ($parsedUrl, $dsn) {
if (!isset($parsedUrl['host'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Missing host in DSN part "%s", it must be defined when using Redis Cluster.', $dsn));
return $parsedUrl['host'].':'.($parsedUrl['port'] ?? 6379);
}, $parsedUrls, $dsns);
$autoSetup = null;
if (\array_key_exists('auto_setup', $redisOptions)) {
$autoSetup = filter_var($redisOptions['auto_setup'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$maxEntries = null;
if (\array_key_exists('stream_max_entries', $redisOptions)) {
$maxEntries = filter_var($redisOptions['stream_max_entries'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$deleteAfterAck = null;
if (\array_key_exists('delete_after_ack', $redisOptions)) {
$deleteAfterAck = filter_var($redisOptions['delete_after_ack'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
} else {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/redis-messenger', '5.4', 'Not setting the "delete_after_ack" boolean option explicitly is deprecated, its default value will change to true in 6.0.');
$deleteAfterReject = null;
if (\array_key_exists('delete_after_reject', $redisOptions)) {
$deleteAfterReject = filter_var($redisOptions['delete_after_reject'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$dbIndex = null;
if (\array_key_exists('dbindex', $redisOptions)) {
$dbIndex = filter_var($redisOptions['dbindex'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$tls = 'rediss' === $parsedUrl['scheme'];
if (\array_key_exists('tls', $redisOptions)) {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/redis-messenger', '5.3', 'Providing "tls" parameter is deprecated, use "rediss://" DSN scheme instead');
$tls = filter_var($redisOptions['tls'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$redeliverTimeout = null;
if (\array_key_exists('redeliver_timeout', $redisOptions)) {
$redeliverTimeout = filter_var($redisOptions['redeliver_timeout'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$claimInterval = null;
if (\array_key_exists('claim_interval', $redisOptions)) {
$claimInterval = filter_var($redisOptions['claim_interval'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$configuration = [
'stream' => $redisOptions['stream'] ?? null,
'group' => $redisOptions['group'] ?? null,
'consumer' => $redisOptions['consumer'] ?? null,
'lazy' => $redisOptions['lazy'] ?? self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS['lazy'],
'auto_setup' => $autoSetup,
'stream_max_entries' => $maxEntries,
'delete_after_ack' => $deleteAfterAck,
'delete_after_reject' => $deleteAfterReject,
'dbindex' => $dbIndex,
'redeliver_timeout' => $redeliverTimeout,
'claim_interval' => $claimInterval,
if (isset($parsedUrl['host'])) {
$pass = '' !== ($parsedUrl['pass'] ?? '') ? urldecode($parsedUrl['pass']) : null;
$user = '' !== ($parsedUrl['user'] ?? '') ? urldecode($parsedUrl['user']) : null;
$connectionCredentials = [
'host' => $parsedUrl['host'] ?? '',
'port' => $parsedUrl['port'] ?? 6379,
// See: https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/#auth
'auth' => $redisOptions['auth'] ?? (null !== $pass && null !== $user ? [$user, $pass] : ($pass ?? $user)),
$pathParts = explode('/', rtrim($parsedUrl['path'] ?? '', '/'));
$configuration['stream'] = $pathParts[1] ?? $configuration['stream'];
$configuration['group'] = $pathParts[2] ?? $configuration['group'];
$configuration['consumer'] = $pathParts[3] ?? $configuration['consumer'];
if ($tls) {
$connectionCredentials['host'] = 'tls://'.$connectionCredentials['host'];
} else {
$connectionCredentials = [
'host' => $parsedUrl['path'],
'port' => 0,
return new self($configuration, $connectionCredentials, $redisOptions, $redis);
private static function parseDsn(string $dsn, array &$redisOptions): array
$url = $dsn;
$scheme = 0 === strpos($dsn, 'rediss:') ? 'rediss' : 'redis';
if (preg_match('#^'.$scheme.':///([^:@])+$#', $dsn)) {
$url = str_replace($scheme.':', 'file:', $dsn);
if (false === $parsedUrl = parse_url($url)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The given Redis DSN "%s" is invalid.', $dsn));
if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) {
parse_str($parsedUrl['query'], $dsnOptions);
$redisOptions = array_merge($redisOptions, $dsnOptions);
return $parsedUrl;
private static function validateOptions(array $options): void
$availableOptions = array_keys(self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
if (0 < \count($invalidOptions = array_diff(array_keys($options), $availableOptions))) {
trigger_deprecation('symfony/messenger', '5.1', 'Invalid option(s) "%s" passed to the Redis Messenger transport. Passing invalid options is deprecated.', implode('", "', $invalidOptions));
private function claimOldPendingMessages()
try {
// This could soon be optimized with https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues/5212 or
// https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues/6256
$pendingMessages = $this->connection->xpending($this->stream, $this->group, '-', '+', 1);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
$claimableIds = [];
foreach ($pendingMessages as $pendingMessage) {
if ($pendingMessage[1] === $this->consumer) {
$this->couldHavePendingMessages = true;
if ($pendingMessage[2] >= $this->redeliverTimeout) {
$claimableIds[] = $pendingMessage[0];
if (\count($claimableIds) > 0) {
try {
$this->couldHavePendingMessages = true;
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
$this->nextClaim = microtime(true) + $this->claimInterval;
public function get(): ?array
if ($this->autoSetup) {
$now = microtime();
$now = substr($now, 11).substr($now, 2, 3);
$queuedMessageCount = $this->rawCommand('ZCOUNT', 0, $now);
while ($queuedMessageCount--) {
if (!$message = $this->rawCommand('ZPOPMIN', 1)) {
[$queuedMessage, $expiry] = $message;
if (\strlen($expiry) === \strlen($now) ? $expiry > $now : \strlen($expiry) < \strlen($now)) {
// if a future-placed message is popped because of a race condition with
// another running consumer, the message is readded to the queue
if (!$this->rawCommand('ZADD', 'NX', $expiry, $queuedMessage)) {
throw new TransportException('Could not add a message to the redis stream.');
$decodedQueuedMessage = json_decode($queuedMessage, true);
$this->add(\array_key_exists('body', $decodedQueuedMessage) ? $decodedQueuedMessage['body'] : $queuedMessage, $decodedQueuedMessage['headers'] ?? [], 0);
if (!$this->couldHavePendingMessages && $this->nextClaim <= microtime(true)) {
$messageId = '>'; // will receive new messages
if ($this->couldHavePendingMessages) {
$messageId = '0'; // will receive consumers pending messages
try {
$messages = $this->connection->xreadgroup(
[$this->stream => $messageId],
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
if (false === $messages) {
if ($error = $this->connection->getLastError() ?: null) {
throw new TransportException($error ?? 'Could not read messages from the redis stream.');
if ($this->couldHavePendingMessages && empty($messages[$this->stream])) {
$this->couldHavePendingMessages = false;
// No pending messages so get a new one
return $this->get();
foreach ($messages[$this->stream] ?? [] as $key => $message) {
return [
'id' => $key,
'data' => $message,
return null;
public function ack(string $id): void
try {
$acknowledged = $this->connection->xack($this->stream, $this->group, [$id]);
if ($this->deleteAfterAck) {
$acknowledged = $this->connection->xdel($this->stream, [$id]);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
if (!$acknowledged) {
if ($error = $this->connection->getLastError() ?: null) {
throw new TransportException($error ?? sprintf('Could not acknowledge redis message "%s".', $id));
public function reject(string $id): void
try {
$deleted = $this->connection->xack($this->stream, $this->group, [$id]);
if ($this->deleteAfterReject) {
$deleted = $this->connection->xdel($this->stream, [$id]) && $deleted;
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
if (!$deleted) {
if ($error = $this->connection->getLastError() ?: null) {
throw new TransportException($error ?? sprintf('Could not delete message "%s" from the redis stream.', $id));
public function add(string $body, array $headers, int $delayInMs = 0): void
if ($this->autoSetup) {
try {
if ($delayInMs > 0) { // the delay is <= 0 for queued messages
$message = json_encode([
'body' => $body,
'headers' => $headers,
// Entry need to be unique in the sorted set else it would only be added once to the delayed messages queue
'uniqid' => uniqid('', true),
if (false === $message) {
throw new TransportException(json_last_error_msg());
$now = explode(' ', microtime(), 2);
$now[0] = str_pad($delayInMs + substr($now[0], 2, 3), 3, '0', \STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (3 < \strlen($now[0])) {
$now[1] += substr($now[0], 0, -3);
$now[0] = substr($now[0], -3);
if (\is_float($now[1])) {
throw new TransportException("Message delay is too big: {$delayInMs}ms.");
$added = $this->rawCommand('ZADD', 'NX', $now[1].$now[0], $message);
} else {
$message = json_encode([
'body' => $body,
'headers' => $headers,
if (false === $message) {
throw new TransportException(json_last_error_msg());
if ($this->maxEntries) {
$added = $this->connection->xadd($this->stream, '*', ['message' => $message], $this->maxEntries, true);
} else {
$added = $this->connection->xadd($this->stream, '*', ['message' => $message]);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
if ($error = $this->connection->getLastError() ?: null) {
throw new TransportException($error ?? $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
if (!$added) {
if ($error = $this->connection->getLastError() ?: null) {
throw new TransportException($error ?? 'Could not add a message to the redis stream.');
public function setup(): void
try {
$this->connection->xgroup('CREATE', $this->stream, $this->group, 0, true);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
// group might already exist, ignore
if ($this->connection->getLastError()) {
if ($this->deleteAfterAck || $this->deleteAfterReject) {
$groups = $this->connection->xinfo('GROUPS', $this->stream);
if (
// support for Redis extension version 5+
(\is_array($groups) && 1 < \count($groups))
// support for Redis extension version 4.x
|| (\is_string($groups) && substr_count($groups, '"name"'))
) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('More than one group exists for stream "%s", delete_after_ack and delete_after_reject cannot be enabled as it risks deleting messages before all groups could consume them.', $this->stream));
$this->autoSetup = false;
private function getCurrentTimeInMilliseconds(): int
return (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
public function cleanup(): void
static $unlink = true;
if ($unlink) {
try {
$unlink = false !== $this->connection->unlink($this->stream, $this->queue);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$unlink = false;
if (!$unlink) {
$this->connection->del($this->stream, $this->queue);
* @return mixed
private function rawCommand(string $command, ...$arguments)
try {
if ($this->connection instanceof \RedisCluster || $this->connection instanceof RedisClusterProxy) {
$result = $this->connection->rawCommand($this->queue, $command, $this->queue, ...$arguments);
} else {
$result = $this->connection->rawCommand($command, $this->queue, ...$arguments);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
if (false === $result) {
if ($error = $this->connection->getLastError() ?: null) {
throw new TransportException($error ?? sprintf('Could not run "%s" on Redis queue.', $command));
return $result;
if (!class_exists(\Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\RedisExt\Connection::class, false)) {
class_alias(Connection::class, \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\RedisExt\Connection::class);