<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\StampInterface; /** * A message wrapped in an envelope with stamps (configurations, markers, ...). * * @author Maxime Steinhausser <maxime.steinhausser@gmail.com> */ final class Envelope { /** * @var array<string, list<StampInterface>> */ private $stamps = []; private $message; /** * @param StampInterface[] $stamps */ public function __construct(object $message, array $stamps = []) { $this->message = $message; foreach ($stamps as $stamp) { $this->stamps[\get_class($stamp)][] = $stamp; } } /** * Makes sure the message is in an Envelope and adds the given stamps. * * @param object|Envelope $message * @param StampInterface[] $stamps */ public static function wrap(object $message, array $stamps = []): self { $envelope = $message instanceof self ? $message : new self($message); return $envelope->with(...$stamps); } /** * @return static A new Envelope instance with additional stamp */ public function with(StampInterface ...$stamps): self { $cloned = clone $this; foreach ($stamps as $stamp) { $cloned->stamps[\get_class($stamp)][] = $stamp; } return $cloned; } /** * @return static A new Envelope instance without any stamps of the given class */ public function withoutAll(string $stampFqcn): self { $cloned = clone $this; unset($cloned->stamps[$this->resolveAlias($stampFqcn)]); return $cloned; } /** * Removes all stamps that implement the given type. */ public function withoutStampsOfType(string $type): self { $cloned = clone $this; $type = $this->resolveAlias($type); foreach ($cloned->stamps as $class => $stamps) { if ($class === $type || is_subclass_of($class, $type)) { unset($cloned->stamps[$class]); } } return $cloned; } public function last(string $stampFqcn): ?StampInterface { return isset($this->stamps[$stampFqcn = $this->resolveAlias($stampFqcn)]) ? end($this->stamps[$stampFqcn]) : null; } /** * @return StampInterface[]|StampInterface[][] The stamps for the specified FQCN, or all stamps by their class name */ public function all(?string $stampFqcn = null): array { if (null !== $stampFqcn) { return $this->stamps[$this->resolveAlias($stampFqcn)] ?? []; } return $this->stamps; } /** * @return object The original message contained in the envelope */ public function getMessage(): object { return $this->message; } /** * BC to be removed in 6.0. */ private function resolveAlias(string $fqcn): string { static $resolved; return $resolved[$fqcn] ?? ($resolved[$fqcn] = class_exists($fqcn) ? (new \ReflectionClass($fqcn))->getName() : $fqcn); } }