title: "NetworkManager"
visible: true


## nmcli

First, find the connection you want to edit  
The full list can be shown using this command  

nmcli connection
(out)NAME           UUID                                  TYPE       DEVICE
(out)enp5s0         889b187d-2a9f-4e4d-938c-c88b85fb5756  ethernet   enp5s0
(out)lo             f61a36ee-b958-4940-8145-b61e92dc59d2  loopback   lo


Enter the connection editor for an interface


nmcli connection edit 'enp5s0'


Print IPv4 settings

nmcli> print ipv4

Set IPv4 method to "disabled", "auto", "manual", or "link-local"

nmcli> ipv4.method <method>

auto: DHCP
manual: manual configuration

Set IPv4 address(es)

nmcli> set ipv4.addresses <address/cidr>, ...

Set IPv4 gateway

nmcli> print ipv4.gateway <address>

Set IPv4 DNS

nmcli> print ipv4.dns <address>

Save the setting persistently

nmcli> save

Exit configuration interface

nmcli> quit

> [NetworkManager - Edit a connection](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NetworkManager#Edit_a_connection)