--- title: PowerDNS visible: true media_order: powerdns-admin-api-settings.png --- [toc] ## Installation ### Debian For the autoriative server install this package `# apt install pdns-server` This is the PowerDNS resolver package `# apt install pdns-recursor` PowerDNS offers different backends, which are packaged separately on Debian. **Mysql Backend** ```sh sudo apt install pdns-backend-mysql mariadb-server ``` **PostgreSQL Backend** ```sh sudo apt install pdns-backend-pgsql postgresql ``` ## Authoritative Server > [List of all available backends](https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/backends/index.html) ### PostgreSQL Backend Edit the configuration file in `/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf` ``` ... launch=gpgsql ... gpgsql-host= gpgsql-port=5432 gpgsql-dbname=pdns gpgsql-user= gpgsql-password= gpgsql-dnssec=yes ``` Prepare database ```sh sudo -u postgres psql ``` ```sql CREATE DATABASE pdns; CREATE USER WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pdns TO powerdns; ``` Import the schema utilised by PowerDNS. This can be done with the user you just created Do note the `-h` parameter is required unless `pg_hba.conf` has been modified to password based authentication locally as well. ```sh psql -U -d -h -f /usr/share/pdns-backend-pgsql/schema/schema.pgsql.sql ``` ```sh systemctl restart pdns ``` ### MySQL Backend Set the backend you chose in the `launch=` option of PowerDNS' configuration file. The config can be found under `/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf` For MySQL I chose `launch=gmysql` > A [list of backends can be found here](https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/backends/index.html) Add the following parameters below `launch=gmysql` ``` gmysql-host= gmysql-socket=/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock gmysql-user=(user) gmysql-password=(password) gmysql-dbname=pdns # Add this for dnssec support gmysql-dnssec=yes ``` Prepare database ```sh mariadb -u root -p ``` ```sql CREATE DATABASE pdns; GRANT ALL ON pdns.* TO 'pdns'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; ``` Import the schema utilised by PowerDNS. This can be done with the user you just created ```sh mysql -u pdns -p pdns < /usr/share/doc/pdns-backend-mysql/schema.mysql.sql ``` ```sh systemctl restart pdns ``` ## PowerDNS CLI Create Zone and add a name server `# pdnsutil create-zone (domain) ns1.(domain)` Add "A"-Record. **Mind the (.) after the domain** "Name" is the hostname you wish to assign. `# pdnsutil add-record (domain). (name) A (ip address)` ## Dynamic DNS `# apt install bind9utils` Generate key `# dnssec-keygen -a hmac-md5 -b 128 -n USER (keyname)` Edit the configuration file and change `dnsupdate=no` to `dnsupdate=yes` and set `allow-dnsupdate-from=` to empty. Allow updates from your DHCP server `# pdnsutil set-meta (domain) ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM (dhcp server ip)` If you set up a reverse-zone, also allow that `# pdnsutil set-meta (reverse ip).in-addr.arpa ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM (dhcp server ip)` Import the key `# pdnsutil import-tsig-key (keyname) hmac-md5 (key)` Enable for domain `# pdnsutil set-meta (domain) TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE (keyname)` And for reverse-zone `# pdnsutil set-meta (reverse ip).in-addr.arpa TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE (keyname)` You also have to configure the DHCP server to provide updates, see [the DHCP article](https://wiki.realstickman.net/en/linux/services/dhcp-server) ### Testing with nsupdate `# nsupdate -k Kdhcpdupdate.+157+12673.key` ``` > server 5300 > zone testpdns > update add test.testpdns 3600 A > send ``` ## Configuration Recursive Resolver The config file can be found under `/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf` In `/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf` set `local-address=` and `local-port=5300` to allow the recursor to run on port 53 In `/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf` set `forward-zones=(domain)=` to forward queries for that domain to the authoritative DNS Also set `local-address` and `allow-from` To bind to all interfaces, use `local-address=::,` ### Wipe Cache `# rec_control wipe-cache $` ## DNSSEC ### Authoritative Server > https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/dnssec/index.html ### Recursor Server To fully enable DNSSEC, set `dnssec=process-no-validate` to `dnssec=validate` To allow a domain without DNSSEC, modify `/etc/powerdns/recursor.lua` Add `addNTA('(domain)')` to disable DNSSEC for the selected domain. Show domains with disabled DNSSEC `# rec_control get-ntas` > [DNSSEC Testing](https://wiki.debian.org/DNSSEC#Test_DNSSEC) ## WebGUI ### PowerDNS-Admin ```sh sudo mkdir /etc/powerdns-admin ``` ```sh sudo podman run -d \ --name powerdns-admin \ -e SECRET_KEY='' \ -v /etc/powerdns-admin:/data \ -p 9191:80 \ docker.io/powerdnsadmin/pda-legacy:latest ``` #### Enabling API A few settings in `/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf` need to be changed. ``` api=yes api-key= webserver=yes ``` Following this, the API access can be configured in the webgui ![Configuration options in PowerDNS Admin](powerdns-admin-api-settings.png) Now you should see all your configured Domains and be able to modify records