<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware; use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\HandlerFailedException; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\LogicException; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\NoHandlerForMessageException; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\Acknowledger; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\HandlerDescriptor; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\HandlersLocatorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\AckStamp; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\FlushBatchHandlersStamp; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\HandledStamp; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\NoAutoAckStamp; /** * @author Samuel Roze <samuel.roze@gmail.com> */ class HandleMessageMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { use LoggerAwareTrait; private $handlersLocator; private $allowNoHandlers; public function __construct(HandlersLocatorInterface $handlersLocator, bool $allowNoHandlers = false) { $this->handlersLocator = $handlersLocator; $this->allowNoHandlers = $allowNoHandlers; $this->logger = new NullLogger(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws NoHandlerForMessageException When no handler is found and $allowNoHandlers is false */ public function handle(Envelope $envelope, StackInterface $stack): Envelope { $handler = null; $message = $envelope->getMessage(); $context = [ 'class' => \get_class($message), ]; $exceptions = []; foreach ($this->handlersLocator->getHandlers($envelope) as $handlerDescriptor) { if ($this->messageHasAlreadyBeenHandled($envelope, $handlerDescriptor)) { continue; } try { $handler = $handlerDescriptor->getHandler(); $batchHandler = $handlerDescriptor->getBatchHandler(); /** @var AckStamp $ackStamp */ if ($batchHandler && $ackStamp = $envelope->last(AckStamp::class)) { $ack = new Acknowledger(get_debug_type($batchHandler), static function (\Throwable $e = null, $result = null) use ($envelope, $ackStamp, $handlerDescriptor) { if (null !== $e) { $e = new HandlerFailedException($envelope, [$e]); } else { $envelope = $envelope->with(HandledStamp::fromDescriptor($handlerDescriptor, $result)); } $ackStamp->ack($envelope, $e); }); $result = $handler($message, $ack); if (!\is_int($result) || 0 > $result) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('A handler implementing BatchHandlerInterface must return the size of the current batch as a positive integer, "%s" returned from "%s".', \is_int($result) ? $result : get_debug_type($result), get_debug_type($batchHandler))); } if (!$ack->isAcknowledged()) { $envelope = $envelope->with(new NoAutoAckStamp($handlerDescriptor)); } elseif ($ack->getError()) { throw $ack->getError(); } else { $result = $ack->getResult(); } } else { $result = $handler($message); } $handledStamp = HandledStamp::fromDescriptor($handlerDescriptor, $result); $envelope = $envelope->with($handledStamp); $this->logger->info('Message {class} handled by {handler}', $context + ['handler' => $handledStamp->getHandlerName()]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $exceptions[] = $e; } } /** @var FlushBatchHandlersStamp $flushStamp */ if ($flushStamp = $envelope->last(FlushBatchHandlersStamp::class)) { /** @var NoAutoAckStamp $stamp */ foreach ($envelope->all(NoAutoAckStamp::class) as $stamp) { try { $handler = $stamp->getHandlerDescriptor()->getBatchHandler(); $handler->flush($flushStamp->force()); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $exceptions[] = $e; } } } if (null === $handler) { if (!$this->allowNoHandlers) { throw new NoHandlerForMessageException(sprintf('No handler for message "%s".', $context['class'])); } $this->logger->info('No handler for message {class}', $context); } if (\count($exceptions)) { throw new HandlerFailedException($envelope, $exceptions); } return $stack->next()->handle($envelope, $stack); } private function messageHasAlreadyBeenHandled(Envelope $envelope, HandlerDescriptor $handlerDescriptor): bool { /** @var HandledStamp $stamp */ foreach ($envelope->all(HandledStamp::class) as $stamp) { if ($stamp->getHandlerName() === $handlerDescriptor->getName()) { return true; } } return false; } }