name: Anchors type: plugin slug: anchors version: 1.6.0 description: "This plugin provides automatic header anchors via the [anchorjs]( jQuery plugin." icon: anchor author: name: Team Grav email: url: homepage: demo: keywords: anchor, header, plugin, code bugs: license: MIT dependencies: - { name: grav, version: '>=1.6.0' } form: validation: strict fields: enabled: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.PLUGIN_STATUS highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool active: type: toggle label: Active highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool help: Activate for all pages. If disabled then you must activate per-page selectors: type: text label: Selectors size: large default: 'h1,h2,h3,h4' placeholder: "Anchor Selectors" help: Comma separated list of header selectors to activate on placement: type: select label: Placement classes: fancy help: "Either `left` or `right`" default: 'right' options: 'left': 'left' 'right': 'right' visible: type: select label: Visible classes: fancy help: "Hover activates on `hover` else will always display" default: 'hover' options: 'hover': 'hover' 'always': 'always' icon: type: text label: Icon size: medium default: '' help: "Replace the default link icon with the character(s) provided, e.g. #, ¶, ❡ or §" class: type: text label: Class size: medium default: '' help: "Adds the provided class to the anchor html" truncate: type: text size: x-small label: Truncate help: "Truncates the generated ID to the specified character length" default: 64 validate: type: number min: 0 copy_to_clipboard: type: toggle label: Copy to clipboard highlight: 0 default: 0 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool help: Instead of scrolling to the item when clicking, you can enabled this option to copy the link to the clipboard automatically