<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Grav\Plugin\FlexObjects; use Grav\Common\Config\Config; use Grav\Common\Filesystem\Folder; use Grav\Common\Grav; use Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface; use Grav\Common\Utils; use Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory; use Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObject; use Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface; use Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface; use Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexDirectoryInterface; use Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexInterface; use Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface; use Grav\Plugin\FlexObjects\Admin\AdminController; use Grav\Plugin\FlexObjects\Table\DataTable; /** * Class Flex * @package Grav\Plugin\FlexObjects */ class Flex implements FlexInterface { /** @var FlexInterface */ protected $flex; /** @var array */ protected $adminRoutes; /** @var array */ protected $adminMenu; /** @var array */ protected $managed; /** * @param bool $newToOld * @return array * @internal */ public static function getLegacyBlueprintMap(bool $newToOld = true): array { $map = [ 'blueprints://flex-objects/pages.yaml' => 'blueprints://flex-objects/grav-pages.yaml', 'blueprints://flex-objects/user-accounts.yaml' => 'blueprints://flex-objects/grav-accounts.yaml', 'blueprints://flex-objects/user-groups.yaml' => 'blueprints://flex-objects/grav-user-groups.yaml' ]; return $newToOld ? $map : array_flip($map); } /** * Flex constructor. * @param FlexInterface $flex * @param array $types */ public function __construct(FlexInterface $flex, array $types) { $this->flex = $flex; $this->managed = []; $legacy = static::getLegacyBlueprintMap(false); foreach ($types as $blueprint) { // Backwards compatibility to v1.0.0-rc.3 $blueprint = $legacy[$blueprint] ?? $blueprint; $type = Utils::basename((string)$blueprint, '.yaml'); if ($type) { $this->managed[] = $type; } } } /** * @param string $type * @param string $blueprint * @param array $config * @return $this */ public function addDirectoryType(string $type, string $blueprint, array $config = []) { $this->flex->addDirectoryType($type, $blueprint, $config); return $this; } /** * @param FlexDirectory $directory * @return $this */ public function addDirectory(FlexDirectory $directory) { $this->flex->addDirectory($directory); return $this; } /** * @param string $type * @return bool */ public function hasDirectory(string $type): bool { return $this->flex->hasDirectory($type); } /** * @param string[]|null $types * @param bool $keepMissing * @return array<FlexDirectoryInterface|null> */ public function getDirectories(array $types = null, bool $keepMissing = false): array { return $this->flex->getDirectories($types, $keepMissing); } /** * Get directories which are not hidden in the site. * * @return array */ public function getDefaultDirectories(): array { $list = $this->getDirectories(); foreach ($list as $type => $directory) { if ($directory->getConfig('site.hidden', false)) { unset($list[$type]); } } return $list; } /** * @param string $type * @return FlexDirectory|null */ public function getDirectory(string $type): ?FlexDirectory { return $this->flex->getDirectory($type); } /** * @param string $type * @param array|null $keys * @param string|null $keyField * @return FlexCollectionInterface|null */ public function getCollection(string $type, array $keys = null, string $keyField = null): ?FlexCollectionInterface { return $this->flex->getCollection($type, $keys, $keyField); } /** * @param array $keys * @param array $options In addition to the options in getObjects(), following options can be passed: * collection_class: Class to be used to create the collection. Defaults to ObjectCollection. * @return FlexCollectionInterface * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getMixedCollection(array $keys, array $options = []): FlexCollectionInterface { return $this->flex->getMixedCollection($keys, $options); } /** * @param array $keys * @param array $options Following optional options can be passed: * types: List of allowed types. * type: Allowed type if types isn't defined, otherwise acts as default_type. * default_type: Set default type for objects given without type (only used if key_field isn't set). * keep_missing: Set to true if you want to return missing objects as null. * key_field: Key field which is used to match the objects. * @return array */ public function getObjects(array $keys, array $options = []): array { return $this->flex->getObjects($keys, $options); } /** * @param string $key * @param string|null $type * @param string|null $keyField * @return FlexObjectInterface|null */ public function getObject(string $key, string $type = null, string $keyField = null): ?FlexObjectInterface { return $this->flex->getObject($key, $type, $keyField); } /** * @return int */ public function count(): int { return $this->flex->count(); } public function isManaged(string $type): bool { return \in_array($type, $this->managed, true); } /** * @return array */ public function getAll(): array { $directories = $this->getDirectories($this->managed); $all = $this->getBlueprints(); /** @var FlexDirectory $directory */ foreach ($all as $type => $directory) { if (!isset($directories[$type])) { $directories[$type] = $directory; } } ksort($directories); return $directories; } /** * @return array */ public function getBlueprints(): array { $params = [ 'pattern' => '|\.yaml|', 'value' => 'Url', 'recursive' => false, 'folders' => false ]; $directories = []; $all = Folder::all('blueprints://flex-objects', $params); foreach ($all as $url) { $type = Utils::basename($url, '.yaml'); $directory = new FlexDirectory($type, $url); if ($directory->getConfig('hidden') !== true) { $directories[$type] = $directory; } } // Order blueprints by title. usort($directories, static function (FlexDirectory $a, FlexDirectory $b) { return $a->getTitle() <=> $b->getTitle(); }); return $directories; } /** * @param string|FlexDirectory $type * @param array $options * @return DataTable */ public function getDataTable($type, array $options = []): DataTable { $directory = $type instanceof FlexDirectory ? $type : $this->getDirectory($type); if (!$directory) { throw new \RuntimeException('Not Found', 404); } $collection = $options['collection'] ?? $directory->getCollection(); if (isset($options['filters']) && is_array($options['filters'])) { $collection = $collection->filterBy($options['filters']); } $table = new DataTable($options); $table->setCollection($collection); return $table; } /** * @param string|object|null $type * @param array $params * @param string $extension * @return string */ public function adminRoute($type = null, array $params = [], string $extension = ''): string { if (\is_object($type)) { $object = $type; if ($object instanceof FlexCommonInterface || $object instanceof FlexDirectory) { $type = $type->getFlexType(); } else { return ''; } } else { $object = null; } $routes = $this->getAdminRoutes(); $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Config $config */ $config = $grav['config']; if (!Utils::isAdminPlugin()) { $parts = [ trim($grav['base_url'], '/'), trim($config->get('plugins.admin.route'), '/') ]; } if ($type && isset($routes[$type])) { if (!$routes[$type]) { // Directory has empty route. return ''; } // Directory has it's own menu item. $parts[] = trim($routes[$type], '/'); } else { if (empty($routes[''])) { // Default route has been disabled. return ''; } // Use default route. $parts[] = trim($routes[''], '/'); if ($type) { $parts[] = $type; } } // Append object key if available. if ($object instanceof FlexObject) { if ($object->exists()) { $parts[] = trim($object->getKey(), '/'); } else { if ($object->hasKey()) { $parts[] = trim($object->getKey(), '/'); } $params = ['' => 'add'] + $params; } } $p = []; $separator = $config->get('system.param_sep'); foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $p[] = $key . $separator . $val; } $parts = array_filter($parts, static function ($val) { return $val !== ''; }); $route = '/' . implode('/', $parts); $extension = $extension ? '.' . $extension : ''; return $route . $extension . ($p ? '/' . implode('/', $p) : ''); } public function getAdminController(): ?AdminController { $grav = Grav::instance(); if (!isset($grav['admin'])) { return null; } /** @var PageInterface $page */ $page = $grav['page']; $header = $page->header(); $callable = $header->controller['controller']['instance'] ?? null; if (null !== $callable && \is_callable($callable)) { return $callable(); } return null; } /** * @return array */ public function getAdminRoutes(): array { if (null === $this->adminRoutes) { $routes = []; /** @var FlexDirectory $directory */ foreach ($this->getDirectories() as $directory) { $config = $directory->getConfig('admin'); if (!$directory->isEnabled() || !empty($config['disabled'])) { continue; } // Resolve route. $route = $config['router']['path'] ?? $config['menu']['list']['route'] ?? "/flex-objects/{$directory->getFlexType()}"; $routes[$directory->getFlexType()] = $route; } $this->adminRoutes = $routes; } return $this->adminRoutes; } /** * @return array */ public function getAdminMenuItems(): array { if (null === $this->adminMenu) { $routes = []; $count = 0; $directories = $this->getDirectories(); /** @var FlexDirectory $directory */ foreach ($directories as $directory) { $config = $directory->getConfig('admin'); if (!$directory->isEnabled() || !empty($config['disabled'])) { continue; } $type = $directory->getFlexType(); $items = $directory->getConfig('admin.menu') ?? []; if ($items) { foreach ($items as $view => $item) { $item += [ 'route' => '/' . $type, 'title' => $directory->getTitle(), 'icon' => 'fa fa-file', 'directory' => $type ]; $routes[$type] = $item; } } else { $count++; } } if ($count && !isset($routes[''])) { $routes[''] = ['route' => '/flex-objects']; } $this->adminMenu = $routes; } return $this->adminMenu; } }