# [][project] [][project] [][issues] [](LICENSE "License") > This plugin adds small icons to external and mailto links, informing users the link will take them to a new site or open their email client. **Note:** [hibbitts-design/grav-plugin-external-links](https://github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-plugin-external-links) is the new master repository for this plugin (see [getgrav/grav#2711](https://github.com/getgrav/grav/issues/2711)). Thanks to [@Sommerregen](https://github.com/Sommerregen) for originally developing this Plugin! ##### Table of Contents: * [About](#about) * [Installation and Updates](#installation-and-updates) * [Usage](#usage) * [Example](#example) * [CSS Stylesheet Override](#css-stylesheet-override) * [Twig Filter](#twig-filter) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [License](#license) ## About `External Links` is a high-quality plugin for [GetGrav.org](http://getgrav.org) used to differentiate between internal and external links. It also includes the ability of adding `rel="nofollow"` to links and determines how external links shall be opened via the `target` attribute. [Wikipedia](https://www.wikipedia.org/) is a well-known example. Furthermore it enables you to specify multiple domains, each of them on a new line to prevent them from being seen as external sites. If you are interested in seeing this plugin in action, here is a screenshot:  ## Installation and Updates Installing or updating the `External Links` plugin can be done in one of two ways. Using the GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation update method (i.e. `bin/gpm install external_links`) or manual install by downloading [this plugin](https://github.com/sommerregen/grav-plugin-external-links) and extracting all plugin files to /your/site/grav/user/plugins/external_links For more informations, please check the [Installation and update guide](docs/INSTALL.md). ## Usage The `External Links` plugin comes with some sensible default configuration, that are pretty self explanatory: ### Config Defaults ```yaml # Global plugin configurations enabled: true # Set to false to disable this plugin completely built_in_css: true # Use built-in CSS of the plugin weight: 0 # Set the weight (order of execution) # Default options for External Links configuration exclude: classes: [exclude] # Exclude all links with this class domains: # A list of domains to be excluded e.g # - localhost/* # (any RegExp can be used) # - img.domain.com/* links: www: false # Autom. link any hostname that starts with "www." redirects: false # Also mark links as external, that link to pages that redirect to an external URL schemes: # Allowed schemes - 'http' - 'https' - 'ftp' - 'irc' - 'mailto' - 'news' - 'nntp' - 'rtsp' - 'sftp' - 'ssh' - 'tel' - 'telnet' - 'webcal' # Global and page specific configurations process: true # Filter external links title: false # Sets default title for external links no_follow: true # Add rel="nofollow" to all external links target: "_blank" # Set target attribute of link mode: "active" # active = process and parse all links; # passive = parse links, but don't set CSS classes ``` If you need to change any value, then the best process is to copy the [external_links.yaml](external_links.yaml) file into your `users/config/plugins/` folder (create it if it doesn't exist), and then modify there. This will override the default settings. If you want to alter the settings for one or a few pages only, you can do so by adding page specific configurations into your page headers, e.g. ```yaml external_links: false ``` to switch off `External Links` plugin just for this page. ### Example By default `External Links` adds a small icon to external or mailto links and opens by default links in a new tab. Any links in your Markdown file i.e. of the form ```markdown [External Link text](http://domain.com) or [External Link text](https://domain.com) ``` will then be recognized as an external link (an icon on the right is showing up), whereas ```markdown [My arcticle](my-article) ``` will not. You can exclude specific domains not to be seen as external either by adding them to the `exlcude.domains` option or by adding a class (default: `exclude`) to the desired links as in the following: ```markdown [Domain without external link icon](http://my-specific-domain.com) {.exclude} ``` > Please note that **Markdown Extra** should be enabled in your `user/config/systems.yaml` via `pages.markdown.extra: true` in order to add classes to these links. Sometimes you maybe wish to explicitly set a link to be "external". Although this should happen in really rare cases, since `External links` plugin will automatically detect external links, it is possible. Provided that **Markdown Extra** is enabled, adding the class `external` to the link will do the trick: ```markdown [Always show external link icon](my-external-article) {.external} ``` ### CSS Stylesheet Override Something you might want to do is to override the look and feel of the external links, and with Grav it is super easy. Copy the stylesheet [assets/css/external_links.css](assets/css/external_links.css) into the `css` folder of your custom theme, and add it to the list of CSS files. user/themes/custom-theme/css/external_links.css After that set the `built_in_css` option of the `External Links` plugin to `false`. That's it. You can now edit, override and tweak it however you prefer. However, this plugin adds extra classes for styling to every link, you might wanna know: - `external`, `external-link` -- Used to identify external links. - `mailto` -- Used to identify mailto links. - `no-image` -- Set if a link does not contain any image tags. - `icon`-- Set if a link contains an image (with size <= 32px). - `image` -- Set if a link contains an image (with size > 32px). - `images` -- Set if a link contains more than one image. ### Twig Filter `External Links` provides a Twig filter to process external links inside contents. To do that, place the following line of code in the theme file you wish to add the `External Links` plugin for: ``` {{ page.content|external_links }} ``` You can pass arguments to the plugin filter, namely the same arguments as available in the [external_links.yaml](external_links.yaml) file. For example ``` {{ page.content|external_links({'mode': 'passive'}) }} ``` will change the mode of the `External Links` filter to parse links, but don't set CSS classes. ## Contributing You can contribute at any time! Before opening any issue, please search for existing issues and review the [guidelines for contributing](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md). After that please note: * If you find a bug, would like to make a feature request or suggest an improvement, [please open a new issue][issues]. If you have any interesting ideas for additions to the syntax please do suggest them as well! * Feature requests are more likely to get attention if you include a clearly described use case. * If you wish to submit a pull request, please make again sure that your request match the [guidelines for contributing](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) and that you keep track of adding unit tests for any new or changed functionality. ## License Copyright (c) 2017+ [Benjamin Regler][github]. See also the list of [contributors] who participated in this project. [Dual-licensed](LICENSE) for use under the terms of the [MIT][mit-license] or [GPLv3][gpl-license] licenses. ![GNU license - Some rights reserved][gnu] [github]: https://github.com/sommerregen/ "GitHub account from Benjamin Regler" [gpl-license]: http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 "GPLv3 license" [mit-license]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php "MIT license" [gnu]: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/License_icon-gpl-88x31.svg/88px-License_icon-gpl-88x31.svg.png "GNU license - Some rights reserved" [project]: https://github.com/sommerregen/grav-plugin-external-links [issues]: https://github.com/sommerregen/grav-plugin-external-links/issues "GitHub Issues for Grav External Links Plugin" [contributors]: https://github.com/sommerregen/grav-plugin-external-links/graphs/contributors "List of contributors of the project"