--- title: "Doom Emacs" visible: true --- [toc] ## Keybindings ### Minimap `SPC t m` ### Dired Provides directory view Create new directory within the current directory `Shift +` Create new file in current directory `SPC . ` Delete files or directories `d`, `x` Unselect `u` ### Treemacs Toggle view of directory structure of the current project on the side. `SPC o p` ### Term Open terminal `SPC o t` ### Window management Open window right of current window `SPC w v` Open window below current window `SPC w s` Move to other windows `SPC h/j/k/l` ### Buffers Open recent within the same project buffers `SPC b b` `SPC ,` Remove buffers `SPC b k` Open new empty buffer `SPC b N` Save buffer `SPC b s` ### Quickly move to start/end of a document Start of document `gg` End of document `G` ### Evil Snipe Move to next occurence of one letter `f (letter)` Move to previous occurence of one letter `F (letter)` `;` continue in that direction `,` go in the opposite direction `s (letter)` or `S (letter)` for occurences of two letters ### Indent selection Press `CTRL x` followed by `TAB` and use h/l to indent text ### SSH Editing `SPC f f` Enter `/ssh:` Press `TAB` to show available options Enter new options with the following syntax: `/ssh:root@albedo.realstickman.net:/` #### Privilege elevation Execute sudo after establishing the connection `/ssh:nonroot@albedo.realstickman.net|sudo:nonroot@albedo.realstickman.net:/` ## Windows installation ### git Go to the [git homepage](https://git-scm.com/) and install it. ### emacs Go to the [emacs homepage](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) and install it. Add the `(location)\emacs\x86_84\bin` directory to your PATH in the environment variables. #### Shortcut Create a shortcut to `(location)\emacs\x86_64\bin\runemacs.exe` Edit the shortcut to execute in your home directory `C:\Users\(user)` ### HOME Add the path to your home to the environment variables. New variable -> HOME -> `C:\Users\(user)` ### doom-emacs Open git bash ```sh git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install ``` Add `C:\Users\(user)\.emacs.d\bin` to your PATH. _Currently doesn't show emotes_ _Missing ripgrep and fd_