<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Doctrine\Transport; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection as DBALConnection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception as DriverException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Result as DriverResult; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception as DBALException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException; use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder; use Doctrine\DBAL\Result; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Comparator; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaDiff; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Synchronizer\SchemaSynchronizer; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface; /** * @internal since Symfony 5.1 * * @author Vincent Touzet <vincent.touzet@gmail.com> * @author Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com> */ class Connection implements ResetInterface { protected const TABLE_OPTION_NAME = '_symfony_messenger_table_name'; protected const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = [ 'table_name' => 'messenger_messages', 'queue_name' => 'default', 'redeliver_timeout' => 3600, 'auto_setup' => true, ]; /** * Configuration of the connection. * * Available options: * * * table_name: name of the table * * connection: name of the Doctrine's entity manager * * queue_name: name of the queue * * redeliver_timeout: Timeout before redeliver messages still in handling state (i.e: delivered_at is not null and message is still in table). Default: 3600 * * auto_setup: Whether the table should be created automatically during send / get. Default: true */ protected $configuration = []; protected $driverConnection; protected $queueEmptiedAt; private $schemaSynchronizer; private $autoSetup; public function __construct(array $configuration, DBALConnection $driverConnection, SchemaSynchronizer $schemaSynchronizer = null) { $this->configuration = array_replace_recursive(static::DEFAULT_OPTIONS, $configuration); $this->driverConnection = $driverConnection; $this->schemaSynchronizer = $schemaSynchronizer; $this->autoSetup = $this->configuration['auto_setup']; } public function reset() { $this->queueEmptiedAt = null; } public function getConfiguration(): array { return $this->configuration; } public static function buildConfiguration(string $dsn, array $options = []): array { if (false === $components = parse_url($dsn)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The given Doctrine Messenger DSN "%s" is invalid.', $dsn)); } $query = []; if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $query); } $configuration = ['connection' => $components['host']]; $configuration += $query + $options + static::DEFAULT_OPTIONS; $configuration['auto_setup'] = filter_var($configuration['auto_setup'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // check for extra keys in options $optionsExtraKeys = array_diff(array_keys($options), array_keys(static::DEFAULT_OPTIONS)); if (0 < \count($optionsExtraKeys)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown option found: [%s]. Allowed options are [%s].', implode(', ', $optionsExtraKeys), implode(', ', array_keys(static::DEFAULT_OPTIONS)))); } // check for extra keys in options $queryExtraKeys = array_diff(array_keys($query), array_keys(static::DEFAULT_OPTIONS)); if (0 < \count($queryExtraKeys)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown option found in DSN: [%s]. Allowed options are [%s].', implode(', ', $queryExtraKeys), implode(', ', array_keys(static::DEFAULT_OPTIONS)))); } return $configuration; } /** * @param int $delay The delay in milliseconds * * @return string The inserted id * * @throws DBALException */ public function send(string $body, array $headers, int $delay = 0): string { $now = new \DateTime(); $availableAt = (clone $now)->modify(sprintf('+%d seconds', $delay / 1000)); $queryBuilder = $this->driverConnection->createQueryBuilder() ->insert($this->configuration['table_name']) ->values([ 'body' => '?', 'headers' => '?', 'queue_name' => '?', 'created_at' => '?', 'available_at' => '?', ]); $this->executeStatement($queryBuilder->getSQL(), [ $body, json_encode($headers), $this->configuration['queue_name'], $now, $availableAt, ], [ null, null, null, Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, ]); return $this->driverConnection->lastInsertId(); } public function get(): ?array { if ($this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof MySQLPlatform) { try { $this->driverConnection->delete($this->configuration['table_name'], ['delivered_at' => '9999-12-31 23:59:59']); } catch (DriverException $e) { // Ignore the exception } } get: $this->driverConnection->beginTransaction(); try { $query = $this->createAvailableMessagesQueryBuilder() ->orderBy('available_at', 'ASC') ->setMaxResults(1); // Append pessimistic write lock to FROM clause if db platform supports it $sql = $query->getSQL(); if (($fromPart = $query->getQueryPart('from')) && ($table = $fromPart[0]['table'] ?? null) && ($alias = $fromPart[0]['alias'] ?? null) ) { $fromClause = sprintf('%s %s', $table, $alias); $sql = str_replace( sprintf('FROM %s WHERE', $fromClause), sprintf('FROM %s WHERE', $this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform()->appendLockHint($fromClause, LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)), $sql ); } // Wrap the rownum query in a sub-query to allow writelocks without ORA-02014 error if ($this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof OraclePlatform) { $sql = str_replace('SELECT a.* FROM', 'SELECT a.id FROM', $sql); $wrappedQuery = $this->driverConnection->createQueryBuilder() ->select( 'w.id AS "id", w.body AS "body", w.headers AS "headers", w.queue_name AS "queue_name", '. 'w.created_at AS "created_at", w.available_at AS "available_at", '. 'w.delivered_at AS "delivered_at"' ) ->from($this->configuration['table_name'], 'w') ->where('w.id IN('.$sql.')'); $sql = $wrappedQuery->getSQL(); } // use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE to lock table $stmt = $this->executeQuery( $sql.' '.$this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform()->getWriteLockSQL(), $query->getParameters(), $query->getParameterTypes() ); $doctrineEnvelope = $stmt instanceof Result || $stmt instanceof DriverResult ? $stmt->fetchAssociative() : $stmt->fetch(); if (false === $doctrineEnvelope) { $this->driverConnection->commit(); $this->queueEmptiedAt = microtime(true) * 1000; return null; } // Postgres can "group" notifications having the same channel and payload // We need to be sure to empty the queue before blocking again $this->queueEmptiedAt = null; $doctrineEnvelope = $this->decodeEnvelopeHeaders($doctrineEnvelope); $queryBuilder = $this->driverConnection->createQueryBuilder() ->update($this->configuration['table_name']) ->set('delivered_at', '?') ->where('id = ?'); $now = new \DateTime(); $this->executeStatement($queryBuilder->getSQL(), [ $now, $doctrineEnvelope['id'], ], [ Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, ]); $this->driverConnection->commit(); return $doctrineEnvelope; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->driverConnection->rollBack(); if ($this->autoSetup && $e instanceof TableNotFoundException) { $this->setup(); goto get; } throw $e; } } public function ack(string $id): bool { try { if ($this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof MySQLPlatform) { return $this->driverConnection->update($this->configuration['table_name'], ['delivered_at' => '9999-12-31 23:59:59'], ['id' => $id]) > 0; } return $this->driverConnection->delete($this->configuration['table_name'], ['id' => $id]) > 0; } catch (DBALException $exception) { throw new TransportException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } } public function reject(string $id): bool { try { if ($this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof MySQLPlatform) { return $this->driverConnection->update($this->configuration['table_name'], ['delivered_at' => '9999-12-31 23:59:59'], ['id' => $id]) > 0; } return $this->driverConnection->delete($this->configuration['table_name'], ['id' => $id]) > 0; } catch (DBALException $exception) { throw new TransportException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } } public function setup(): void { $configuration = $this->driverConnection->getConfiguration(); $assetFilter = $configuration->getSchemaAssetsFilter(); $configuration->setSchemaAssetsFilter(null); $this->updateSchema(); $configuration->setSchemaAssetsFilter($assetFilter); $this->autoSetup = false; } public function getMessageCount(): int { $queryBuilder = $this->createAvailableMessagesQueryBuilder() ->select('COUNT(m.id) as message_count') ->setMaxResults(1); $stmt = $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder->getSQL(), $queryBuilder->getParameters(), $queryBuilder->getParameterTypes()); return $stmt instanceof Result || $stmt instanceof DriverResult ? $stmt->fetchOne() : $stmt->fetchColumn(); } public function findAll(int $limit = null): array { $queryBuilder = $this->createAvailableMessagesQueryBuilder(); if (null !== $limit) { $queryBuilder->setMaxResults($limit); } $stmt = $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder->getSQL(), $queryBuilder->getParameters(), $queryBuilder->getParameterTypes()); $data = $stmt instanceof Result || $stmt instanceof DriverResult ? $stmt->fetchAllAssociative() : $stmt->fetchAll(); return array_map(function ($doctrineEnvelope) { return $this->decodeEnvelopeHeaders($doctrineEnvelope); }, $data); } public function find($id): ?array { $queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder() ->where('m.id = ? and m.queue_name = ?'); $stmt = $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder->getSQL(), [$id, $this->configuration['queue_name']]); $data = $stmt instanceof Result || $stmt instanceof DriverResult ? $stmt->fetchAssociative() : $stmt->fetch(); return false === $data ? null : $this->decodeEnvelopeHeaders($data); } /** * @internal */ public function configureSchema(Schema $schema, DBALConnection $forConnection): void { // only update the schema for this connection if ($forConnection !== $this->driverConnection) { return; } if ($schema->hasTable($this->configuration['table_name'])) { return; } $this->addTableToSchema($schema); } /** * @internal */ public function getExtraSetupSqlForTable(Table $createdTable): array { return []; } private function createAvailableMessagesQueryBuilder(): QueryBuilder { $now = new \DateTime(); $redeliverLimit = (clone $now)->modify(sprintf('-%d seconds', $this->configuration['redeliver_timeout'])); return $this->createQueryBuilder() ->where('m.delivered_at is null OR m.delivered_at < ?') ->andWhere('m.available_at <= ?') ->andWhere('m.queue_name = ?') ->setParameters([ $redeliverLimit, $now, $this->configuration['queue_name'], ], [ Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, ]); } private function createQueryBuilder(): QueryBuilder { return $this->driverConnection->createQueryBuilder() ->select('m.*') ->from($this->configuration['table_name'], 'm'); } private function executeQuery(string $sql, array $parameters = [], array $types = []) { try { $stmt = $this->driverConnection->executeQuery($sql, $parameters, $types); } catch (TableNotFoundException $e) { if ($this->driverConnection->isTransactionActive()) { throw $e; } // create table if ($this->autoSetup) { $this->setup(); } $stmt = $this->driverConnection->executeQuery($sql, $parameters, $types); } return $stmt; } protected function executeStatement(string $sql, array $parameters = [], array $types = []) { try { if (method_exists($this->driverConnection, 'executeStatement')) { $stmt = $this->driverConnection->executeStatement($sql, $parameters, $types); } else { $stmt = $this->driverConnection->executeUpdate($sql, $parameters, $types); } } catch (TableNotFoundException $e) { if ($this->driverConnection->isTransactionActive()) { throw $e; } // create table if ($this->autoSetup) { $this->setup(); } if (method_exists($this->driverConnection, 'executeStatement')) { $stmt = $this->driverConnection->executeStatement($sql, $parameters, $types); } else { $stmt = $this->driverConnection->executeUpdate($sql, $parameters, $types); } } return $stmt; } private function getSchema(): Schema { $schema = new Schema([], [], $this->createSchemaManager()->createSchemaConfig()); $this->addTableToSchema($schema); return $schema; } private function addTableToSchema(Schema $schema): void { $table = $schema->createTable($this->configuration['table_name']); // add an internal option to mark that we created this & the non-namespaced table name $table->addOption(self::TABLE_OPTION_NAME, $this->configuration['table_name']); $table->addColumn('id', Types::BIGINT) ->setAutoincrement(true) ->setNotnull(true); $table->addColumn('body', Types::TEXT) ->setNotnull(true); $table->addColumn('headers', Types::TEXT) ->setNotnull(true); $table->addColumn('queue_name', Types::STRING) ->setLength(190) // MySQL 5.6 only supports 191 characters on an indexed column in utf8mb4 mode ->setNotnull(true); $table->addColumn('created_at', Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE) ->setNotnull(true); $table->addColumn('available_at', Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE) ->setNotnull(true); $table->addColumn('delivered_at', Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE) ->setNotnull(false); $table->setPrimaryKey(['id']); $table->addIndex(['queue_name']); $table->addIndex(['available_at']); $table->addIndex(['delivered_at']); } private function decodeEnvelopeHeaders(array $doctrineEnvelope): array { $doctrineEnvelope['headers'] = json_decode($doctrineEnvelope['headers'], true); return $doctrineEnvelope; } private function updateSchema(): void { if (null !== $this->schemaSynchronizer) { $this->schemaSynchronizer->updateSchema($this->getSchema(), true); return; } $schemaManager = $this->createSchemaManager(); $comparator = $this->createComparator($schemaManager); $schemaDiff = $this->compareSchemas($comparator, $schemaManager->createSchema(), $this->getSchema()); foreach ($schemaDiff->toSaveSql($this->driverConnection->getDatabasePlatform()) as $sql) { if (method_exists($this->driverConnection, 'executeStatement')) { $this->driverConnection->executeStatement($sql); } else { $this->driverConnection->exec($sql); } } } private function createSchemaManager(): AbstractSchemaManager { return method_exists($this->driverConnection, 'createSchemaManager') ? $this->driverConnection->createSchemaManager() : $this->driverConnection->getSchemaManager(); } private function createComparator(AbstractSchemaManager $schemaManager): Comparator { return method_exists($schemaManager, 'createComparator') ? $schemaManager->createComparator() : new Comparator(); } private function compareSchemas(Comparator $comparator, Schema $from, Schema $to): SchemaDiff { return method_exists($comparator, 'compareSchemas') ? $comparator->compareSchemas($from, $to) : $comparator->compare($from, $to); } } if (!class_exists(\Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Doctrine\Connection::class, false)) { class_alias(Connection::class, \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Doctrine\Connection::class); }