Upgrading From Version 1.2 =========================== With version 2.0.0 of this library came major changes to the ciphertext format, algorithms used for encryption, and API. In version 1.2, keys were represented by 16-byte string variables. In version 2.0.0, keys are represented by objects, instances of the `Key` class. This change was made in order to make it harder to misuse the API. For example, in version 1.2, you could pass in *any* 16-byte string, but in version 2.0.0 you need a `Key` object, which you can only get if you're "doing the right thing." This means that for all of your old version 1.2 keys, you'll have to: 1. Generate a new version 2.0.0 key. 2. For all of the ciphertexts encrypted under the old key: 1. Decrypt the ciphertext using the old version 1.2 key. 2. Re-encrypt it using the new version 2.0.0 key. Use the special `Crypto::legacyDecrypt()` method to decrypt the old ciphertexts using the old key and then re-encrypt them using `Crypto::encrypt()` with the new key. Your code will look something like the following. To avoid data loss, securely back up your keys and data before running your upgrade code. ```php <?php // ... $legacy_ciphertext = // ... get the ciphertext you want to upgrade ... $legacy_key = // ... get the key to decrypt this ciphertext ... // Generate the new key that we'll re-encrypt the ciphertext with. $new_key = Key::createNewRandomKey(); // ... save it somewhere ... // Decrypt it. try { $plaintext = Crypto::legacyDecrypt($legacy_ciphertext, $legacy_key); } catch (Defuse\Crypto\Exception\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException $ex) { // ... TODO: handle this case appropriately ... } // Re-encrypt it. $new_ciphertext = Crypto::encrypt($plaintext, $new_key); // ... replace the old $legacy_ciphertext with the new $new_ciphertext // ... ```