CHANGELOG ========= 5.4 --- * Deprecate not setting the `delete_after_ack` config option (or DSN parameter), its default value will change to `true` in 6.0 5.3 --- * Add `rediss://` DSN scheme support for TLS protocol * Deprecate TLS option, use `rediss://` instead of `redis://` * Add support for `\RedisCluster` instance in `Connection` constructor * Add support for Redis Cluster in DSN 5.2.0 ----- * Added a `delete_after_reject` option to the DSN to allow control over message deletion, similar to `delete_after_ack`. * Added option `lazy` to delay connecting to Redis server until we first use it. 5.1.0 ----- * Introduced the Redis bridge. * Added TLS option in the DSN. Example: `redis://` * Deprecated use of invalid options * Added ability to receive of old pending messages with new `redeliver_timeout` and `claim_interval` options. * Added a `delete_after_ack` option to the DSN as an alternative to `stream_max_entries` to avoid leaking memory.