form: fields: hero_title: type: spacer title: Hero Section header.hero_classes: type: text label: Hero Classes markdown: true description: 'There are several Hero class options that can be listed here (space separated):<br />`text-light`, `text-dark`, `title-h1h2`, `parallax`, `overlay-dark-gradient`, `overlay-light-gradient`, `overlay-dark`, `overlay-light`, `hero-fullscreen`, `hero-large`, `hero-medium`, `hero-small`, `hero-tiny`<br />Please consult the [Quark documentation]( for more details.' header.hero_image: type: filepicker label: Hero Image preview_images: true description: 'If not specified, this defaults to the first image found in the page''s folder' toggles_title: type: spacer title: Configuration header.blog_url: type: text toggleable: true label: Blog Route help: The route to the main blog page that contains the "Show ..." configuration default: '/blog' placeholder: '/blog' size: medium header.show_sidebar: type: toggle toggleable: true label: Show Sidebar highlight: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool header.show_breadcrumbs: type: toggle toggleable: true label: Show Breadcrumbs highlight: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool header.show_pagination: type: toggle toggleable: true label: Show Pagination highlight: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool