# Global plugin configurations

enabled: true                 # Set to false to disable this plugin completely
built_in_css: true            # Use built-in CSS of the plugin
weight: 0                     # Set the weight (order of execution)

# Default options for External Links configuration

  classes: [exclude]          # Exclude all links with this class
  domains:                    # A list of domains to be excluded e.g
  # - localhost/*             # (any RegExp can be used)
  # - img.domain.com/*

  www: false                  # Autom. link any hostname that starts with "www."
  redirects: false            # Also mark links as external, that link to pages that redirect to an external URL

  schemes:                    # Allowed schemes
    - 'http'
    - 'https'
    - 'ftp'
    - 'irc'
    - 'mailto'
    - 'news'
    - 'nntp'
    - 'rtsp'
    - 'sftp'
    - 'ssh'
    - 'tel'
    - 'telnet'
    - 'webcal'

# Global and page specific configurations

process: true                 # Filter external links

title: false                  # Sets default title for external links
no_follow: true               # Add rel="nofollow" to all external links
target: "_blank"              # Set target attribute of link

mode: "active"                # active = process and parse all links;
                              # passive = parse links, but don't set CSS classes