grav = $grav; $this->config = $this->grav['config']; $this->language = $this->grav['language']; $this->session = $this->grav['session']; $this->uri = $this->grav['uri']; } /** * @param string $message * @param object|array $data */ public static function addDebugMessage(string $message, $data = []): void { /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = Grav::instance()['debugger']; $debugger->addMessage($message, 'debug', $data); } /** * Login user. * * @param array $credentials Login credentials, eg: ['username' => '', 'password' => ''] * @param array $options Login options, eg: ['remember_me' => true] * @param array $extra Example: ['authorize' => 'site.login', 'user' => null], undefined variables get set. * @return UserInterface|UserLoginEvent Returns event if $extra['return_event'] is true. */ public function login(array $credentials, array $options = [], array $extra = []) { $grav = Grav::instance(); $eventOptions = [ 'credentials' => $credentials, 'options' => $options ] + $extra; // Attempt to authenticate the user. $event = new UserLoginEvent($eventOptions); $grav->fireEvent('onUserLoginAuthenticate', $event); if ($event->isSuccess()) { static::DEBUG && static::addDebugMessage('Login onUserLoginAuthenticate: success', $event); // Make sure that event didn't mess up with the user authorization. $user = $event->getUser(); $user->authenticated = true; $user->authorized = false; // Allow plugins to prevent login after successful authentication. $event = new UserLoginEvent($event->toArray()); $grav->fireEvent('onUserLoginAuthorize', $event); } if ($event->isSuccess()) { static::DEBUG && static::addDebugMessage('Login onUserLoginAuthorize: success', $event); // User has been logged in, let plugins know. $event = new UserLoginEvent($event->toArray()); $grav->fireEvent('onUserLogin', $event); // Make sure that event didn't mess up with the user authorization. $user = $event->getUser(); $user->authenticated = true; $user->authorized = !$event->isDelayed(); if ($user->authorized) { $event = new UserLoginEvent($event->toArray()); $this->grav->fireEvent('onUserLoginAuthorized', $event); } } else { static::DEBUG && static::addDebugMessage('Login failed', $event); // Allow plugins to log errors or do other tasks on failure. $eventName = $event->getOption('failureEvent') ?? 'onUserLoginFailure'; $event = new UserLoginEvent($event->toArray()); $grav->fireEvent($eventName, $event); // Make sure that event didn't mess up with the user authorization. $user = $event->getUser(); $user->authenticated = false; $user->authorized = false; } $user = $event->getUser(); $user->def('language', 'en'); return !empty($event['return_event']) ? $event : $user; } /** * Logout user. * * @param array $options * @param array|UserInterface $extra Array of: ['user' => $user, ...] or UserInterface object (deprecated). * @return UserInterface|UserLoginEvent Returns event if $extra['return_event'] is true. */ public function logout(array $options = [], $extra = []) { $grav = Grav::instance(); if ($extra instanceof UserInterface) { user_error(__METHOD__ . '($options, $user) is deprecated since Login Plugin 3.5.0, use logout($options, [\'user\' => $user]) instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $extra = ['user' => $extra]; } elseif (isset($extra['user'])) { $extra['user'] = $grav['user']; } $eventOptions = [ 'options' => $options ] + $extra; $event = new UserLoginEvent($eventOptions); // Logout the user. $grav->fireEvent('onUserLogout', $event); $user = $event->getUser(); $user->authenticated = false; $user->authorized = false; return !empty($event['return_event']) ? $event : $user; } /** * Authenticate user. * * @param array $credentials Form fields. * @param array $options * * @return bool * @deprecated Uses the Controller::taskLogin() event */ public function authenticate($credentials, $options = ['remember_me' => true]) { $event = $this->login($credentials, $options, ['return_event' => true]); $user = $event['user']; $redirect = $event->getRedirect(); $message = $event->getMessage(); $messageType = $event->getMessageType(); if ($user->authenticated && $user->authorized) { if (!$message) { $message = 'PLUGIN_LOGIN.LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL'; $messageType = 'info'; } if (!$redirect) { $redirect = $this->uri->route(); } } if ($message) { $this->grav['messages']->add($this->language->translate($message, [$user->language]), $messageType); } if ($redirect) { $this->grav->redirectLangSafe($redirect, $event->getRedirectCode()); } return $user->authenticated && $user->authorized; } /** * Create a new user file * * @param array $data * @param array $files * * @return UserInterface */ public function register(array $data, array $files = []) { // Add defaults and mandatory fields. $data += [ 'username' => null, 'email' => null ]; if (!isset($data['groups'])) { //Add new user ACL settings $groups = (array) $this->config->get('plugins.login.user_registration.groups', []); if (\count($groups) > 0) { $data['groups'] = $groups; } } if (!isset($data['access'])) { $access = (array) $this->config->get('', []); if (\count($access) > 0) { $data['access']['site'] = $access; } } // Validate fields from the form. $password = $this->validateField('password1', $data['password'] ?? $data['password1'] ?? null); foreach ($data as $key => &$value) { $value = $this->validateField($key, $value, $key === 'password2' ? $password : ''); } unset($value); /** @var UserCollectionInterface $accounts */ $accounts = $this->grav['accounts']; // Check whether username already exists. $username = $data['username']; if (!$username || $accounts->find($username, ['username'])->exists()) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = $this->grav['language']; throw new \RuntimeException($language->translate(['PLUGIN_LOGIN.USERNAME_NOT_AVAILABLE', $username])); } // Check whether email already exists. $email = $data['email']; if (!$email || $accounts->find($email, ['email'])->exists()) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = $this->grav['language']; throw new \RuntimeException($language->translate(['PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_NOT_AVAILABLE', $email])); } $user = $accounts->load($username); $user->update($data, $files); if (isset($data['groups'])) { $user->groups = $data['groups']; } if (isset($data['access'])) { $user->access = $data['access']; } $user->save(); return $user; } /** * @param string $username * @param string|null $ip * @return int Return positive number if rate limited, otherwise return 0. */ public function checkLoginRateLimit(string $username, string $ip = null): int { $ipKey = $this->getIpKey($ip); $rateLimiter = $this->getRateLimiter('login_attempts'); $rateLimiter->registerRateLimitedAction($ipKey, 'ip')->registerRateLimitedAction($username); // Check rate limit for both IP and user, but allow each IP a single try even if user is already rate limited. $attempts = \count($rateLimiter->getAttempts($ipKey, 'ip')); if ($rateLimiter->isRateLimited($ipKey, 'ip') || ($attempts && $rateLimiter->isRateLimited($username))) { return $rateLimiter->getInterval(); } return 0; } /** * @param string $username * @param string|null $ip */ public function resetLoginRateLimit(string $username, string $ip = null): void { $ipKey = $this->getIpKey($ip); $rateLimiter = $this->getRateLimiter('login_attempts'); $rateLimiter->resetRateLimit($ipKey, 'ip')->resetRateLimit($username); } /** * @param string|null $ip * @return string */ public function getIpKey(string $ip = null): string { if (null === $ip) { $ip = Uri::ip(); } $isIPv4 = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4); $ipKey = $isIPv4 ? $ip : Utils::getSubnet($ip, $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.login.ipv6_subnet_size')); // Pseudonymization of the IP return sha1($ipKey . $this->grav['config']->get('security.salt')); } /** * @param string $type * @param mixed $value * @param string $extra * * @return string */ public function validateField($type, $value, $extra = '') { switch ($type) { case 'user': case 'username': /** @var Config $config */ $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $username_regex = '/' . $config->get('system.username_regex') . '/'; $value = \is_string($value) ? trim($value) : ''; if ($value === '' || !preg_match($username_regex, $value)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Username does not pass the minimum requirements'); } break; case 'password': case 'password1': /** @var Config $config */ $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $pwd_regex = '/' . $config->get('system.pwd_regex') . '/'; $value = \is_string($value) ? $value : ''; if ($value === '' || !preg_match($pwd_regex, $value)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Password does not pass the minimum requirements'); } break; case 'password2': $value = \is_string($value) ? $value : ''; if ($value === '' || $value !== $extra) { throw new \RuntimeException('Passwords did not match.'); } break; case 'email': $value = \is_string($value) ? trim($value) : ''; if ($value === '' || !filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Not a valid email address'); } break; case 'permissions': if (!\in_array($value, ['a', 's', 'b'], true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Permissions ' . $value . ' are invalid.'); } break; case 'state': if ($value !== 'enabled' && $value !== 'disabled') { throw new \RuntimeException('State is not valid'); } break; case 'language': $languages = new LanguageCodes(); if ($value !== null && !array_key_exists($value, $languages->getList())) { throw new \RuntimeException('Language code is not valid'); } break; } return $value; } /** * Handle the email to notify the user account creation to the site admin. * * @param UserInterface $user * * @return bool True if the action was performed. * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function sendNotificationEmail(UserInterface $user) { if (empty($user->email)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD')); } try { Email::sendNotificationEmail($user); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } /** * Handle the email to welcome the new user * * @param UserInterface $user * * @return bool True if the action was performed. * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function sendWelcomeEmail(UserInterface $user) { if (empty($user->email)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD')); } try { Email::sendWelcomeEmail($user); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } /** * Handle the email to activate the user account. * * @param UserInterface $user * * @return bool True if the action was performed. * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function sendActivationEmail(UserInterface $user) { if (empty($user->email)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD')); } $token = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $expire = time() + 604800; // next week $user->activation_token = $token . '::' . $expire; $user->save(); try { Email::sendActivationEmail($user); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } /** * Handle the email to invite user. * * @param Invitation $invitation * @param string|null $message * @param UserInterface|null $user * @return bool True if the action was performed. * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function sendInviteEmail(Invitation $invitation, string $message = null, UserInterface $user = null) { try { Email::sendInvitationEmail($invitation, $message, $user); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } /** * Gets and sets the RememberMe class * * @param mixed $var A rememberMe instance to set * * @return RememberMe Returns the current rememberMe instance * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function rememberMe($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->rememberMe = $var; } if (!$this->rememberMe) { /** @var Config $config */ $config = $this->grav['config']; $cookieName = $config->get(''); $timeout = $config->get('plugins.login.rememberme.timeout'); // Setup storage for RememberMe cookies $storage = new TokenStorage('user-data://rememberme', $timeout); $this->rememberMe = new RememberMe($storage); $this->rememberMe->setCookieName($cookieName); $this->rememberMe->setExpireTime($timeout); // Hardening cookies with user-agent and random salt or // fallback to use system based cache key $server_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? 'unknown'; $data = $server_agent . $config->get('security.salt', $this->grav['cache']->getKey()); $this->rememberMe->setSalt(hash('sha512', $data)); // Set cookie with correct base path of Grav install $cookie = new Cookie; $cookie->setPath($this->grav['base_url_relative'] ?: '/'); $this->rememberMe->setCookie($cookie); } return $this->rememberMe; } /** * Gets and sets the TwoFactorAuth object * * @param TwoFactorAuth $var * @return TwoFactorAuth * @throws \RobThree\Auth\TwoFactorAuthException */ public function twoFactorAuth($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->twoFa = $var; } if (!$this->twoFa) { $this->twoFa = new TwoFactorAuth; } return $this->twoFa; } /** * @param string $context * @param int $maxCount * @param int $interval * @return RateLimiter */ public function getRateLimiter($context, $maxCount = null, $interval = null) { if (!isset($this->rateLimiters[$context])) { switch ($context) { case 'login_attempts': $maxCount = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.login.max_login_count', 5); $interval = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.login.max_login_interval', 10); break; case 'pw_resets': $maxCount = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.login.max_pw_resets_count', 2); $interval = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.login.max_pw_resets_interval', 60); break; } $this->rateLimiters[$context] = new RateLimiter($context, $maxCount, $interval); } return $this->rateLimiters[$context]; } /** * @param string $type * @param string|null $route * @param PageInterface|null $page * @return PageInterface|null */ public function getPage(string $type, string $route = null, PageInterface $page = null): ?PageInterface { $route = $route ?? $this->getRoute($type, true); if (null === $route) { return null; } if ($page) { $page->route($route); $page->slug(basename($route)); } else { /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; $page = $pages->find($route); } if (!$page instanceof PageInterface) { // Only add login page if it hasn't already been defined. $page = new Page(); $page->init(new \SplFileInfo('plugin://login/pages/' . $type . '.md')); $page->route($route); $page->slug(basename($route)); } // Login page may not have the correct Cache-Control header set, force no-store for the proxies. $cacheControl = $page->cacheControl(); if (!$cacheControl) { $page->cacheControl('private, no-cache, must-revalidate'); } return $page; } /** * Add Login page. * * @param string $type * @param string|null $route Optional route if we want to force-add the page. * @param PageInterface|null $page * @return PageInterface|null */ public function addPage(string $type, string $route = null, PageInterface $page = null): ?PageInterface { $page = $this->getPage($type, $route, $page); if (null === $page) { return null; } /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; $pages->addPage($page, $route); return $page; } /** * Get route to a given login page. * * @param string $type Use one of: login, activate, forgot, reset, profile, unauthorized, after_login, after_logout, * register, after_registration, after_activation * @param bool|null $enabled * @return string|null Returns route or null if the route has been disabled. */ public function getRoute(string $type, bool $enabled = null): ?string { switch ($type) { case 'login': $route = $this->config->get('plugins.login.route'); break; case 'activate': case 'forgot': case 'reset': case 'profile': $route = $this->config->get('plugins.login.route_' . $type); break; case 'unauthorized': $route = $this->config->get('plugins.login.route_' . $type, '/'); break; case 'after_login': case 'after_logout': $route = $this->config->get('plugins.login.redirect_' . $type); if ($route === true) { $route = $this->config->get('plugins.login.route_' . $type); } break; case 'register': $enabled = $enabled ?? $this->config->get('plugins.login.user_registration.enabled', false); $route = $enabled === true ? $this->config->get('plugins.login.route_' . $type) : null; break; case 'after_registration': case 'after_activation': $route = $this->config->get('plugins.login.redirect_' . $type); break; default: $route = null; } if (!is_string($route) || $route === '') { return null; } return $route; } /** * @param UserInterface $user * @param PageInterface $page * @param Data|null $config * @return bool */ public function isUserAuthorizedForPage(UserInterface $user, PageInterface $page, Data $config = null): bool { /** @var PageAuthorizeEvent $event */ $event = $this->grav->dispatchEvent(new PageAuthorizeEvent($page, $user, $config)); if (!$event->hasProtectedAccess()) { return true; } // All access protected pages have a private cache-control. This includes pages which are for guests only. $cacheControl = $page->cacheControl(); if (!$cacheControl) { $cacheControl = 'private, no-cache, must-revalidate'; } else { // The response is intended for a single user only and must not be stored by a shared cache. $cacheControl = str_replace('public', 'private', $cacheControl); if (strpos($cacheControl, 'private') === false) { $cacheControl = 'private, ' . $cacheControl; } // The cache will send the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy. if (strpos($cacheControl, 'no-cache') === false) { $cacheControl .= ', no-cache'; } // The cache must verify the status of the stale resources before using the copy and expired ones should not be used. if (strpos($cacheControl, 'must-revalidate') === false) { $cacheControl .= ', must-revalidate'; } } $page->cacheControl($cacheControl); // Deny access if user has not completed 2FA challenge. $user = $event->user; if ($user->authenticated && !$user->authorized) { $event->deny(); } return $event->isAllowed(); } /** * Check if user may use password reset functionality. * * @param UserInterface $user * @param string $field * @param int $count * @param int $interval * @return bool * @deprecated 2.5.0 Use $grav['login']->getRateLimiter($context) instead. See Grav\Plugin\Login\RateLimiter class. */ public function isUserRateLimited(UserInterface $user, $field, $count, $interval) { if ($count > 0) { if (!isset($user->{$field})) { $user->{$field} = []; } //remove older than $interval x minute attempts $actual_resets = []; foreach ((array)$user->{$field} as $reset) { if ($reset > (time() - $interval * 60)) { $actual_resets[] = $reset; } } if (\count($actual_resets) >= $count) { return true; } $actual_resets[] = time(); // current reset $user->{$field} = $actual_resets; } return false; } /** * Reset the rate limit counter. * * @param UserInterface $user * @param string $field * @deprecated 2.5.0 Use $grav['login']->getRateLimiter($context) instead. See Grav\Plugin\Login\RateLimiter class. */ public function resetRateLimit(UserInterface $user, $field) { $user->{$field} = []; } /** * Get Current logged in user * * @return UserInterface * @deprecated 2.5.0 Use $grav['user'] instead. */ public function getUser() { /** @var UserInterface $user */ return $this->grav['user']; } public function addProviderLoginTemplate($template) { $this->provider_login_templates[] = $template; } public function getProviderLoginTemplates() { return $this->provider_login_templates; } }