PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2: CONFIGURATION: "Configuration" DOCUMENTATION: "Instructions" PROVIDERS: "OAuth2 Providers" BUILTIN_CSS: "Enable built-in CSS" BUILTIN_CSS_HELP: "If you want to provide your own custom CSS, feel free to disable the CSS provided by the plugin" BUTTON_STYLE: "Button Style" BUTTON_STYLE_HELLP: "If using built-in CSS, you can pick from either row or square display types for the OAUTH buttons" SITE_CALLBACK_URI: "Site Callback URI" SITE_CALLBACK_URI_HELP: "This is the URI that the provider will call when it has authenticated the user remotely." REQUIRE_GRAV_USER: "Require Existing Grav user" REQUIRE_GRAV_USER_DESC: "Deny login if user isn't an already registered user of the site" SAVE_GRAV_USER: "Save Grav user" SAVE_GRAV_USER_DESC: "Saves the logged in user as a local Grav account" STORE_OAUTH2_USER: "Store Provider data" STORE_OAUTH2_USER_DESC: "You can also store Provider data on the logged in user object to use in Grav" DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVELS: "Default Access Levels" DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVELS_DESC: "You can find more information on access levels in the [Grav Groups & Permissions]( documentation" CLIENT_ID: "Client ID" CLIENT_SECRET: "Client Secret" SCOPE: "Scope" HOST: "Host" APP_ID: "App ID" APP_SECRET: "App Secret" GRAPH_API_VERSION: "Graph API Version" AVATAR_SIZE: "Avatar Size" RESTRICT_DOMAIN: "Hosted Domain" ADMIN: "Admin" ADMIN_ENABLED: "Enabled in Admin" ADMIN_CALLBACK_URI: "Admin Callback URI" ADMIN_CALLBACK_URI_HELP: "This is the admin callback URI. It should be prefixed with your current admin path" DEFAULT_GROUPS: "Default Groups" DEAFULT_GROUPS_HELP: "Here you can assign default groups to assign users to when logging in" LOGIN_MESSAGE: "Login with one of these available social accounts..." OR: "or" ERROR_EXISTING_ACCOUNT: "You have already an account using %s, please use it to login" ERROR_NO_ACCOUNT: "You do not have user account in the site for %s" OAUTH2_LOGIN_FAILED: "OAuth2 %s Login Failed: %s" BUTTON_FACEBOOK: Facebook BUTTON_GITHUB: GitHub BUTTON_GOOGLE: Google BUTTON_INSTAGRAM: Instagram BUTTON_LINKEDIN: LinkedIn