# v1.2.1
## 06/29/2017

1. [](#bugfix)
    * Fix release number

# v1.2.0
## 06/29/2017

1. [](#new)
    * Added Shortcode Core + Shortcode UI Button Dropdown. PR by [@dennemark](https://github.com/dennemark) [#23](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-editor-buttons/pull/23)

# v1.1.3
## 11/03/2016

1. [](#bugfix)
    * Fixed an issue with the Insert Table button. Prevents the `click` and `mouseover` events from being attached more than once in order to prevent tables from spawning erratically. [#20](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-editor-buttons/pull/20)

# v1.1.2
## 08/09/2016

1. [](#bugfix)
    * Old notices markdown syntax (>>>) replaced with new (!) [#16](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-editor-buttons/pull/16)
1. [](#improved)
    * Added german and romanian translations

# v1.1.1
## 07/14/2016

1. [](#bugfix)
    * Fixed event to load the assets to work properly
1. [](#improved)
    * Renamed the css/js files for consistency

# v1.1.0
## 07/13/2016

1. [](#improved)
    * Only shows the notices button if the Markdown Notices plugin is installed
1. [](#bugfix)
    * Fixed ES6 syntax to ES5 compatibility [#10](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-editor-buttons/issues/10)
    * Added feature dependency check for markdown-notices [#9](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-editor-buttons/issues/9)
    * Changed asset URL to relative URL from absolute URL

# v1.1.0-beta.1
## 06/05/2016

1. [](#new)
    * Compatibility with Admin 1.1
    * Multilanguage support with russian, french and english
1. [](#improved)
    * Moved notices under a grouped button

# v1.0.0
## 10/07/2015

1. [](#new)
    * First release