--- PLUGIN_ADMIN: ADMIN_NOSCRIPT_MSG: "Tafadhali washa JavaScript kwenye kivinjari chako." ADMIN_BETA_MSG: "Hii ni toleo la Beta! Tumia hii katika uzalishaji kwa hatari yako mwenyewe ..." ADMIN_REPORT_ISSUE: "Umepata shida? Tafadhali ripoti juu ya GitHub." LOGIN_BTN: "Ingia" LOGIN_BTN_FORGOT: "Umesahau" LOGIN_BTN_RESET: "Rudisha Nenosiri" LOGIN_BTN_SEND_INSTRUCTIONS: "Tuma Maagizo ya Upya" LOGIN_BTN_CLEAR: "Futa Fomu" LOGIN_BTN_CREATE_USER: "Unda Mtumiaji" LOGIN_LOGGED_IN: "Umeingia kwa mafanikio" LOGIN_FAILED: "Kuingia hakujafaulu" LOGGED_OUT: "Umetoka nje" RESET_NEW_PASSWORD: "Tafadhali ingiza nywila mpya & hellip;" RESET_LINK_EXPIRED: "Kiungo cha kuweka upya kimeisha muda, tafadhali jaribu tena" RESET_PASSWORD_RESET: "Nenosiri limewekwa upya" RESET_INVALID_LINK: "Kiungo batili cha kuweka upya kimetumika, tafadhali jaribu tena" FORGOT_INSTRUCTIONS_SENT_VIA_EMAIL: "Maagizo ya kuweka upya nywila yako yametumwa kwa anwani yako ya barua pepe" FORGOT_FAILED_TO_EMAIL: "Imeshindwa kutuma maagizo kwa barua pepe, tafadhali jaribu tena baadaye" FORGOT_CANNOT_RESET_EMAIL_NO_EMAIL: "Haiwezi kuweka upya nywila ya% s, hakuna anwani ya barua pepe iliyowekwa" FORGOT_USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST: "Mtumiaji aliye na jina la mtumiaji % s hayupo" FORGOT_EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED: "Haiwezi kuweka upya nenosiri. Tovuti hii haijasanidiwa kutuma barua pepe" FORGOT_EMAIL_SUBJECT: "% s Ombi la Kuweka Nenosiri" FORGOT_EMAIL_BODY: "

Kuweka upya Nenosiri

Mpendwa %1$s,

Ombi lilitolewa kwenye %4$skuweka upya nywila yako.

Bonyeza hii kuweka upya nywila yako

Vinginevyo, nakili URL ifuatayo kwenye upau wa anwani ya kivinjari chako:


Kwa aina,


" MANAGE_PAGES: "Dhibiti Kurasa" PAGES: "Kurasa" PLUGINS: "Programu-jalizi" PLUGIN: "Programu-jalizi" THEMES: "Mada" LOGOUT: "Ondoka" BACK: "Nyuma" NEXT: "Ifuatayo" PREVIOUS: "Iliyotangulia" ADD_PAGE: "Ongeza Ukurasa" MOVE: "Sogea" DELETE: "Futa" UNSET: "Unset" VIEW: "Tazama" SAVE: "Okoa" NORMAL: "Kawaida" EXPERT: "Mtaalam" EXPAND_ALL: "Panua Zote" COLLAPSE_ALL: "Kunja Zote" ERROR: "Kosa" CLOSE: "Funga" CANCEL: "Ghairi" CONTINUE: "Endelea" CONFIRM: "Thibitisha" MODAL_DELETE_PAGE_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED_TITLE: "Uthibitisho Unahitajika" MODAL_CHANGED_DETECTED_TITLE: "Mabadiliko Yamegunduliwa" MODAL_CHANGED_DETECTED_DESC: "Una mabadiliko ambayo hayajahifadhiwa. Je! Una uhakika unataka kuondoka bila kuhifadhi?" MODAL_DELETE_FILE_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED_TITLE: "Uthibitisho Unahitajika" MODAL_DELETE_FILE_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED_DESC: "Je! Una uhakika unataka kufuta faili hii? Kitendo hiki hakiwezi kutenduliwa." MODAL_UPDATE_GRAV_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED_DESC: "Unakaribia kuboresha Grav kuwa toleo jipya zaidi. Je! Ungependa kuendelea?" ADD_FILTERS: "Ongeza Vichujio" SEARCH_PAGES: "Kurasa za Utafutaji" VERSION: "Toleo" WAS_MADE_WITH: "Ilitengenezwa na" BY: "Na" UPDATE_THEME: "Sasisha Mandhari" UPDATE_PLUGIN: "Sasisha Programu-jalizi" OF_THIS_THEME_IS_NOW_AVAILABLE: "ya mada hii sasa inapatikana" OF_THIS_PLUGIN_IS_NOW_AVAILABLE: "ya programu-jalizi hii sasa inapatikana" AUTHOR: "Mwandishi" HOMEPAGE: "Ukurasa wa kwanza" DEMO: "Demo" BUG_TRACKER: "Bug Tracker" KEYWORDS: "Keywords" LICENSE: "License" DESCRIPTION: "Description" README: "Readme" DOCS: "Docs" REMOVE_THEME: "Remove Theme" INSTALL_THEME: "Install Theme" THEME: "Theme" BACK_TO_THEMES: "Back to Themes" BACK_TO_PLUGINS: "Back to Plugins" CHECK_FOR_UPDATES: "Check for Updates" ADD: "Add" CLEAR_CACHE: "Clear Cache" CLEAR_CACHE_ALL_CACHE: "All Cache" CLEAR_CACHE_ASSETS_ONLY: "Assets Only" CLEAR_CACHE_IMAGES_ONLY: "Images Only" CLEAR_CACHE_CACHE_ONLY: "Cache Only" CLEAR_CACHE_TMP_ONLY: "Tmp Only" UPDATES_AVAILABLE: "Updates Available" DAYS: "Days" UPDATE: "Update" BACKUP: "Backup" BACKUPS: "Backups" BACKUP_NOW: "Backup Now" BACKUPS_STATS: "Backup Statistics" BACKUPS_HISTORY: "Backup History" BACKUPS_PURGE_CONFIG: "Backup Purge Configuration" BACKUPS_PROFILES: "Backup Profiles" BACKUPS_COUNT: "Number of Backups" BACKUPS_PROFILES_COUNT: "Number of Profiles" BACKUPS_TOTAL_SIZE: "Space Used" BACKUPS_NEWEST: "Newest Backup" BACKUPS_OLDEST: "Oldest Backup" BACKUPS_PURGE: "Purge" BACKUPS_NOT_GENERATED: "No backups have been generated yet..." BACKUPS_PURGE_NUMBER: "Using %s of %s backup slots" BACKUPS_PURGE_TIME: "%s days of backups left" BACKUPS_PURGE_SPACE: "Using %s of %s" BACKUP_DELETED: "Backup Successfully Deleted" BACKUP_NOT_FOUND: "Backup Not Found" BACKUP_DATE: "Backup Date" STATISTICS: "Statistics" VIEWS_STATISTICS: "Page View Statistics" TODAY: "Today" WEEK: "Week" MONTH: "Month" LATEST_PAGE_UPDATES: "Latest Page Updates" MAINTENANCE: "Maintenance" UPDATED: "Updated" MON: "Mon" TUE: "Tue" WED: "Wed" THU: "Thu" FRI: "Fri" SAT: "Sat" SUN: "Sun" COPY: "Copy" EDIT: "Edit" CREATE: "Create" GRAV_ADMIN: "Grav Admin" GRAV_OFFICIAL_PLUGIN: "Grav Official Plugin" GRAV_OFFICIAL_THEME: "Grav Official Theme" PLUGIN_SYMBOLICALLY_LINKED: "This plugin is symbolically linked. Updates won't be detected." THEME_SYMBOLICALLY_LINKED: "This theme is symbolically linked. Updates won't be detected" REMOVE_PLUGIN: "Remove Plugin" INSTALL_PLUGIN: "Install Plugin" AVAILABLE: "Available" INSTALLED: "Installed" INSTALL: "Install" ACTIVE_THEME: "Active Theme" SWITCHING_TO: "Switching to" SWITCHING_TO_DESCRIPTION: "By switching to a different theme, there is no guarantee that all the layout pages are supported, potentially causing errors when trying to load said pages." SWITCHING_TO_CONFIRMATION: "Do you want to continue and switch to the theme" CREATE_NEW_USER: "Create New User" REMOVE_USER: "Remove User" ACCESS_DENIED: "Access denied" ACCOUNT_NOT_ADMIN: "your account does not have administrator permissions" PHP_INFO: "PHP Info" INSTALLER: "Installer" AVAILABLE_THEMES: "Available Themes" AVAILABLE_PLUGINS: "Available Plugins" INSTALLED_THEMES: "Installed Themes" INSTALLED_PLUGINS: "Installed Plugins" BROWSE_ERROR_LOGS: "Browse Error Logs" SITE: "Site" INFO: "Info" SYSTEM: "System" USER: "User" ADD_ACCOUNT: "Add Account" SWITCH_LANGUAGE: "Switch Language" SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_PLUGIN: "Successfully enabled plugin" SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED_PLUGIN: "Successfully disabled plugin" SUCCESSFULLY_CHANGED_THEME: "Successfully changed default theme" INSTALLATION_FAILED: "Installation failed" INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFUL: "Installation successful" UNINSTALL_FAILED: "Uninstall failed" UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL: "Uninstall successful" SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED: "Successfully saved" SUCCESSFULLY_COPIED: "Successfully copied" REORDERING_WAS_SUCCESSFUL: "Reordering was successful" SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED: "Successfully deleted" SUCCESSFULLY_SWITCHED_LANGUAGE: "Successfully switched language" INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_FOR_TASK: "You have insufficient permissions for task" CACHE_CLEARED: "Cache cleared" METHOD: "Method" ERROR_CLEARING_CACHE: "Error clearing cache" AN_ERROR_OCCURRED: "An error occurred" YOUR_BACKUP_IS_READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD: "Your backup is ready for download" DOWNLOAD_BACKUP: "Download backup" PAGES_FILTERED: "Pages filtered" NO_PAGE_FOUND: "No Page found" INVALID_PARAMETERS: "Invalid Parameters" NO_FILES_SENT: "No files sent" EXCEEDED_FILESIZE_LIMIT: "Exceeded PHP configuration upload_max_filesize" EXCEEDED_POSTMAX_LIMIT: "Exceeded PHP configuration post_max_size" UNKNOWN_ERRORS: "Unknown errors" EXCEEDED_GRAV_FILESIZE_LIMIT: "Exceeded Grav configuration file size limit" UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE: "Unsupported file type" FAILED_TO_MOVE_UPLOADED_FILE: "Failed to move uploaded file" FILE_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY: "File uploaded successfully" FILE_DELETED: "File deleted" FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED: "File could not be deleted" FILE_NOT_FOUND: "File not found" NO_FILE_FOUND: "No file found" GRAV_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED_TO: "Grav was successfully updated to" GRAV_UPDATE_FAILED: "Grav update failed" EVERYTHING_UPDATED: "Everything updated" UPDATES_FAILED: "Updates failed" AVATAR_BY: "Avatar by" AVATAR_UPLOAD_OWN: "Or upload your own..." LAST_BACKUP: "Last Backup" FULL_NAME: "Full name" USERNAME: "Username" EMAIL: "Email" USERNAME_EMAIL: "Username or Email" PASSWORD: "Password" PASSWORD_CONFIRM: "Confirm Password" TITLE: "Title" LANGUAGE: "Language" ACCOUNT: "Account" EMAIL_VALIDATION_MESSAGE: "Must be a valid email address" PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MESSAGE: "Password must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters" LANGUAGE_HELP: "Set the favorite language" MEDIA: "Media" DEFAULTS: "Defaults" SITE_TITLE: "Site Title" SITE_TITLE_PLACEHOLDER: "Site wide title" SITE_TITLE_HELP: "Default title for your site, often used in themes" SITE_DEFAULT_LANG: "Default language" SITE_DEFAULT_LANG_PLACEHOLDER: "Default language to be used by theme's tag" SITE_DEFAULT_LANG_HELP: "Default language to be used by theme's tag" DEFAULT_AUTHOR: "Default Author" DEFAULT_AUTHOR_HELP: "A default author name, often used in themes or page content" DEFAULT_EMAIL: "Default Email" DEFAULT_EMAIL_HELP: "A default email to reference in themes or pages" TAXONOMY_TYPES: "Taxonomy Types" TAXONOMY_TYPES_HELP: "Taxonomy types must be defined here if you wish to use them in pages" PAGE_SUMMARY: "Page Summary" ENABLED: "Enabled" ENABLED_HELP: "Enable page summary (the summary returns the same as the page content)" 'YES': "Yes" 'NO': "No" SUMMARY_SIZE: "Summary Size" SUMMARY_SIZE_HELP: "The amount of characters of a page to use as a content summary" FORMAT: "Format" FORMAT_HELP: "short = use the first occurrence of delimiter or size; long = summary delimiter will be ignored" SHORT: "Short" LONG: "Long" DELIMITER: "Delimiter" DELIMITER_HELP: "The summary delimiter (default '===')" METADATA: "Metadata" METADATA_HELP: "Default metadata values that will be displayed on every page unless overridden by the page" NAME: "Name" CONTENT: "Content" SIZE: "Size" ACTION: "Action" REDIRECTS_AND_ROUTES: "Redirects & Routes" CUSTOM_REDIRECTS: "Custom Redirects" CUSTOM_REDIRECTS_HELP: "routes to redirect to other pages. Standard Regex replacement is valid" CUSTOM_REDIRECTS_PLACEHOLDER_KEY: "/your/alias" CUSTOM_REDIRECTS_PLACEHOLDER_VALUE: "/your/redirect" CUSTOM_ROUTES: "Custom Routes" CUSTOM_ROUTES_HELP: "routes to alias to other pages. Standard Regex replacement is valid" CUSTOM_ROUTES_PLACEHOLDER_KEY: "/your/alias" CUSTOM_ROUTES_PLACEHOLDER_VALUE: "/your/route" FILE_STREAMS: "File Streams" DEFAULT: "Default" PAGE_MEDIA: "Page Media" OPTIONS: "Options" PUBLISHED: "Published" PUBLISHED_HELP: "By default, a page is published unless you explicitly set published: false or via a publish_date being in the future, or unpublish_date in the past" DATE: "Date" DATE_HELP: "The date variable allows you to specifically set a date associated with this page." PUBLISHED_DATE: "Published Date" PUBLISHED_DATE_HELP: "Can provide a date to automatically trigger publication." UNPUBLISHED_DATE: "Unpublished Date" UNPUBLISHED_DATE_HELP: "Can provide a date to automatically trigger un-publication." ROBOTS: "Robots" TAXONOMIES: "Taxonomies" TAXONOMY: "Taxonomy" ADVANCED: "Advanced" SETTINGS: "Settings" FOLDER_NUMERIC_PREFIX: "Folder Numeric Prefix" FOLDER_NUMERIC_PREFIX_HELP: "Numeric prefix that provides manual ordering and implies visibility" FOLDER_NAME: "Folder Name" FOLDER_NAME_HELP: "The folder name that will be stored in the filesystem for this page" PARENT: "Parent" DEFAULT_OPTION_ROOT: "- Root -" DEFAULT_OPTION_SELECT: "- Select -" DISPLAY_TEMPLATE: "Display Template" DISPLAY_TEMPLATE_HELP: "The page type that translates into which twig template renders the page" ORDERING: "Ordering" PAGE_ORDER: "Page Order" OVERRIDES: "Overrides" MENU: "Menu" MENU_HELP: "The string to be used in a menu. If not set, Title will be used." SLUG: "Slug" SLUG_HELP: "The slug variable allows you to specifically set the page's portion of the URL" SLUG_VALIDATE_MESSAGE: "A slug must contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes" PROCESS: "Process" PROCESS_HELP: "Control how pages are processed. Can be set per-page rather than globally" DEFAULT_CHILD_TYPE: "Default Child Type" USE_GLOBAL: "Use Global" ROUTABLE: "Routable" ROUTABLE_HELP: "If this page is reachable by a URL" CACHING: "Caching" VISIBLE: "Visible" VISIBLE_HELP: "Determines if a page is visible in the navigation." DISABLED: "Disabled" ITEMS: "Items" ORDER_BY: "Order By" ORDER: "Order" FOLDER: "Folder" ASCENDING: "Ascending" DESCENDING: "Descending" PAGE_TITLE: "Page Title" PAGE_TITLE_HELP: "The title of the page" PAGE: "Page" FRONTMATTER: "Frontmatter" FILENAME: "Filename" PARENT_PAGE: "Parent Page" HOME_PAGE: "Home page" HOME_PAGE_HELP: "The page that Grav will use as the default landing page" DEFAULT_THEME: "Default theme" DEFAULT_THEME_HELP: "Set the default theme for Grav to use (default is Antimatter)" TIMEZONE: "Timezone" TIMEZONE_HELP: "Override the default timezone the server" SHORT_DATE_FORMAT: "Short display date format" SHORT_DATE_FORMAT_HELP: "Set the short date format that can be used by themes" LONG_DATE_FORMAT: "Long display date format" LONG_DATE_FORMAT_HELP: "Set the long date format that can be used by themes" DEFAULT_ORDERING: "Default ordering" DEFAULT_ORDERING_HELP: "Pages in a list will render using this order unless it is overridden" DEFAULT_ORDERING_DEFAULT: "Default - based on folder name" DEFAULT_ORDERING_FOLDER: "Folder - based on prefix-less folder name" DEFAULT_ORDERING_TITLE: "Title - based on title field in header" DEFAULT_ORDERING_DATE: "Date - based on date field in header" DEFAULT_ORDER_DIRECTION: "Default order direction" DEFAULT_ORDER_DIRECTION_HELP: "The direction of pages in a list" DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT: "Default page count" DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT_HELP: "Default maximum pages count in a list" DATE_BASED_PUBLISHING: "Date-based publishing" DATE_BASED_PUBLISHING_HELP: "Automatically (un)publish posts based on their date" EVENTS: "Events" EVENTS_HELP: "Enable or Disable specific events. Disabling these can break plugins" REDIRECT_DEFAULT_ROUTE: "Redirect default route" REDIRECT_DEFAULT_ROUTE_HELP: "Automatically redirect to a page's default route" LANGUAGES: "Languages" SUPPORTED: "Supported" SUPPORTED_HELP: "Comma separated list of 2 letter language codes (for example 'en,fr,de')" SUPPORTED_PLACEHOLDER: "e.g. en, fr" TRANSLATIONS_FALLBACK: "Translations fallback" TRANSLATIONS_FALLBACK_HELP: "Fallback through supported translations if active language doesn't exist" ACTIVE_LANGUAGE_IN_SESSION: "Active language in session" ACTIVE_LANGUAGE_IN_SESSION_HELP: "Store the active language in the session" HTTP_HEADERS: "HTTP Headers" EXPIRES: "Expires" EXPIRES_HELP: "Sets the expires header. The value is in seconds." CACHE_CONTROL: "HTTP Cache-Control" CACHE_CONTROL_HELP: "Set to a valid cache-control value such as `no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate`" CACHE_CONTROL_PLACEHOLDER: "e.g. public, max-age=31536000" LAST_MODIFIED: "Last modified" LAST_MODIFIED_HELP: "Sets the last modified header that can help optimize proxy and browser caching" ETAG: "ETag" ETAG_HELP: "Sets the etag header to help identify when a page has been modified" VARY_ACCEPT_ENCODING: "Vary accept encoding" VARY_ACCEPT_ENCODING_HELP: "Sets the `Vary: Accept Encoding` header to help with proxy and CDN caching" MARKDOWN: "Markdown" MARKDOWN_EXTRA: "Markdown extra" MARKDOWN_EXTRA_HELP: "Enable default support for Markdown Extra - https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/" MARKDOWN_EXTRA_ESCAPE_FENCES: "Escape HTML elements in markdown extra fences" MARKDOWN_EXTRA_ESCAPE_FENCES_HELP: "Escapes HTML elements in markdown extra fences" AUTO_LINE_BREAKS: "Auto line breaks" AUTO_LINE_BREAKS_HELP: "Enable support for automatic line breaks in markdown" AUTO_URL_LINKS: "Auto URL links" AUTO_URL_LINKS_HELP: "Enable automatic conversion of URLs into HTML hyperlinks" ESCAPE_MARKUP: "Escape markup" ESCAPE_MARKUP_HELP: "Escape markup tags into HTML entities" CACHING_HELP: "Global ON/OFF switch to enable/disable Grav caching" CACHE_CHECK_METHOD: "Cache check method" CACHE_CHECK_METHOD_HELP: "Select the method that Grav uses to check if page files have been modified." CACHE_DRIVER: "Cache driver" CACHE_DRIVER_HELP: "Choose which cache driver Grav should use. 'Auto Detect' attempts to find the best for you" CACHE_PREFIX: "Cache prefix" CACHE_PREFIX_HELP: "An identifier for part of the Grav key. Don't change unless you know what your doing." CACHE_PREFIX_PLACEHOLDER: "Derived from base URL (override by entering random string)" CACHE_PURGE_JOB: "Run Scheduled Purge Job" CACHE_PURGE_JOB_HELP: "With the scheduler you can periodically clear out old Doctrine file cache folders with this job" CACHE_CLEAR_JOB: "Run Scheduled Clear Job" CACHE_CLEAR_JOB_HELP: "With the scheduler you can periodically clear the Grav Cache" CACHE_JOB_TYPE: "Cache Job Type" CACHE_JOB_TYPE_HELP: "Either clear with the 'standard' folders cache clear, or with 'all' folders" CACHE_PURGE: "Purge Old Cache" LIFETIME: "Lifetime" LIFETIME_HELP: "Sets the cache lifetime in seconds. 0 = infinite" GZIP_COMPRESSION: "Gzip compression" GZIP_COMPRESSION_HELP: "Enable GZip compression of the Grav page for increased performance." TWIG_TEMPLATING: "Twig Templating" TWIG_CACHING: "Twig caching" TWIG_CACHING_HELP: "Control the Twig caching mechanism. Leave this enabled for best performance." TWIG_DEBUG: "Twig debug" TWIG_DEBUG_HELP: "Allows the option of not loading the Twig Debugger extension" DETECT_CHANGES: "Detect changes" DETECT_CHANGES_HELP: "Twig will automatically recompile the Twig cache if it detects any changes in Twig templates" AUTOESCAPE_VARIABLES: "Autoescape variables" AUTOESCAPE_VARIABLES_HELP: "Autoescapes all variables. This will break your site most likely" ASSETS: "Assets" CSS_PIPELINE: "CSS pipeline" CSS_PIPELINE_HELP: "The CSS pipeline is the unification of multiple CSS resources into one file" CSS_PIPELINE_INCLUDE_EXTERNALS: "Include externals in CSS pipeline" CSS_PIPELINE_INCLUDE_EXTERNALS_HELP: "External URLs sometimes have relative file references and shouldn't be pipelined" CSS_PIPELINE_BEFORE_EXCLUDES: "CSS pipeline render first" CSS_PIPELINE_BEFORE_EXCLUDES_HELP: "Render the CSS pipeline before any other CSS references that are not included" CSS_MINIFY: "CSS minify" CSS_MINIFY_HELP: "Minify the CSS during pipelining" CSS_MINIFY_WINDOWS_OVERRIDE: "CSS minify Windows override" CSS_MINIFY_WINDOWS_OVERRIDE_HELP: "Minify Override for Windows platforms. False by default due to ThreadStackSize" CSS_REWRITE: "CSS rewrite" CSS_REWRITE_HELP: "Rewrite any CSS relative URLs during pipelining" JAVASCRIPT_PIPELINE: "JavaScript pipeline" JAVASCRIPT_PIPELINE_HELP: "The JS pipeline is the unification of multiple JS resources into one file" JAVASCRIPT_PIPELINE_INCLUDE_EXTERNALS: "Include externals in JS pipeline" JAVASCRIPT_PIPELINE_INCLUDE_EXTERNALS_HELP: "External URLs sometimes have relative file references and shouldn't be pipelined" JAVASCRIPT_PIPELINE_BEFORE_EXCLUDES: "JS pipeline render first" JAVASCRIPT_PIPELINE_BEFORE_EXCLUDES_HELP: "Render the JS pipeline before any other JS references that are not included" JAVASCRIPT_MINIFY: "JavaScript minify" JAVASCRIPT_MINIFY_HELP: "Minify the JS during pipelining" ENABLED_TIMESTAMPS_ON_ASSETS: "Enable timestamps on assets" ENABLED_TIMESTAMPS_ON_ASSETS_HELP: "Enable asset timestamps" ENABLED_SRI_ON_ASSETS: "Enable SRI on assets" ENABLED_SRI_ON_ASSETS_HELP: "Enable asset SRI" COLLECTIONS: "Collections" ERROR_HANDLER: "Error handler" DISPLAY_ERRORS: "Display errors" DISPLAY_ERRORS_HELP: "Display full backtrace-style error page" LOG_ERRORS: "Log errors" LOG_ERRORS_HELP: "Log errors to /logs folder" LOG_HANDLER: "Log handler" LOG_HANDLER_HELP: "Where to output the logs" SYSLOG_FACILITY: "Syslog facility" SYSLOG_FACILITY_HELP: "Syslog facility for output" DEBUGGER: "Debugger" DEBUGGER_HELP: "Enable Grav debugger and following settings" DEBUG_TWIG: "Debug Twig" DEBUG_TWIG_HELP: "Enable debugging of Twig templates" SHUTDOWN_CLOSE_CONNECTION: "Shutdown close connection" SHUTDOWN_CLOSE_CONNECTION_HELP: "Close the connection before calling onShutdown(). false for debugging" DEFAULT_IMAGE_QUALITY: "Default image quality" DEFAULT_IMAGE_QUALITY_HELP: "Default image quality to use when resampling or caching images (85%)" CACHE_ALL: "Cache all images" CACHE_ALL_HELP: "Run all images through Grav's cache system even if they have no media manipulations" IMAGES_DEBUG: "Image debug watermark" IMAGES_DEBUG_HELP: "Show an overlay over images indicating the pixel depth of the image when working with retina for example" IMAGES_LOADING: "Image loading behavior" IMAGES_LOADING_HELP: "The loading attribute allows a browser to defer loading offscreen images and iframes until users scroll near them. loading supports three values: auto, lazy, eager" IMAGES_SEOFRIENDLY: "SEO-Friendly Image names" IMAGES_SEOFRIENDLY_HELP: "When enabled, the image name is displayed first, then a smaller hash to reflect processed operations" UPLOAD_LIMIT: "File upload limit" UPLOAD_LIMIT_HELP: "Set maximum upload size in bytes (0 is unlimited)" ENABLE_MEDIA_TIMESTAMP: "Enable timestamps on media" ENABLE_MEDIA_TIMESTAMP_HELP: "Appends a timestamp based on last modified date to each media item" SESSION: "Session" SESSION_ENABLED_HELP: "Enable session support within Grav" SESSION_NAME_HELP: "An identifier used to form the name of the session cookie" SESSION_UNIQUENESS: "Unique string" SESSION_UNIQUENESS_HELP: "MD5 hash of Grav's root path, ie `GRAV_ROOT` (default) or a based on the random `security.salt` string." ABSOLUTE_URLS: "Absolute URLs" ABSOLUTE_URLS_HELP: "Absolute or relative URLs for `base_url`" PARAMETER_SEPARATOR: "Parameter separator" PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_HELP: "Separator for passed parameters that can be changed for Apache on Windows" TASK_COMPLETED: "Task completed" EVERYTHING_UP_TO_DATE: "Everything is up to date" UPDATES_ARE_AVAILABLE: "update(s) are available" IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_UPDATE: "is available for update" IS_NOW_AVAILABLE: "is now available" CURRENT: "Current" UPDATE_GRAV_NOW: "Update Grav Now" GRAV_SYMBOLICALLY_LINKED: "Grav is symbolically linked. Upgrade won't be available" UPDATING_PLEASE_WAIT: "Updating... please wait, downloading" OF_THIS: "of this" OF_YOUR: "of your" HAVE_AN_UPDATE_AVAILABLE: "have an update available" SAVE_AS: "Save as" MODAL_DELETE_PAGE_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED_DESC: "Are you sure you want to delete this page and all its children? If the page is translated in other languages, those translations will be kept and must be deleted separately. Otherwise the page folder will be deleted along with its subpages. This action cannot be undone." AND: "and" UPDATE_AVAILABLE: "Update available" METADATA_KEY: "Key (e.g. 'Keywords')" METADATA_VALUE: "Value (e.g. 'Blog, Grav')" USERNAME_HELP: "Username should be between 3 and 16 characters, including lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. Uppercase letters, spaces, and special characters are not allowed" FULLY_UPDATED: "Fully Updated" SAVE_LOCATION: "Save location" PAGE_FILE: "Page Template" PAGE_FILE_HELP: "Page template file name, and by default the display template for this page" NO_USER_ACCOUNTS: "No user accounts found, please create one first..." NO_USER_EXISTS: "No local user exists for this account, cannot save..." REDIRECT_TRAILING_SLASH: "Redirect trailing slash" REDIRECT_TRAILING_SLASH_HELP: "Perform a 301 redirect rather than transparently handling trailing slash URIs." DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT: "Page date format" DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_HELP: "Page date format used by Grav. By default, Grav attempts to guess your date format, however you can specifiy a format using PHP's date syntax (e.g.: Y-m-d H:i)" DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_PLACEHOLDER: "Guess automatically" IGNORE_FILES: "Ignore files" IGNORE_FILES_HELP: "Specific files to ignore when processing pages" IGNORE_FOLDERS: "Ignore folders" IGNORE_FOLDERS_HELP: "Specific folders to ignore when processing pages" HIDE_EMPTY_FOLDERS: "Hide empty folders" HIDE_EMPTY_FOLDERS_HELP: "If folder has no .md file, should it be hidden in navigation as well as being unroutable" HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: "Set language from browser" HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HELP: "You can opt to try to set the language based on `http_accept_language` header tag in the browser" OVERRIDE_LOCALE: "Override locale" OVERRIDE_LOCALE_HELP: "Override the locale setting in PHP based on the current language" REDIRECT: "Page redirect" REDIRECT_HELP: "Enter a page route or external URL for this page to redirect to. e.g. `/some/route` or `http://somesite.com`" PLUGIN_STATUS: "Plugin status" INCLUDE_DEFAULT_LANG: "Include default language" INCLUDE_DEFAULT_LANG_HELP: "This will prepend all URLs in the default language with the default language. e.g. `/en/blog/my-post`" INCLUDE_DEFAULT_LANG_FILE_EXTENSION: "Include default language in file extension" INCLUDE_DEFAULT_LANG_HELP_FILE_EXTENSION: "If enabled, it will prepend the default language to the file extension (e.g. `.en.md`). Disable it to keep the default language using `.md` file extension." PAGES_FALLBACK_ONLY: "Pages fallback only" PAGES_FALLBACK_ONLY_HELP: "Only 'fallback' to find page content through supported languages, default behavior is to display any language found if active language is missing" ALLOW_URL_TAXONOMY_FILTERS: "URL Taxonomy Filters" ALLOW_URL_TAXONOMY_FILTERS_HELP: "Page-based collections allow you to filter via `/taxonomy:value`." REDIRECT_DEFAULT_CODE: "Default redirect code" REDIRECT_DEFAULT_CODE_HELP: "The HTTP status code to use for redirects" IGNORE_HIDDEN: "Ignore hidden" IGNORE_HIDDEN_HELP: "Ignore all files and folders that begin with a DOT" WRAPPED_SITE: "Wrapped site" WRAPPED_SITE_HELP: "For themes/plugins to know if Grav is wrapped by another platform" FALLBACK_TYPES: "Allowed fallback types" FALLBACK_TYPES_HELP: "Allowed file types that can be found if accessed via Page route. Defaults to any supported media type." INLINE_TYPES: "Inline fallback types" INLINE_TYPES_HELP: "A list of file types that should be displayed inline rather than downloaded" APPEND_URL_EXT: "Append URL extension" APPEND_URL_EXT_HELP: "Will add a custom extension to the Page's URL. Note, this will mean Grav will look for `