<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Amqp\Transport; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\NonSendableStampInterface; /** * @author Guillaume Gammelin <ggammelin@gmail.com> * @author Samuel Roze <samuel.roze@gmail.com> */ final class AmqpStamp implements NonSendableStampInterface { private $routingKey; private $flags; private $attributes; private $isRetryAttempt = false; public function __construct(?string $routingKey = null, int $flags = \AMQP_NOPARAM, array $attributes = []) { $this->routingKey = $routingKey; $this->flags = $flags; $this->attributes = $attributes; } public function getRoutingKey(): ?string { return $this->routingKey; } public function getFlags(): int { return $this->flags; } public function getAttributes(): array { return $this->attributes; } public static function createFromAmqpEnvelope(\AMQPEnvelope $amqpEnvelope, ?self $previousStamp = null, ?string $retryRoutingKey = null): self { $attr = $previousStamp->attributes ?? []; $attr['headers'] = $attr['headers'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getHeaders(); $attr['content_type'] = $attr['content_type'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getContentType(); $attr['content_encoding'] = $attr['content_encoding'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getContentEncoding(); $attr['delivery_mode'] = $attr['delivery_mode'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getDeliveryMode(); $attr['priority'] = $attr['priority'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getPriority(); $attr['timestamp'] = $attr['timestamp'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getTimestamp(); $attr['app_id'] = $attr['app_id'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getAppId(); $attr['message_id'] = $attr['message_id'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getMessageId(); $attr['user_id'] = $attr['user_id'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getUserId(); $attr['expiration'] = $attr['expiration'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getExpiration(); $attr['type'] = $attr['type'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getType(); $attr['reply_to'] = $attr['reply_to'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getReplyTo(); $attr['correlation_id'] = $attr['correlation_id'] ?? $amqpEnvelope->getCorrelationId(); if (null === $retryRoutingKey) { $stamp = new self($previousStamp->routingKey ?? $amqpEnvelope->getRoutingKey(), $previousStamp->flags ?? \AMQP_NOPARAM, $attr); } else { $stamp = new self($retryRoutingKey, $previousStamp->flags ?? \AMQP_NOPARAM, $attr); $stamp->isRetryAttempt = true; } return $stamp; } public function isRetryAttempt(): bool { return $this->isRetryAttempt; } public static function createWithAttributes(array $attributes, ?self $previousStamp = null): self { return new self( $previousStamp->routingKey ?? null, $previousStamp->flags ?? \AMQP_NOPARAM, array_merge($previousStamp->attributes ?? [], $attributes) ); } } if (!class_exists(\Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt\AmqpStamp::class, false)) { class_alias(AmqpStamp::class, \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt\AmqpStamp::class); }