{% set settings = config.plugins['git-sync'] %} {% set frontend_url = (uri.base ~ uri.rootUrl)|trim('/') %}

Git Sync - Wizard

{% if git_sync.git_installed %}

This wizard will guide you through a few simple steps that will help you set up the plugin and your repository. When done you will have a bi-directional synchronization link between your site and the repository.

Press Next to continue.

{% set selectedRepo = 'github.com' in settings.repository ? 'github' : selectedRepo %} {% set selectedRepo = 'bitbucket.com' in settings.repository ? 'bitbucket' : selectedRepo %} {% set selectedRepo = 'gitlab.com' in settings.repository ? 'gitlab' : selectedRepo %} {% set selectedRepo = not (settings.repository is empty) and not selectedRepo ? 'allothers' : selectedRepo %}

Step 1 - Hosting Service

Step 2 - Setting up the Repository

Step 3 - Setting up the Webhook

Step 4 - Choose What to Synchronize

Cancel Next
{% else %}

The GitSync plugin requires the (Git) binary to be installed and accessible in order to work.

If (Git) is missing from your hosting provider, you should open a ticket with them and request it to be installed.

You can also specify a custom path in the Advanced section down below at the Git Binary Path field. If you are using Windows (VM, Azure or a local setup), you might have to change the location accordingly (quotes do matter), for example:
"D:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe".

{% endif %}