--- title: 'MariaDB Replication' visible: true --- [toc] ## Master Slave Setup ### Master Configuration The MariaDB Server has to be accessible from outside. For Debian, one has to comment `bind-address=` in the file `/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf`. If you have any firewall enabled, make sure to allow port 3306/TCP. Add this segment at the end of `/etc/mysql/my.cnf` ``` [mariadb] log-bin server_id=1 log-basename=master binlog-format=mixed ``` **Restart mariadb** now Create a replication user ``` CREATE USER 'replication'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ''; GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication'@'%'; ``` Next we have to get the data necessary so the slave knows where to start replicating. `FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;` `SHOW MASTER STATUS;` **Do not close this session, keep it running until you have made the backup from the next step** `# mysqldump -u root -p (db name) > db_name.sql` You can unlock the database again. `UNLOCK TABLES;` ### Slave Configuration Edit your `/etc/mysql/my.cnf` file Make sure to choose different IDs for every host ``` [mysqld] server-id = 2 ``` Create the database and restore the sql dumps made earlier. `# mysql -u root -p (db name) < db_name.sql` Set the database master now ``` CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_USER='replication', MASTER_PASSWORD='', MASTER_PORT=3306, MASTER_LOG_FILE='', MASTER_LOG_POS=, MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=10, MASTER_USE_GTID = slave_pos; ``` Start slave now `START SLAVE;` And check the status `SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G` If both of the following options say yes, everything is working as intended ``` Slave_IO_Running: Yes Slave_SQL_Running: Yes ```