name: Login OAuth2 type: login-oauth2 slug: form version: 2.2.4 description: OAuth2 Client Plugin to integrate with Grav's Login icon: plug author: name: Trilby Media, LLC email: homepage: keywords: grav, plugin, oauth2, login, social bugs: docs: license: MIT dependencies: - { name: grav, version: '>=1.7.0' } - { name: login, version: '>=3.4' } form: validation: strict fields: enabled: type: toggle label: Plugin Status highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool debug: type: toggle label: Extra Debugging highlight: 0 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool site_callback_url: type: text disabled: true copy_to_clipboard: true label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SITE_CALLBACK_URI help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SITE_CALLBACK_URI_HELP data-default@: ['Grav\Plugin\Login\OAuth2\Providers\BaseProvider::getCallbackUri', false] admin_callback_url: type: text disabled: true copy_to_clipboard: true label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.ADMIN_CALLBACK_URI help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.ADMIN_CALLBACK_URI_HELP data-default@: ['Grav\Plugin\Login\OAuth2\Providers\BaseProvider::getCallbackUri', true] oauth2_tabs: type: tabs fields: tab_1: type: tab title: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CONFIGURATION fields: built_in_css: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUILTIN_CSS highlight: 1 default: 1 help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUILTIN_CSS_HELP options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool button_style: type: select label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUTTON_STYLE default: row size: medium help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUTTON_STYLE_HELP options: row: Horizontal Row square: Square Block require_grav_user: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.REQUIRE_GRAV_USER help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.REQUIRE_GRAV_USER_DESC highlight: 0 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool save_grav_user: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SAVE_GRAV_USER help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SAVE_GRAV_USER_DESC highlight: 0 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool store_provider_data: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.STORE_OAUTH2_USER help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.STORE_OAUTH2_USER_DESC highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool default_access_levels.access: type: textarea label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVELS yaml: true size: large validate: required: true default_groups: type: selectize size: large placeholder: "e.g. administrators, publishers" label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.DEFAULT_GROUPS help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.DEFAULT_GROUPS_HELP markdown: true description: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVELS_DESC classes: fancy validate: type: commalist tab_admin: type: tab title: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.ADMIN fields: admin.enabled: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.ADMIN_ENABLED highlight: 0 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool admin.built_in_css: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUILTIN_CSS highlight: 1 default: 1 help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUILTIN_CSS_HELP options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool admin.button_style: type: select label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUTTON_STYLE default: row size: medium help: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.BUTTON_STYLE_HELP options: row: Horizontal Row square: Square Block tab_2: type: tab title: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.PROVIDERS fields: github: type: fieldset title: GitHub collapsible: true fields: github_columns: type: columns fields: github_column_left: type: column fields: type: display style: vertical content: '


' providers.github.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool providers.github.client_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID providers.github.client_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET providers.github.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist github_column_right: type: column fields: github.admin: type: display style: vertical content: '


' admin.providers.github.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool admin.providers.github.client_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID admin.providers.github.client_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET admin.providers.github.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist providers.github.description: type: display style: vertical content: '[ GitHub OAuth2 from the official documentation](' markdown: true instagram: type: fieldset title: Instagram collapsible: true fields: instagram_columns: type: columns fields: instagram_column_left: type: column fields: type: display style: vertical content: '


' providers.instagram.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool providers.instagram.client_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID providers.instagram.client_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET providers.instagram.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.HOST instagram_column_right: type: column fields: instagram.admin: type: display style: vertical content: '


' admin.providers.instagram.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool admin.providers.instagram.client_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID admin.providers.instagram.client_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET admin.providers.instagram.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.HOST providers.instagram.description: type: display style: vertical content: '[ Instagram OAuth2 from the official documentation](' markdown: true facebook: type: fieldset title: Facebook collapsible: true fields: facebook_columns: type: columns fields: facebook_column_left: type: column fields: type: display style: vertical content: '


' providers.facebook.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool providers.facebook.app_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.APP_ID providers.facebook.app_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.APP_SECRET providers.facebook.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist providers.facebook.options.graph_api_version: type: text size: x-small label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.GRAPH_API_VERSION facebook_column_right: type: column fields: facebook.admin: type: display style: vertical content: '


' admin.providers.facebook.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool admin.providers.facebook.app_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.APP_ID admin.providers.facebook.app_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.APP_SECRET admin.providers.facebook.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist admin.providers.facebook.options.graph_api_version: type: text size: x-small label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.GRAPH_API_VERSION providers.facebook.description: type: display style: vertical content: '[ Facebook OAuth2 from the official documentation](' markdown: true google: type: fieldset title: Google collapsible: true fields: google_columns: type: columns fields: google_column_left: type: column fields: type: display style: vertical content: '


' type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.RESTRICT_DOMAIN placeholder: type: number size: x-small append: px label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.AVATAR_SIZE google_column_right: type: column fields: google.admin: type: display style: vertical content: '


' type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.RESTRICT_DOMAIN placeholder: type: number size: x-small append: px label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.AVATAR_SIZE type: display style: vertical content: '[ Google OAuth2 from the official documentation](' markdown: true linkedin: type: fieldset title: LinkedIn collapsible: true fields: linkedin_columns: type: columns fields: linkedin_column_left: type: column fields: type: display style: vertical content: '


' providers.linkedin.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool providers.linkedin.client_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID providers.linkedin.client_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET providers.linkedin.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist linkedin_column_right: type: column fields: linkedin.admin: type: display style: vertical content: '


' admin.providers.linkedin.enabled: type: toggle label: Enabled highlight: 1 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool admin.providers.linkedin.client_id: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_ID admin.providers.linkedin.client_secret: type: text label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.CLIENT_SECRET admin.providers.linkedin.options.scope: type: selectize size: large label: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.SCOPE classes: fancy validate: type: commalist providers.linkedin.description: type: display style: vertical content: '[ LinkedIn OAuth2 from the official documentation](' markdown: true tab_3: type: tab title: PLUGIN_LOGIN_OAUTH2.DOCUMENTATION fields: oauth2_instructions: type: display markdown: true style: vertical file: 'plugins://login-oauth2/'