
162 lines
13 KiB

USERNAME: "Username"
EMAIL: "Email"
USERNAME_EMAIL: "Username/Email"
PASSWORD: "Password"
ACCESS_DENIED: "Access denied..."
LOGIN_FAILED: "Login failed..."
LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL: "You have been successfully logged in."
BTN_LOGIN: "Login"
BTN_LOGOUT: "Logout"
BTN_FORGOT: "Forgot"
BTN_REGISTER: "Register"
BTN_RESET: "Reset"
BTN_RESET_PASSWORD: "Reset Password"
BTN_SEND_INSTRUCTIONS: "Send Reset Instructions"
BTN_SUBMIT: "Submit"
RESET_LINK_EXPIRED: "Reset link has expired, please try again"
RESET_PASSWORD_RESET: "Password has been reset"
RESET_INVALID_LINK: "Invalid reset link used, please try again"
FORGOT_INSTRUCTIONS_SENT_VIA_EMAIL: "If an account exists, instructions on resetting your password have been sent via email"
FORGOT_FAILED_TO_EMAIL: "Failed to email instructions, please try again later"
FORGOT_EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED: "Cannot reset password. This site is not configured to send emails"
FORGOT_EMAIL_SUBJECT: "%s Password Reset Request"
FORGOT_EMAIL_BODY: "<h1>Password Reset</h1><p>Dear %1$s,</p><p>A request was made on <b>%4$s</b> to reset your password.</p><p><br /><a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"btn-primary\">Click this to reset your password</a><br /><br /></p><p>Alternatively, copy the following URL into your browser's address bar:</p> <p class=\"word-break\"><a href=\"%2$s\">%2$s</a></p> <p><br />Kind regards,<br /><br />%3$s</p>"
SESSION: "&ldquo;Remember Me&rdquo;-Session"
REMEMBER_ME: "Remember Me"
REMEMBER_ME_HELP: "Sets a persistent cookie on your browser to allow persistent-login authentication between sessions."
REMEMBER_ME_STOLEN_COOKIE: "Someone else has used your login information to access this page! All sessions were logged out. Please log in with your credentials and check your data."
BUILTIN_CSS: "Use built in CSS"
BUILTIN_CSS_HELP: "Include the CSS provided by the admin plugin"
ROUTE: "Login route"
ROUTE_HELP: "Custom route to a custom login page that your theme provides"
ROUTE_REGISTER: "Registration route"
ROUTE_REGISTER_HELP: "Route to the registration page. Set this if you want to use the built-in registration page. Leave it empty if you have your own registration form"
USERNAME_NOT_VALID: "Username should be between 3 and 16 characters, including lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. Uppercase letters, spaces, and special characters are not allowed"
USERNAME_NOT_AVAILABLE: "Username %s already exists, please pick another username"
EMAIL_NOT_AVAILABLE: "Email address %s already exists, please pick another email address"
PASSWORD_NOT_VALID: "Password must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters"
PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH: "Passwords do not match. Double-check you entered the same password twice"
USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD: "The user needs an email field"
EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE: "An error occurred while sending the email"
ACTIVATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT: "Activate your account on %s"
ACTIVATION_EMAIL_BODY: "<h1>Account Activation</h1><p>Hi %1$s, </p><p>Your account has been successfully created on <b>%3$s</b>, but you cannot login until it is activated.</p><p><br/><a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"btn-primary\">Activate Your Account Now</a><br/><br/></p><p>Alternatively, copy the following URL into your browser's address bar:</p><p class=\"word-break\"><a href=\"%2$s\">%2$s</a></p><p><br/>Kind regards,<br/><br/>%4$s</p>"
ACTIVATION_NOTICE_MSG: "Hi %s, your account is created, please check your email to fully activate it"
WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY: "<h1>Account Created</h1><p>Hi %1$s, </p><p>Your account has been successfully created on <b>%3$s</b>.</p><p><br/><a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"btn-primary\">Login Now</a><br/><br/></p><p>Alternatively, copy the following URL into your browser's address bar:</p><p class=\"word-break\"><a href=\"%2$s\">%2$s</a></p><p><br/>Kind regards,<br/><br/>%4$s</p>"
WELCOME_NOTICE_MSG: "Hi %s, your account has been successfully created"
NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_BODY: "<h1>New User</h1><p>Hi, a new user registered on %1$s.</p><p><ul><li>Username: <b>%2$s</b></li><li>Email: <b>%3$s</b></ul><p><p><br/><a href=\"%4$s\" class=\"btn-primary\">Visit %1$s</a><br/><br/></p>"
ACTIVATION_LINK_EXPIRED: "Activation link expired"
USER_ACTIVATED_SUCCESSFULLY: "User account activated successfully"
USER_ACTIVATED_SUCCESSFULLY_NOT_ENABLED: "User account activated but account is being reviewed"
INVALID_REQUEST: "Invalid request"
USER_REGISTRATION: "User Registration"
USER_REGISTRATION_ENABLED_HELP: "Enable the user registration"
VALIDATE_PASSWORD1_AND_PASSWORD2: "Validate double entered password"
VALIDATE_PASSWORD1_AND_PASSWORD2_HELP: "Validate and compare two different fields for the passwords, named `password1` and `password2`. Enable this if you have two password fields in the registration form"
SET_USER_DISABLED: "Set the user as disabled"
SET_USER_DISABLED_HELP: "Best used along with the `Send activation email` email. Adds the user to Grav, but sets it as disabled"
LOGIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION: "Login the user after registration"
LOGIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION_HELP: "Immediately login the user after the registration. If email activation is required, the user will be logged in immediately after activating the account"
SEND_ACTIVATION_EMAIL: "Send activation email"
SEND_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_HELP: "Sends an email to the user to activate his account. Enable the `Set the user as disabled` option when using this feature, so the user will be set as disabled and an email will be sent to activate the account"
SEND_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL: "Send notification email"
SEND_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_HELP: "Notifies the site admin that a new user has registered. The email will be sent to the `To` field in the Email Plugin configuration"
SEND_WELCOME_EMAIL: "Send welcome email"
SEND_WELCOME_EMAIL_HELP: "Sends an email to the newly registered user"
DEFAULT_VALUES: "Default values"
DEFAULT_VALUES_HELP: "List of field names and values associated, that will be added to the user profile (yaml file) by default, without being configurable by the user. Separate multiple values with a comma, with no spaces between the values"
REGISTRATION_FIELDS: "Registration fields"
REGISTRATION_FIELDS_HELP: "Add the fields that will be added to the user Yaml file. Fields not listed here will not be added even if present in the registration form"
REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN: "Redirect to login"
REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN_HELP: "Should user be redirected to a login page, or display the login at the current route?"
REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN: "Redirect after login"
REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN_HELP: "Should the user be redirect to a specific route after login?"
ROUTE_AFTER_LOGIN: "After login route"
ROUTE_AFTER_LOGIN_HELP: "Custom route to redirect after login"
REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGOUT: "Redirect after logout"
REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGOUT_HELP: "Should the user be redirected to a specific route after logout?"
ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT: "After logout route"
ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT_HELP: "Custom route to redirect after logout"
REDIRECT_AFTER_REGISTRATION: "After registration route"
REDIRECT_AFTER_REGISTRATION_HELP: "Custom route to redirect after the registration"
OPTIONS: "Options"
EMAIL_VALIDATION_MESSAGE: "Must be a valid email address"
PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MESSAGE: "Password must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters"
TIMEOUT_HELP: "Sets the session timeout in seconds when Remember Me is enabled and checked by the user. Minimum is 604800 which means 1 week"
GROUPS_HELP: "List of groups the new registered user will be part of, if any"
SITE_ACCESS_HELP: "List of site access levels the new registered user will have. Example: `login` -> `true` "
WELCOME: "Welcome"
REDIRECT_AFTER_ACTIVATION: "After user activation route"
REDIRECT_AFTER_ACTIVATION_HELP: "Used if the user is required to activate the account via email. Once activated, this route will be shown"
REGISTRATION_DISABLED: "Registration disabled"
USE_PARENT_ACL_LABEL: "Use parent access rules"
USE_PARENT_ACL_HELP: "Check for parent access rules if no rules are defined"
PROTECT_PROTECTED_PAGE_MEDIA_LABEL: "Protect a login-protected page media"
PROTECT_PROTECTED_PAGE_MEDIA_HELP: "If enabled, media of a login protected page is login protected as well and cannot be seen unless logged in"
SECURITY_TAB: "Security"
MAX_RESETS_COUNT: "Max password resets count"
MAX_RESETS_COUNT_HELP: "Password reset flood protection setting (0 - not limited)"
MAX_RESETS_INTERVAL: "Max password resets interval"
MAX_RESETS_INTERVAL_HELP: "The time interval for the max password resets count value"
FORGOT_CANNOT_RESET_IT_IS_BLOCKED: "Cannot reset password for %s, password reset functionality temporarily blocked, please try later (maximum %s minutes)"
MAX_LOGINS_COUNT: "Max logins count"
MAX_LOGINS_COUNT_HELP: "Flood protection setting (0 - not limited)"
MAX_LOGINS_INTERVAL: "Max logins interval"
MAX_LOGINS_INTERVAL_HELP: "The time interval for the login count value"
TOO_MANY_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: "Too many failed login attempted in the configured time (%s minutes)"
SECONDS: "seconds"
MINUTES: "minutes"
RESETS: "resets"
ATTEMPTS: "attempts"
ROUTES: "Routes"
ROUTE_FORGOT: "Forgot password route"
ROUTE_RESET: "Reset password route"
ROUTE_PROFILE: "User profile route"
ROUTE_ACTIVATE: "User activation route"
LOGGED_OUT: "You have been successfully logged out..."
PAGE_RESTRICTED: "Access is restricted, please login..."
DYNAMIC_VISIBILITY: "Dynamic Page Visibility"
DYNAMIC_VISIBILITY_HELP: "Allows dynamic processing of page visibility base on access rules if login.visibility_requires_access is set to true on a page"
USER_IS_REMOTE_ONLY: "This user authenticated with a remote service, so profile cannot be saved"
2FA_TITLE: "2-Factor Authentication"
2FA_INSTRUCTIONS: "##### 2-Factor Authentication\nYou have **2FA** enabled on this account. Please use your **2FA** app to enter the current **6-digit code** to complete the login process."
2FA_REGEN_HINT: "Regenerating the secret will require you to update your authenticator app"
2FA_FAILED: "Invalid 2-Factor Authentication code, please try again..."
2FA_ENABLED: "2FA Enabled"
2FA_ENABLED_HELP: "Enables 2-Factor Authentication for all users"
2FA_CODE_INPUT: "000000"
2FA_SECRET: "2FA Secret"
2FA_SECRET_HELP: "Scan this QR code into your [Authenticator App]( Also it's a good idea to backup the secret in a safe location, in case you need to reinstall your app. Check the [Grav docs]( for more information "
2FA_REGENERATE: "Regenerate"
BTN_CANCEL: "Cancel"
MANUALLY_ENABLE: "Manually Enable"
MANUALLY_ENABLE_HELP: "When using 'activation email' and 'notification email', you can ensure the user can self activate, but requires manually enabling the user to login"
IPV6_SUBNET_SIZE: "IPv6 Subnet Size"
IPV6_SUBNET_SIZE_HELP: "The number of IPv6 addresses typically assigned to a machine"
PROFILE_UPDATED: "Your profile has been updated"
ENTER_EMAIL: "Enter your email"
ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD: "Enter new password"
ENTER_PASSWORD: "Enter a password"
ENTER_PASSWORD_AGAIN: "Enter the password again"
REGISTRATION_THANK_YOU: "Thank you for registering."
USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED: "Your user account is disabled or it has not yet been activated."
SESSION_USER_SYNC: "Sync User in Session"
SESSION_USER_SYNC_HELP: "If Enabled, user in the session is kept in sync with the stored user file. WARNING: This feature may break some existing plugins which update user object in the session without saving it to the filesystem using `$user->save()` method."
PLUGIN_LOGIN_DISABLED: "Login plugin has been disabled"
USER_REGISTRATION_DISABLED: "User registration has been disabled"
INVITATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT: "You have been invited to join %s"
INVITATION_EMAIL_BODY: "<h1>Account Invitation</h1><p>Hi, </p><p>You have been invited to join <b>%1$s</b>.</p><p>%2$s</p><p><br/><a href=\"%3$s\" class=\"btn-primary\">Create Your Account Now</a><br/><br/></p><p>Alternatively, copy the following URL into your browser's address bar:</p><p class=\"word-break\"><a href=\"%3$s\">%3$s</a></p><p><br/>Kind regards,<br/><br/>%4$s</p>"
INVITATION_EMAIL_MESSAGE: "We welcome you to register an account to on site."
INVALID_INVITE_EMAILS: "<strong>Error:</strong> An invalid list of emails was provided"
INVALID_FORM: "<strong>Error:</strong> Invalid form"
FAILED_TO_SEND_EMAILS: "Failed to send emails to: %s"
HOST_WARNING: '<div style="background-color: #FFEDAD; color: #725F1C; border: 1px solid #FFD74E; padding: 10px; margin: 10px 0; border-radius: 5px;">NOTE: If you did not initiate this email or you don''t recognize the originating site: <strong>"%s"</strong> please ignore or delete this email.</div>'
SITE_HOST: "Site Host"
SITE_HOST_HELP: "For extra security, force this URL to be used in all password reset and activation emails. Leave empty to use the default site URL"